TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.1.0 • Public • Published


A really small and type-safe (requires TypeScript >= 4.1.3) function, that gets a nested value from an object using a path string (like "a.b[0].d"). If value is undefined or unreachable returns the placeholder instead.

  • 📦 Distributions in ESM, CommonJS, UMD and UMD minified formats.

    • Supports both NodeJS used with ESM (import/export) and CommonJS (require/module.exports).
  • Lightweight:

    • Weighs less than 150 bytes (when minified and gzipped).
    • Tree-shakeable.
    • Side-effects free.
  • 🔋 Batteries included:

    • No dependencies.
    • Its not based on newer browser's APIs or es2015+ features.
  • 🏷 Safe:

    • JSDocs and type declarations for IDEs and editor's autocomplete/intellisense.
    • Made with TypeScript as strict as possible.
    • Unit tests with AVA (types was also tested).

It's approach is based on idx, from Facebook, and an insight from a Vue.js meetup where @IgorHalfeld showed a way to get nested values using eval.


This library is published in the NPM registry and can be installed using any compatible package manager.

npm install --save @bitty/get

# If you're using Yarn use the command below.
yarn add @bitty/get

Installation from CDN

This module has a UMD bundle available through JSDelivr and Unpkg CDNs.

<!-- For UNPKG use the code below. -->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@bitty/get"></script>

<!-- For JSDelivr use the code below. -->
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@bitty/get"></script>

  // UMD module is exposed through the "get" global function.
  //=> "[Function: get]"

  var users = [{ name: 'Carlos Marcos' }];

  console.log(get(users, '[0].name', 'Unknown'));
  //=> "Carlos Marcos"


Just import get function and gets a value from object using a path expression.

import get from '@bitty/get';

// ...

const name = get(response, 'data.user.name', 'Unknown');

You can use brackets, even on first property.

const title = get(paragraphs, '[0].children[0].textContent');


Released under MIT License.

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    • vitorluizc
    • bitty