AnimeFLV Scrapper 📺
Dependecy-Lowest AnimeFLV scrapper for nodejs, just using node-html-parser
for faster DOM parsing.
Now in npm 🥳
Install this module with
# npm
npm i @carlosnunezmx/animeflv
pnpm add @carlosnunezmx/animeflv
This is our RoadMap ⏲️
- [x] Search
- [x] Get Anime Info
- [x] Get Episodes
- [x] Get Episode Sources (Beta support)
- [x] Support for all anime catalog (Beta support)
Just import from the module and instance it, then run exec method
import {Search} from "@carlosnunezmx/animeflv";
Search({text: "yumemiru danshi"})
Id: 'yumemiru-danshi-wa-genjitsushugisha',
Image: 'https://www3.animeflv.net',
Type: 'Anime',
Title: 'Yumemiru Danshi wa GenjitsushugishaYumemiru Danshi wa Genjitsushugisha',
Review: 0,
Description: '...'
Note For use this module is needed set "type": "module"
-> on your package.json
Made with ❤️ from 🇲🇽 by CarlosNunexMX / Discord @karurosu