TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.25.0 • Public • Published

A modern Couchbase SDK for Node.js & TypeScript.

Documentation | Getting Started | Why Cbjs?

Getting started

To get started with your new Couchbase Node.js SDK, uninstall the official library and install Cbjs :

npm uninstall couchbase
npm install @cbjsdev/cbjs


Built on top of the official library, Cbjs is a drop-in replacement for the couchbase package.
The package that is specific to your platform is downloaded during the install process.
Cbjs is also full ESM native.

Cbjs is your new Couchbase SDK for Node.js with TypeScript.

Exclusive Features

Cbjs has been created to deliver a better DX.
By making extensive usage of TypeScript, Cbjs is able to add some exclusive features.

Inferred return type for KV operation

Because Cbjs knows your documents, the return type of KV operations is inferred from the parameters.

code sample show casing the inferred return type

Read more about couchbase document path autocomplete.

Chainable sub-document operations

Adopt a more elegant syntax by chaining sub-document operations.

const result = await collection.lookupIn('book::001')

Read more about chainable lookupIn.

Path autocomplete for sub-document operation

Because Cbjs knows your documents, autocompletion is offered when writing a document path.

code sample show casing the path autocompletion

Improved types

Great efforts have been made to improve function signatures and types in general. Here is an example that uses discriminated unions to offer a natural type guard :

const { content: [title] } = await collection.lookupIn(bookId).get('title');
//                  ^? LookupInResultEntry<string, null> | LookupInResultEntry<undefined, Error>

if (title.error) {
  throw new Error('Failed to retrieve the title.');

// Because of the discriminated union, the previous condition acts as a type guard.
// title: LookupInResultEntry<string, null>

The same goes for callbacks and many more ! Read more.

Useful Stack Trace

Without cbjs :


With cbjs :

DocumentNotFoundError: document not found
    at errorFromCpp (/yourProject/node_modules/@cbjsdev/cbjs/src/bindingutilities.ts:787:14)
    at Collection.remove (/yourProject/node_modules/@cbjsdev/cbjs/src/collection.ts:1417:19)
    at remove (/yourProject/something.ts:31:3)

Support for cloud lambdas

Unlike the official library, Cbjs doesn't use the filesystem, which is sometimes unavailable on cloud lambas like Cloudflare Workers.


All the packages are released under the Apache 2.0 license.


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