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0.19.2 • Public • Published

Header Component

A responsive header component that includes a logo, call-to-action button, navigation links, icons, and language selector.


Use the package manager npm or yarn to install the component and its dependencies.

npm install @bolttech/frontend-foundations @bolttech/atoms-header


yarn add @bolttech/frontend-foundations @bolttech/atoms-header


The Header component accepts the following properties:

Prop Type Description
id string The id attribute of the header component.
dataTestId string The data-testid attribute for testing.
logo object Object containing the information of the logo.
cta object An object containing variant, label, and onClick properties for the CTA button.
links array An array of objects containing href, label, and selected properties for links.
icons array An array of objects containing href and icon properties for icons.
languages array An array of objects containing href and label properties for language selector links.


import React from 'react';
import { Header } from '@bolttech/atoms-header';
import { bolttechTheme, BolttechThemeProvider } from '@bolttech/frontend-foundations';

const ExampleComponent = () => {
  const ctaButton = {
    variant: 'primary',
    label: 'Get Started',
    onClick: () => console.log('Button Clicked'),

  const navLinks = [
    { href: '/home', label: 'Home', selected: true },
    { href: '/about', label: 'About', selected: false },
    { href: '/contact', label: 'Contact', selected: false },

  const socialIcons = [
    { href: 'https://twitter.com', icon: 'https://example.com/twitter.png' },
    { href: 'https://facebook.com', icon: 'https://example.com/facebook.png' },

  const languages = [
    { href: '/en', label: 'EN' },
    { href: '/fr', label: 'FR' },

  const logo = { image: 'https://example.com/logo.png', href: '/' };

  return (
    <BolttechThemeProvider theme={bolttechTheme}>
      <Header id="header" dataTestId="custom-header" logo={logo} cta={ctaButton} links={navLinks} icons={socialIcons} languages={languages} />

export default ExampleComponent;


Contributions are welcome! For any bug fixes, improvements, or new features, please open an issue or submit a pull request.

Please make sure to follow the code standards and test your changes before submitting.


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