grpc web testing toolbox
Utility functions to help you stub and assert on grpc calls.
For example, if you use @improbable-eng/grpc-web to have grpc calls made directly from your browser and you want to cover this in your e2e tests, this toolbox will be helpful.
yarn add --dev @cloudnc/grpc-web-testing-toolbox
This repository contains 2 folders that you can import from:
: ➡️import {} from '@cloudnc/grpc-web-testing-toolbox/base'
: ➡️import {} from '@cloudnc/grpc-web-testing-toolbox/playwright'
The base folder is framework agnostic and contains only 1 function: grpcResponseToBuffer
The signature of the function is the following:
export function grpcResponseToBuffer(
response: GrpcSuccessResponse | GrpcErrorResponse
): Buffer;
As the name and signature suggest, it's a small helper to convert a grpc response to a buffer.
Playwright is an e2e testing framework. It's open source and available on Github.
On top of the base
we've built a dedicated Playwright helper that'll let you easily mock a grpc call but also assert on the params passed during the request and assert on the response.
Feel free to have a look at the code in that repo as it's quite short here: src/playwright/index.ts
but basically we call page.route
for you and use the function grpcResponseToBuffer
defined into @cloudnc/grpc-web-testing-toolbox/base
to correctly wrap the message.
Here's a complete example with Playwright:
import { expect, test } from '@playwright/test';
test.describe('Some test wrapper', () => {
test('Make sure a grpc call is made and is successful', async ({ page }) => {
// start by building a mock for the unary call that will be done
// for example as soon as a given page is loaded
const mock = await mockGrpcUnary(page, YourUnaryCall, {
message: YourUnaryCallResponse.encode({
// all the content of the response goes here as a classic JS object
// this is the mock data that will be passed in the response
const [, mockRequest] = await Promise.all([
// go to the page that will trigger the grpc call
// but really this could be anything else like a
// click on button triggering the grpc call instead
// make sure that the grpc call is made, if not this will fail
// at this stage we know the grpc call was made and on top
// of that we can assert that the request had a given body
).toBe('what you expect');
// from there, you can make assertions directly in the DOM to make sure that
// whatever was passed in the body of the grpc call is now correctly displayed
// in your app where it should be, using regular Playwright API