
2.0.2 • Public • Published

Content components >> Link grid >> Readme || 10

The card grid depends on individual cards and lays them out in a grid


Property Value
Machine name ds-button-grid
JavaScript false
SCSS ./src/index.scss

Project installation

The instructions assume familiarity with npm package management tool and Sass.

  1. Include SCSS in your compiler.

  2. Add the Sample markup from the component to your HTML.

  3. Modify the Sample markup with your URLs and card text as needed.

Sample markup

<div class="cagov-grid">
  <a href="linkurl" class="no-deco cagov-card">
    <h3>card title here</h3>
    <svg aria-hidden="true" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" enable-background="new 0 0 24 24" height="24px" viewBox="0 0 24 24"
        <path d="M0,0h24v24H0V0z" fill="none" />
        <polygon points="6.23,20.23 8,22 18,12 8,2 6.23,3.77 14.46,12" />
  <!-- ... design expects 3 cards usually -->


Running the lighthouse audits against this HTML & CSS should produce no issues

Contributor/Developer documentation

From the command line at the root of this project you can run:

npm run start

Which will start the web-dev server and will launch a new page linking to the components, click on hero to get the page created by preview.html

CSS variables

There are some colors that should be defined by the containing page.

  • The header text color, bottom border color and fill of the svg use a default value but if the css variable is defined

Expected definition is:

:root {
  --primary-color: #33705B;
  --gray-100: #f9f9fa;
  --gray-200: #ededef;

Dependencies (0)

    Dev Dependencies (3)

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    npm i @cagov/ds-button-grid

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    • jon-grant
    • jbum
    • zakiyak
    • xjensen
    • chacha-california
    • kkoryaka