
4.4.0 • Public • Published

@chotot/husky - Git Hooks for Chotot Web Projects

Forked from the renowned tool Husky to skip another dotfile being added to the project's repo.

Husky can prevent bad git commit, git push and more 🐶 woof!


pnpm users:

  • Husky's postinstall setup script will not always run automatically due to pnpm super fast cached installation. It is recommended to include a prepare: "husky install" in your repo's root package.json scripts.
  • This fork was patched to be compatible with pnpm >= v6.

npm users:

  • npm v7 users: if hooks aren't being installed with npm v7, check that your version is at least v7.1.2.


This will install @chotot/husky.

# npm
npm install @chotot/husky --save-dev

# pnpm
pnpm add --save-dev @chotot/husky
// package.json
  "husky": {
    "hooks": {
      "pre-commit": "npm test",
      "pre-push": "npm test",
      "...": "..."
git commit -m 'Keep calm and commit'

Existing hooks are kept. Requires Node >= 10 and Git >= 2.13.0.


If Husky is already in your node_modules and you want to reinstall hooks, you can run npx husky install or pnpm exec husky install.


npm uninstall @chotot/husky

Git hooks installed by husky will be removed.


Supported hooks

Husky supports all Git hooks defined here. Server-side hooks (pre-receive, update and post-receive) aren't supported.

Access Git params and stdin

Git hooks can get parameters via command-line arguments and stdin. Husky makes them accessible via HUSKY_GIT_PARAMS and HUSKY_GIT_STDIN environment variables.

"commit-msg": "echo $HUSKY_GIT_PARAMS"

Skip all hooks (rebase)

During a rebase you may want to skip all hooks, you can use HUSKY_SKIP_HOOKS environment variable.

HUSKY_SKIP_HOOKS=1 git rebase ...

Disable auto-install

If you don't want husky to automatically install Git hooks, simply set HUSKY_SKIP_INSTALL environment variable.

HUSKY_SKIP_INSTALL=1 npm install

CI servers

By default, Husky won't install on CI servers.


If you have a multi-package repository, it's recommended to use tools like lerna and have husky installed ONLY in the root package.json to act as the source of truth.

Generally speaking, you should AVOID defining husky in multiple package.json, as each package would overwrite previous husky installation.

└── root
    ├── .git
    ├── package.json 🐶 # Add husky here
    └── packages
        ├── A
        │   └── package.json
        ├── B
        │   └── package.json
        └── C
            └── package.json
// root/package.json
  "private": true,
  "devDependencies": {
    "husky": "..."
  "husky": {
    "hooks": {
      "pre-commit": "lerna run test"

Node version managers

If you're on Windows, husky will simply use the version installed globally on your system.

For macOS and Linux users:

  • if you're running git commands in the terminal, husky will use the version defined in your shell PATH. In other words, if you're a nvm user, husky will use the version that you've set with nvm.
  • if you're using a GUI client and nvm, it may have a different PATH and not load nvm, in this case the highest node version installed by nvm will usually be picked. You can also check ~/.node_path to see which version is used by GUIs and edit if you want to use something else.

Local commands (~/.huskyrc)

Husky will source ~/.huskyrc file if it exists before running hook scripts. You can use it, for example, to load a node version manager or run some shell commands before hooks.

# ~/.huskyrc
export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh"

Multiple commands

By design and just like scripts defined in package.json, husky will run hook scripts as a single command.

"pre-commit": "cmd && cmd"

That said, if you prefer to use an array, the recommended approach is to define them in .huskyrc.js or husky.config.js.

const tasks = (arr) => arr.join(' && ')

module.exports = {
  hooks: {
    'pre-commit': tasks(['cmd', 'cmd']),

Tools like npm-run-all can help too.


Debug messages

HUSKY_DEBUG=1 can provide additional information when running commands.

HUSKY_DEBUG=1 npm install @chotot/husky --save-dev
HUSKY_DEBUG=1 git commit ...

Hooks aren't running

Check if hooks were installed. Verify that .git/hooks/pre-commit exists and have husky code. It should start with:

# husky...

If not, you may have another Git hooks manager defined in your package.json overwriting husky's hooks. Check also the output during install, you should see:

husky > Setting up git hooks
husky > Done

Hooks aren't running with git 2.9+

Check if there's core.hooksPath config defined in your repo .git/config file. In that case, either:

  • If the hooksPath config was added accidentally, (likely via npx husky-init), remove that line in .git/config file.
  • If hooksPath was added by another tool that you are aware of, then it's better to install and use the official Husky package

Commits aren't blocked

For a commit to be blocked, pre-commit script must exit with a non-zero exit code. If you commit isn't blocked, check your script exit code.

Commits are slow

Husky is fast and only adds a few tenth of seconds to commits (~0.3s on a low-end PC). So it's most probably related to how many things are done during pre-commit. You can often improve this by using cache on your tools (babel, eslint, ...) and using lint-staged.

Testing husky in a new repo

To isolate your issue, you can also create a new repo:

mkdir foo && cd foo
git init && npm init -y
npm install @chotot/husky --save-dev

# Add a failing pre-commit hook to your package.json:
# "pre-commit": "echo \"this should fail\" && exit 1"

# Make a commit

ENOENT error 'node_modules/husky/.git/hooks'

Verify that your version of Git is >=2.13.0.

See also



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