TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

2.1.6 • Public • Published

KYC Common Types

This package contains all types used by multiple applications

To publish the package to NPM you need to be part to the @bpmromandie organization (ask TACMAMA1 to add your NPM user to the organization)

  1. modify version in package.json 2.a) If publishing to npmjs.org... In a bash terminal... npm config set @bpmromandie:registry https://registry.npmjs.org/ to set the correct registry for the scope @bpmromandie 2.b) If publishing to internal Artifactory check file README2.md
  2. In a bash terminal... npm run build to verify it builds correctly (check in the dist folder if you find all the types you were expecting to find) 3.a) If publishing to npmjs.org... In a bash terminal... npm publish --access public 3.b) If publishing to internal Artifactory check file README2.md

Remember to go to the client applications using this library to do a npm i @bpmromandie/kyc_common_types@latest


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