OpenAPI AWS API Gateway Extensions
A library and CLI that add API Gateway extensions to OpenAPI specification files
This project is work in progress and isn't production ready, it doesn't support all API Gateway extensions for OpenAPI and lacks customization features. Use at your discretion.
To install the CLI tool:
$ npm install --global @carlsberg/openapi-aws-extensions-cli
$ openapi-aws-extensions-cli --version
To install the library to use on your project:
$ npm install --save @carlsberggbs/openapi-aws-extensions
$ openapi-aws-extensions-cli --help
Usage: openapi-aws-extensions-cli -w [num] -h [num]
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--inputFile The OpenAPI specification file to add extensions to
[string] [required]
--outputFile The file to output the resulting OpenAPI specification
--outputFormat The output format (either JSON or YAML), if different
from input [string] [default: "yaml"]
--lambdaFunctionName The AWS Lambda Function name to use on the extension's
URI [string] [required]
--cors Enable CORS [boolean] [default: false]
Name | Description | Default |
inputFile |
The path to the OpenAPI specification file to which to add AWS extensions | null |
outputFile |
The path to where to output the extended OpenAPI specification. If none is specified, the result is outputted to stdout | null |
outputFormat |
The format of the outputted OpenAPI specification |
yaml or inputFile format |
lambdaFunctionName |
An AWS Lambda Function name to use in the x-amazon-apigateway-integration extension |
null |
cors |
Adds default CORS headers to any OPTIONS methods to enable CORS |
false |