NOTE: There are TWO versions of the database:
which does not allow searching for words by their glosses (e.g. searching for "eat" to find 食べる) or searching for words that contain particular a particular kanji.i.e.
will always return an empty result when using this database. -
which does allow searching for words on gloss or kanji.
Currently you need to decide once when you create the database which version you need. There is no facility to switch between the two.
The reason is that the indices for searching for glosses / kanji are expensive to create and take up disk space, and some applications (e.g. Rikaichamp) simply don't need them.
Furthermore, hopefully the project is structured such that if you only use
then after tree-shaking your final bundle should not include all
the tokenization / stop word code for generating and querying the gloss indices.
yarn build
Running tests
yarn test
Testing a specific browser:
yarn test --browsers FirefoxNightly
In test watch mode:
npx karma start --browsers FirefoxNightly
The version of karma-firefox-launcher
used here should work under WSL but for
Chrome you'll want to use something like:
CHROME_BIN=/mnt/c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe npx karma start --browsers Chrome
That will complain about not being able to write to the temp directory but otherwise should be fine.
yarn release
git push --follow-tags origin main
yarn publish