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0.4.25 • Public • Published

Borealis Design System

yarn add @borealisgroup/design-system

In your Wrapper component you do

import { Header, CombinedThemeProvider } from '@borealisgroup/design-system';

export const App = () => {
  return (
      <Header />
      {/* Any child component here can use components from '@borealisgroup/design-system' */}

Our default font is Roboto, you have to include it yourself. One way to do this is by including the following link tag in your html head.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <link href='http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>

You can find our component documentation on Storybook

Updating this library

  1. Update one of our components or get the latest icons from Figma by running yarn build:icons
  2. Run yarn build:library
  3. Increase the version number in package.json (feel free to automate it)
  4. Run npm publish

Testing locally this library

  1. Git clone this library
  2. Navigate to the root of this folder
  3. Run yarn build:library
  4. Make sure to remove the (react) node_modules otherwise you will get "Invalid Hooks" error. This is because you have multiple versions of React
  5. In another React project you can install it by referencing the location of this folder on your local drive, for example yarn add ../design-system

Deploy locally

Firstly, be sure you are logged in AWS: make login. The command above comes from the optional dependency, if you don't have it run: make utils then make login.

Secondly, be sure you have all the required Helm repos. Run helm repo list. The result should be the following:

NAME                 	URL
bitnami              	https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami
k8s-at-home          	https://k8s-at-home.com/charts/

If is not, just add the missing one: heml repo add NAME URL

Finally, in order to deploy the app locally run the following steps:

  1. kubectl config use-context docker-desktop (prepare to build your project’s local docker images)
  2. make build (build the images)
  3. kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/master/deploy/static/provider/cloud/deploy.yaml (deploy the local gateway)
  4. make deploy

You app will be available in: http://storybook.




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