TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

2.2.3 • Public • Published


This package helps you create your own code generator plugin using the Protobuf-ES plugin framework.

Protobuf-ES is a complete implementation of Protocol Buffers in TypeScript, suitable for web browsers and Node.js.

In addition to a full Protobuf runtime library, it provides the protoc-gen-es code generator, which uses a plugin framework to generate base types from your Protobuf schema. It is fully compatible with both buf and protoc compilers.

And now, you can write your own Protobuf-ES compatible plugins using this same plugin framework with the @bufbuild/protoplugin package.

With @bufbuild/protoplugin, you can generate your own TypeScript code tailored to your project or needs. You also have various options for producing JavaScript and TypeScript declaration files:

  • Exercise full control by writing your own JavaScript and declaration file generators in addition to TypeScript.

  • Generate TypeScript files only and let the framework generate JavaScript and declaration files automatically using our internal TypeScript compiler.

  • Generate TypeScript files only and bring your own TypeScript compiler, using it to generate JavaScript and declaration files with your own version of TypeScript and your own compiler options.

With @bufbuild/protoplugin, you have all the tools at your disposal to produce ECMAScript-compliant code.


Get started now with our plugin documentation.

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