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1.0.3 • Public • Published

BSV Mnemonic

Mnemonic phrases for bsv-wasm

BSV Mnemonic is a Typescript extension of bsv-wasm that allows you to create Mnemonics from:

  • 12/15/18/21/24/any multiple of 3 words >=12
  • 13/25 words (12/24 + 1 word as a passphrase)
  • 128/256/any multiple of 32 bit raw entropy >=128 (Uint8Array/Hex/Binary)

And export them to:

  • Mnemonic phrase
  • Hex entropy
  • Uint8Array
  • Binary
  • Bip39Seed (Uint8Array object with key and salt for PBKDF derivation)

Why not just package this into BSV WASM?

Some people speak languages other than English, present company included. There's a whole bunch of languages out there that are officially supported by BIP39, and packaging all of them into a single WASM bundle with their own library of 2048 mnemonic words would bloat the package out by ~200kb as opposed to only ~20kb per language you care about. As such, we thought we'd save you a few gigamegs by allowing you to decide which locale(s) you'd like to import.


BSV Mnemonic requires the peer dependency of bsv-wasm ^1.0.0. To add both packages to your project, run the following:

npm install bsv-wasm @bsvwasm/mnemonic


Seed Phrase

The simplest way to create a Mnemonic is to simply import the language(s) you want to use and instantiate a new Mnemonic object via the class constructor method:

import { MnemonicEN } from '@bsvwasm/mnemonic'

const mnemonic = new MnemonicEN('boy similar alien season glow journey tumble coach announce thrive legend bag')


// Outputs: 1ab91c1961163cf0fa9165095c25fe08

The seed phrase may be any multiple of 3 words with a minimum length of 12 words. Seeds with 13 or 25 words will treat the 13th or 25th word respectively as a passphrase. For any other seed length that you wish to use with a passphrase, you may explicitly set one via the Mnemonic.passphrase() method.

From Hex String

A new Mnemonic can be instantiated by any >=128 bit source of entry that is a multiple of 32 bits. To instantiate from a hex string, use the Mnemonic.fromHex() static method:

import { MnemonicJA } from '@bsvwasm/mnemonic'

const mnemonic = MnemonicJA.fromHex('1ab91c1961163cf0fa9165095c25fe08')


// Outputs: えいせい はんめい あんこ はさん しちりん ぜんあく むらさき かまう いじょう まつり そつえん いわば

From Uint8Array

To instantiate a new Mnemonic from a Uint8Array with the same constraints as a hex stringe above, use the Mnemonic.fromBytes() static method:

import { MnemonicKO } from '@bsvwasm/mnemonic'

const mnemonic = new MnemonicKO('귀국 증거 같이 조용히 상품 시댁 풍경 단점 게임 태풍 실정 공연')


// Outputs: Uint8Array(16) [ 26, 185, 28, 25, 97, 22, 60, 240, 250, 145, 101, 9, 92, 37, 254, 8]

From Binary

You can also instantiate a new Mnemonic from a binary string. Unlike the hex string and Uint8Array methods above, the binary string may be any multiple of 32 or 33 bits that is >=128 bits, as it can either include or exclude the entropy checksum. When calling the opposing Menmonic.toBinary() function, the output will always be a checksummed multiple of 33 bits.

Passphrases (Optional)

Seeds with 13 or 25 words will treat the 13th or 25th word respectively as a passphrase. For any other seed length that you wish to use with a passphrase, or any Mnemonic instantiated by hex, Uint8Array or binary string methods, you may explicitly set a passphrase using the Mnemonic.passphrase() method:

import { MnemonicZH_HK } from '@bsvwasm/mnemonic'

const mnemonic = new MnemonicZH_HK('基 掘 面 胸 唱 紹 漲 今 裡 曹 潤 心')


    key: Uint8Array(47) [229, 159, 186, 32, 230, 142, 152, 32, 233, 157, 162, 32, 232, 131, 184, 32, 229, 148, 177, 32, 231, 180, 185,32, 230, 188, 178, 32, 228, 187, 138, 32, 232, 163, 161, 32, 230, 155, 185, 32, 230, 189, 164, 32, 229, 191, 131],
    salt: Uint8Array(23) [109, 110, 101, 109, 111, 110, 105, 99, 229, 174, 182, 233, 187, 131, 232, 144, 172, 228, 186, 139, 232, 136, 136] 

Language support

BSV Mnemonic currently supports the following languages:

  • 🇦🇺 English
  • 🇯🇵 日本語
  • 🇲🇽 Español
  • 🇨🇳 中文(简体)
  • 🇭🇰 中文(繁體)
  • 🇨🇦 Français
  • 🇮🇹 Italiano
  • 🇰🇷 한국어
  • 🇨🇿 Čeština
  • 🇵🇹 Português


Want to contribute? Submit a pull request.


  • Integration tests
  • Randomised tests
  • Password tests
  • Larger entropy tests

Thanks to

u/6511 / @firaenix

u/1 / @hcbeckerich

Dependents (1)

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  • deanmlittle
  • firaenix
  • hbeckeri