Test Containers
Providing opinionated containers that follows the testcontainers-node
Fluent API design.
- for a Postgres database docker container -
- for a Localstack cloud docker container -
- for a Redis docker container
Example with PostgresSqlContainer:
import { PostgreSqlContainer, StartedPostgreSqlContainer } from '@birthdayresearch/sticky-testcontainers';
let postgres: StartedPostgreSqlContainer;
beforeAll(async () => {
postgres = await new PostgreSqlContainer().start();
afterAll(async () => {
await postgres.stop();
With network:
import { PostgreSqlContainer, RedisContainer, Network } from '@birthdayresearch/sticky-testcontainers';
beforeAll(async () => {
const network = await new Network().start();
const postgres = await new PostgreSqlContainer().withNetwork(network).start();
const redis = await new RedisContainer().withNetwork(network).start();
afterAll(async () => {
await postgres.stop();
await redis.stop();
await network.stop();