Postal for Node
documentation in progress for migration to TypeScript.
TS version works similar to the original nodeJS version below, just follow the types.
This library helps you send e-mails through the open source mail delivery platform, Postal in Node.
Install the library using NPM:
$ npm install @bettercorp/postal --save
Sending an email is very simple. Just follow the example below. Before you can begin, you'll need to login to your installation's web interface and generate new API credentials.
// Include the Postal library
import { SendMessage as PostalClient } from '@bettercorp/postal';
// Create a new Postal client using a server key generated using your
// installation's web interface
const client = new PostalClient('', 'your-api-key');
// Create a new message
let message ='');
// Add some recipients'');'');
// Specify who the message should be from - this must be from a verified domain
// on your mail server
// Set the subject
message.subject('Hi there!');
// Set the content for the e-mail
message.plainBody('Hello world!');
message.htmlBody('<p>Hello world!</p>');
// Add any custom headers
//message.header('X-PHP-Test', 'value');
// Attach any files
message.attach('textmessage.txt', 'text/plain', 'Hello world!');
// Send the message and get the result
await message.send()