
  • ESLint config for JS linting.

    published version 1.13.7, 4 years ago
  • Stylelint config for CSS linting.

    published version 1.13.6, 5 years ago
  • The purpose of this package is an attempt to make the implementation of localization as easy as possible. It exports a config that connects [react-i18next]( with [locize]( The big benefit is

    published version 1.13.6, 5 years ago
  • This package is related to [i18n-dev](, it does the same except that it will use local localization files and it is not auto uploading missing keys. It also has a smaller bundle size

    published version 1.13.6, 5 years ago
  • [Description]

    published version 1.0.4, 6 years ago
  • ESLint config for TS linting.

    published version 1.13.7, 4 years ago
  • Generic and templated proxy configurations for creating REST API's

    published version 1.0.14, 4 years ago
  • ``` yarn add @borealisgroup/design-system ```

    published version 0.4.25, 3 years ago
  • Get the Borealis Material UI theme that can directly be used in your createMuiTheme function

    published version 0.8.139, 3 years ago