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JamsEdu is a feature-rich yet user-friendly static site generator designed specifically for open-source content. Originally developed to facilitate rapid creation and deployment of university courses, JamsEdu offers an ideal solution for non-technical users to swiftly build static websites with a focus on STEM content.

Key Features:

JamsEdu prioritizes simplicity while providing a robust set of features. It's perfect for users who need a quick static site with the following capabilities:

  • 🔍 Automatically generated site search
  • 🗺️ Automatically generated sitemaps
  • 🪝 Customizable build hooks
  • 🧩 Custom elements with Element Behaviors
  • 🌐 Easy internationalization (I18n) through variable usage
  • 🏷️ Efficient short tags
  • 🎨 Flexible templates, variables, and template chaining
  • 🖌️ Comprehensive theme support

What JamsEdu Doesn't Offer

To maintain its simplicity and focus, JamsEdu intentionally excludes some advanced static site generator features:

  • ❌ Automated internationalization (I18n)
  • ❌ Automatic or dynamic pagination
  • ❌ Built for you custom tags or components
  • ❌ Collections or tags
  • ❌ Front Matter
  • ❌ Shortcodes

Choose the Right Tool

If your project requires more advanced features or you're planning to build a blog or CMS-like static site, consider these alternatives:

  • For advanced features and blogs: Eleventy or Astro
  • If you need enhanced interactivity and reusable components: Svelte

For anything more complex, or if you need a comprehensive content management system (CMS), you might want to look beyond static site generators and use a traditional CMS platform like WordPress.

[!NOTE] The exclusion of frameworks like React, Next.js, or Vue.js is intentional. JamsEdu focus is on prebuilt static sites. If your needs extend beyond that scope, this might not be the right tool for your project.

Basic Usage

The rest of this page is a developers quick start guide to using JamsEdu. If you want the full documentation or consider yourself a non-technical user visit the website instead.


You should have node v20+ installed on your machine along with a node package manager, usually npm or pnpm. The preferred method of using JamsEdu is to install it globally on your machine:

# Install with PNPM
pnpm install -g @caboodle-tech/jamsedu

# OR install with NPM
npm install -g @caboodle-tech/jamsedu

You should now be able to use the JamsEdu command line tool. To review the cli manual and see all the options available to you, run:

jamsedu --help

To start your first project navigate in your terminal to the location where you would like to create a project and run:

jamsedu --init

Change directories into the project you just created and you're ready to start developing. Run the following command to start a local server and start watching your project for changes:

jamsedu --watch

# OR to see more details that could aid in development

jamsedu --watch --verbose

At this point you're ready to explore more advanced features of JamsEdu:

JamsEdu Configuration File

The JamsEdu configuration file is required for every JamsEdu project. The jamsedu.config.js file should be placed at the root of your project. All paths referenced in the configuration should be relative to this root location. You do not need to include preceding path parts like ./ or ../. The following is a bare minimum configuration file:

export default {
    destDir: 'www',
    srcDir: 'src',
    layoutDir: 'src/templates'
Option Explanation
destDir Where the files for the compiled (built) site will be placed.
srcDir Where the sites source files are stored.
layoutDir Where the layout files and variables for your site are; this should be within the srcDir somewhere!

[!NOTE] JamsEdu will automatically create a sitemap only if the websiteUrl option is set in your configuration.

Configuration Options

compilers (object)

JamsEdu provides default compilers for js, sass, and ts files. To use these compilers, tag your files with the appropriate JamsEdu compiler directive (header comment). You can override built-in compilers or add custom ones for additional languages by including the compilers object in your configuration:

export default {
    compilers: {
        js: (src, dest, options) => {...}
    destDir: 'www',
    srcDir: 'src',
    layoutDir: 'src/templates'

The key should be the file extension you wish to compile, and the value should be a callback function (typically an imported module). For implementation details, refer to JamsEdu's built-in compilers.

[!NOTE] The built-in js and ts compilers are configured to allow importing of json files. If your code relies on json data simply import it like any other ES module.

doNotCopy (array)

By default, JamsEdu prevents js, json, md, sass, scss, and ts files from being copied to the built site, except for files compiled by registered compilers. To modify these restrictions, add the doNotCopy array to your configuration:

export default {
    doNotCopy: ['js', 'sass', 'scss', 'ts', 'private.json', ...],
    destDir: 'www',
    srcDir: 'src',
    layoutDir: 'src/templates'

[!WARNING] Setting this option overwrites JamsEdu's default settings. You must include all file extensions you want to prevent from being output. Ensure you don't accidentally expose sensitive files! Consider using the keep compiler directive for exceptions instead.

When adding file extensions to doNotCopy, omit the leading dot. For complex file extensions (e.g., some-important-file.private.json), add the entire extension without the dot: 'private.json'.

hooks (object)

Hooks allow you to register custom processing functions into JamsEdu's template process. After the primary template process has completed, the file then passes through all registered hooks before output. Register hooks by adding the hooks object to your configuration:

export default {
    hooks: {
        your_custom_hook: (html, som) => {...}
    destDir: 'www',
    srcDir: 'src',
    layoutDir: 'src/templates'

The key should be a unique identifier for your hook, and the value should be a callback function (typically an imported module). Hooks must return either the original html or a modified version. For implementation details, refer to JamsEdu's built-in hooks.

[!TIP] Be careful when naming hooks. Existing hooks can be overwritten by registering a new hook with the same name. This feature allows you to overwrite JamsEdu's built-in hooks if desired.

verbose (boolean)

JamsEdu provides minimal output by default. To increase verbosity, you can:

  1. Use the --verbose command-line flag for occasional detailed output.
  2. Set the verbose flag permanently in the configuration:
export default {
    verbose: true,
    destDir: 'www',
    srcDir: 'src',
    layoutDir: 'src/templates'

websiteUrl (string)

JamsEdu will automatically create a sitemap for your site if the websiteUrl option is present in your configuration. The website url should contain the protocol and domain name:

export default {
    destDir: 'www',
    srcDir: 'src',
    layoutDir: 'src/templates',
    websiteUrl: 'https://example.com'

JamsEdu Compiler Directive

Every file you wish to compile with JamsEdu must start with a JamsEdu compiler directive (header comment). This can be either a single-line comment (e.g., //) or a multi-line comment (e.g., /** */). Here's an example of a compiler directive for a JavaScript or TypeScript file:

// @jamsedu --dest=relative/path/to/dest/filename.js --format=iife --uncompressed

During the build process, this comment is parsed to create a compiler options object:

    cwd: [The current working dir]
    executing: [The executing file path],
    execPath: [The executable path],
    dest: `${config.destDir}relative/path/to/dest/filename.js`,
    format: 'iife',
    uncompressed: true // This option is typically not set

This options object is then passed to the respective compiler for the file type. The compiler is responsible for successfully compiling the provided file or gracefully failing if any required options are missing. The compiler directive must be placed within the first 5 lines of a file!

[!TIP] Ensure you provide the correct options needed to properly compile your specific file type. JamsEdu is designed to fail gracefully, meaning default options may be used to complete the compilation process, or files may be skipped entirely if necessary.

Compiler Directive Options

JamsEdu supports the following built-in options for the compiler directive. You can add additional options as needed, which is common when using your own custom compiler.

--dest=[relative path]

Always include the destination option to specify where to place the compiled file relative to the configured destDir. If your path includes spaces, wrap it in single or double quotes.


For JamsEdu's built-in compilers, this option indicates how to format the compiled file:

  • For js and ts files: Use a valid Rollup output format. Default is iife.
  • For sass files: This option is ignored.


Add this to keep a file as-is. If --dest is missing, the destination is inferred from the file's source path.

This option bypasses any configured doNotCopy settings, even for files that would normally be excluded from the output site.


For JamsEdu's built-in compilers, this option indicates that the output should not be compressed or minified.

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