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@brainstack/react is a powerful library designed to simplify state management in React applications and enhance real-time collaboration features. This library provides React components and hooks that seamlessly interact with BrainStack, making it easier to manage and share state across components.


To integrate @brainstack/react into your project, you can install it using npm or yarn:

npm install @brainstack/react


yarn add @brainstack/react


@brainstack/react offers a straightforward integration process with BrainStack, involving the following steps:

  1. Create BrainStack Instances: Utilize the createBrainstack function to establish a BrainStack instance tailored to your needs. This function provides the BrainStackProvider component and the useBrainStack() hook for your application.

  2. Wrap with BrainStackProvider: Wrap your application or relevant components with the BrainStackProvider. This step is essential to provide the necessary context for the useBrainStack() hook.

  3. Consume the Context: Inside any component that resides under the BrainStackProvider, you can use the useBrainStack() hook to access the BrainStack context and interact with its features.

Let's explore how these functions work in a simple example:

import React from 'react';
import { createBrainstack } from '@brainstack/react';

// Create a BrainStack instance with customized options
const options = {
  eventHubOptions: [],  // Custom event hub options
  stateOptions: { count: 1 },  // Custom state initialization options
  loggerOptions: [5],  // Custom logger options to get verbose logs
  authIntegration: {
    // ... authentication integration settings ...

const { BrainStackProvider, useBrainStack } = createBrainstack(options);

const App = () => {
  return (
      <BrainStackApp />

const BrainStackApp = () => {
  const { store, log, useOn, createEventHandlerMutator, getValue } = useBrainStack();

  // Register a handler for the "INCREMENT" event
  useOn('INCREMENT', () => {
    log.info('INCREMENT event received!');
    store.mutate((s) => ({ count: s.count + 1 }));

  log.error(`Hello ${getValue('user.name')}`);
  return (
      <h1>BrainStack App</h1>
      <p>Current state: {getValue('count')}</p>
      <input type="text" onChange={createEventHandlerMutator('user.name')} />
      <button onClick={() => store.emit('INCREMENT')}>Increment</button>

export default App;


@brainstack/react provides the following functions:

  • createBrainstack(options): Create a BrainStack instance with customizable options. This function returns the BrainStackProvider and the useBrainStack() hook.
  • BrainStackProvider: Wrap components to provide the context for useBrainStack().
  • useBrainStack(): Consume the BrainStackContext and access its properties.

BrainStackContext Object

The BrainStackContext object, provided by the appropriate BrainStackProvider, contains the following properties:

  • useOn(event: string, handler: Function, deps: any[]): Register a handler to be called when an event is emitted by the BrainStack client.
  • store: Hub and state.
  • log: The logger of the BrainStack client.
  • createEventHandlerMutator(fieldPath: string): Create a function to mutate deeply nested fields in the state.
  • getValue(fieldPath: string): Retrieve a value from a deeply nested state object.

Additional Functions

getValue(fieldPath: string): any

getValue is a function that retrieves a value from the deeply nested state object using a dot-separated path to the desired field. This can be useful for accessing specific properties in the state.

const username = getValue('user.name');

createEventHandlerMutator(fieldPath: string): React.ChangeEventHandler<HTMLInputElement>

createEventHandlerMutator is a function that creates an event handler for input elements, allowing you to easily mutate deeply nested fields in the state object. It takes a dot-separated fieldPath as a parameter and returns a function that mutates the specified field when called.

const nameMutator = createEventHandlerMutator('user.name');
// In a component:
<input type="text" onChange={nameMutator} />

createEventHandlerMutatorShallow(fieldPath: string)

createEventHandlerMutatorShallow is a function that constructs an event handler to mutate fields in the state object. The onChange event must pass new value directly as argument. The function accepts a dot-separated fieldPath and returns a mutator function that sets the state for the specified field when invoked.

const nameMutator = createEventHandlerMutatorShallow('user.name');
// In a component:
<Component type="text" onChange={nameMutator} />

createDeepFieldMutator<T>(fieldPath: string): DeepFieldMutator<T>

createDeepFieldMutator is a function that generates a deep field mutator for a specific field in the

state object. It is useful for directly mutating deeply nested fields within the state.

const fieldMutator = createDeepFieldMutator<MyState>('user.name');
const newState = fieldMutator('John')(prevState);

You can use these functions to easily access and modify deeply nested fields in your application's state.

Use Cases

@brainstack/react is designed to address various use cases, including but not limited to:

  • Real-time Collaborative Applications: Facilitate real-time collaboration among users working on shared documents or projects.

  • Multiplayer Games: Enable real-time synchronization of game state for multiplayer gaming experiences.

  • Chat Applications: Support real-time chat messaging between users in a chat application.


Contributions are welcome! If you would like to contribute to this module, please follow these guidelines:

  • Fork the repository.
  • Create a new branch for your changes.
  • Make your changes and commit them with descriptive commit messages.
  • Push your changes to your fork.
  • Submit a pull request.


This module is released under the MIT License.


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