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1.3.12 • Public • Published


Extensible route-based routing for React applications.

This is a fork of the original found package with some changes:

  • In package.json, moved redux and react-redux from dependencies to peerDependencies. This fixed a version conflict bug in cases when found and the application itself used different versions of those two packages.
  • farce dependency was replaced with @catamphetamine/farce fork.
  • Added a workaround (part 1, part 2) for a bug when found router ignores any navigation actions that have been dispatched before its componentDidMount() was called. Now it exports a client-side-only onRouterReady() function that could be used to execute code only after the router is ready to process navigation actions.

Travis npm

Found is a router for React applications with a focus on power and extensibility. Found uses static route configurations. This enables efficient code splitting and data fetching with nested routes. Found also offers extensive control over indicating those loading states, even for routes with code bundles that have not yet been downloaded.

Found is designed to be extremely customizable. Most pieces of Found such as the path matching algorithm and the route element resolution can be fully replaced. This allows extensions such as Found Relay to provide first-class support for different use cases.

Found uses Redux for state management and Farce for controlling browser navigation. It can integrate with your existing store and connected components.

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  • catamphetamine