Utility to get paged results from The Graph endpoints
Node & Webpack Usage
const graphResultsPager = require('graph-results-pager'); // common js
// or
import graphResultsPager from 'graph-results-pager';
api: '',
// Note: a single subgraph fetch can return 1000 results, any larger numbers will trigger multiple fetches
max: 12, // leave empty for all results
timeout: 5e3, // 5s timeout for an individual page request
query: {
entity: '...',
selection: {
orderBy: '...',
orderDirection: 'desc',
where: {
// Note: the below filters are combined - like the AND operater in an SQL WHERE clause
someStringField: `\\"${someValue}\\"`, // use double quotes for strings / bytes / addresses
someNumber: 321, // numbers don't require escaping
// ...
willBeIgnored: undefined, // useful if you want to use the ternary operator for inline checks
properties: [
'id',, // the list of the entity's fields you want returned
For an example in node, try running node example.js
(see source)
Direct browser usage
<script src="//"></script>