A multi-platform SDK for accessing the Bitcapital Core services in JS and TS environments.
Install as a project dependency using Yarn, remember to specify the desired version.
yarn add "@bitcapital/core-sdk";
Or use NPM:
npm install "@bitcapital/core-sdk";
Install the dependencies and make sure everything is OK by running the automated tests.
yarn install
yarn test
Prepare the changes for publishing using the Typescript compiler
yarn run build
To start using this SDK you need both a Client ID and a Client Secret, emitted by the Bitcapital Core Team. If you don't have yours yet, contact them at https://bitcapital.com.br/developers.
Configure your Bitcapital SDK instance.
import Bitcapital, { Session, StorageUtil, MemoryStorage } from '@bitcapital/core-sdk';
let bitcapital: Bitcapital;
bitcapital = Bitcapital.getInstance();
// Initialize the session instance to authenticate
const sessionConfig = {
baseURL: 'https://your-instance.btcore.app',
clientId:'< YOUR CLIENT_ID HERE >',
clientSecret: '< YOUR CLIENT_SECRET HERE >',
instanceId: '< YOUR INSTANCE_ID HERE >',
const session = new Session({
http: sessionConfig,
oauth: sessionConfig,
storage: new StorageUtil('session', new MemoryStorage()),
sessionUnauthorizedHandler: async () => {
await bitcapital.session().clientCredentials();
bitcapital = Bitcapital.initialize({ session, ...sessionConfig });
try {
// Authenticate in the Bitcapital Platform
await bitcapital.session().clientCredentials();
const user = await bitcapital.session().password({
email: 'user@example.com',
password: '12345678',
const { current } = bitcapital.session();
console.log(`Successfully authenticated in the Bitcapital platform: ${user}`)
} catch (exception) {
Library modules:
- bitcapital.assets(): Handles asset creation, emition and destruction.
- bitcapital.consumers(): Creates, updates, validates and deactivates consumer accounts.
- bitcapital.domains(): Creates, updates and removes domains from the network.
- bitcapital.payments(): Send payments between wallets and access its history.
- bitcapital.users(): Manages user accounts in the network.
- bitcapital.wallets(): Creates, updates and deactivates wallets in the network.
Internal Modules:
- bitcapital.session(): Manages credentials in the SDK.
- bitcapital.oauth(): Manages authentication in the Bitcapital OAuth 2.0 provider.
Utility Modules:
- bitcapital.sign(): Handles requests signature. Automatically called in required API requests.
Full API specification is located at: https://sdk.btcore.app.
The SDK comes with a built-in set of Storage providers: Memory and Local. In NodeJS environments, only Memory is available.
To override the default storage for your platform, pass it in the Session constructor:
// Initialize a custom session with desired storage
const session = Session.initialize({
storage: new StorageUtil('session', new MemoryStorage()),
oauth: {
baseURL: data.baseURL,
clientId: data.clientId,
clientSecret: data.clientSecret,
http: {
baseURL: data.baseURL,
clientId: data.clientId,
clientSecret: data.clientSecret,
// Initialize bitcapital service with specified credentials
const bitcapital = Bitcapital.initialize({
// Pass your custom session instance
// Other initialization configs...
baseURL: data.baseURL,
clientId: data.clientId,
clientSecret: data.clientSecret,
Creating a custom Storage provider
To implement another Storage mechanism, extend the StorageUtilEngine
import { StorageUtilEngine } from "@bitcapital/core-sdk";
export default class MemoryStorage implements StorageUtilEngine {
protected data: any = {};
async setItem(key: string, value: string): Promise<any> {
this.data[key] = value;
return value;
async getItem(key: string): Promise<any> {
return this.data[key];
async removeItem(key: string): Promise<void> {
delete this.data[key];
async clear(): Promise<void> {
this.data = {};