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0.7.7 • Public • Published

Communities ID SDK


npm i @communitiesid/id



import CommunitiesID from '@communitiesid/id';

const OPTIONS: CommunitiesIDInput = {
  isTestnet: false,
  openseaKey: '<Your opensea api key>',
  Ethereum: {
    RPCUrl: '<Your rpc url for this chain>'
  Polygon: {
    RPCUrl: '<Your rpc url for this chain>'
  Base: {
    RPCUrl: '<Your rpc url for this chain>'
  OP: {
    RPCUrl: '<Your rpc url for this chain>'
  BSC: {
    RPCUrl: '<Your rpc url for this chain>'
  Scroll: {
    RPCUrl: '<Your rpc url for this chain>'
  // This is for resolve name for space id only
  arbitrum: {
    RPCUrl: '<Your rpc url for this chain>'

const { resolver, collector, operator } = new CommunitiesID(options);

You can also initialize it with provider (except arbitrum, because it is only used for resolve name for space id)

const OPTIONS: CommunitiesIDInput = {
  isTestnet: false,
  openseaKey: '<Your opensea api key>',
  Ethereum: {
    provider: new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider('xxx')

If you want to use this sdk on communitiesID testnet, you can initialize it like this:

const OPTIONS: CommunitiesIDInput = {
  isTestnet: true,
  openseaKey: '<Your opensea api key>',
  Goerli: {
    RPCUrl: '<Your rpc url for this chain>',
  'Polygon Mumbai': {
    RPCUrl: '<Your rpc url for this chain>',
  'Base Goerli Testnet': {
    RPCUrl: '<Your rpc url for this chain>',
  'Optimism Goerli Testnet': {
    RPCUrl: '<Your rpc url for this chain>',
  'BNB Smart Chain Testnet': {
    RPCUrl: '<Your rpc url for this chain>',
  'Scroll Sepolia Testnet': {
    RPCUrl: '<Your rpc url for this chain>',



Get the brand DID info by name


Name Type Description required
name string The name of the brand DID true

Output: Promise<BrandDID | null>


const res = await collector.searchBrandDID('did')


Get the brand DID info by name


Name Type Description required
tokenId number The token ID of this brand DID true
chainId SupportedChainIds The chain ID that that this brand DID is on true

Output: Promise<BrandDID | null>


const res = await collector.searchBrandDIDByTokenId(1, 80001)


Get the user DID info by name


Name Type Description required
name string The name of the user DID, the format should be ${userDID}.${brandDID} true

Output: Promise<UserDID | null>


const res = await collector.searchUserDID('a.did')


Get the brand DID info by name


Name Type Description required
registry string The registry address of this user DID true
tokenId number The token ID of this brand DID true
chainId SupportedChainIds The chain ID that that this brand DID is on true

Output: Promise<UserDID | null>


const res = await collector.searchUserDIDByTokenId('0x123...', 1, 80001)


Get all brand DID in specific chain, if you call this on mainnet, opensea Key is required


Name Type Description required
chainId SupportedChainIds The chain ID that you want to get brand DIDs true

Output: Promise<object[]>


const res = await collector.getAllBrandDIDs(5)


Get all brand DIDs owned by an address in specific chain, if you call this on mainnet, opensea Key is required


Name Type Description required
address string The address you want to get brand DIDs true
chainId SupportedChainIds The chain ID that you want to get brand DIDs true

Output: Promise<object[]>


const res = await collector.getAllBrandDIDsOwnedByAddress('0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000', 5)


Get all user DIDs owned by an address in specific chain, if you call this on mainnet, opensea Key is required


Name Type Description required
address string The address you want to get user DIDs true
chainId SupportedChainIds The chain ID that you want to get brand DIDs true

Output: Promise<object[]>


const res = await collector.getAllUserDIDsOwnedByAddress('0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000', 5)


Get all brand DIDs joined by an address in specific chain, if you call this on mainnet, opensea Key is required


Name Type Description required
address string The address you want to get brand DIDs true
chainId SupportedChainIds The chain ID that you want to get brand DIDs true

Output: Promise<object[]>


const res = await collector.getAllBrandDIDsJoinedByAddress('0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000', 5)


Get all user DIDs under specific brand DID, if you call this on mainnet, opensea Key is required


Name Type Description required
name string The name of the brand DID, if registry and chain is provided, the name will be ignored, and the query efficiency will improve true
registry string The registry of this brand DID false
chainId SupportedChainIds The chain ID that you want to get brand DIDs false

Output: Promise<object[]>


const res = await collector.getAllUserDIDsOwnedByBrand('did')
const res = await collector.getAllUserDIDsOwnedByBrand('', '0x123', 5)


Get all user DIDs owned by specific address under specific brand DID


Name Type Description required
address string he address you want to get user DIDs true
name string The name of the brand DID, if registry and chain is provided, the name will be ignored, and the query efficiency will improve true
registry string The registry of this brand DID false
chainId SupportedChainIds The chain ID that you want to get brand DIDs false

Output: Promise<object[]>


const res = await collector.getAllUserDIDsOfOneWalletInOneBrand('0x123', 'did')
const res = await collector.getAllUserDIDsOfOneWalletInOneBrand('0x123', '', '0x123', 5)



Get the owner of a userDID. If not found in communities ID, it will find in ens. If you pass binance or arbitrum rpc url, it will also find address in space id.


Name Type Description required
name string The name of the userDID, the format should be ${userDID}.${brandDID} true

Output: Promise<string | null>


const res = await resolver.resolveName('a.did')


Get primary did of an address. If not found in communities ID, it will find in ens. If you pass binance or arbitrum rpc url, it will also find address in space id.


Name Type Description required
address string The address of the user DID true

Output: Promise<string | null>


const res = await resolver.lookupAddress('0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000')



Set signer for write operation. For some secnarios, like frontend, we are not able to get the private key of the user, so we need to set signer for write operation.


Name Type Description required
signer ethers.Signer ethers.Signer object true




Get the price of minting a user DID


Name Type Description required
name string The name of the user DID true
options object mint options false
options.brandDID object the brand DID object from searchBrandDID, if not pass it, the method will call searchBrandDID itself false


const res = await operator.getMintUserDIDPrice('test.did')
const brandDID = await collector.searchBrandDID('did')
const res = await operator.getMintUserDIDPrice('test.did', { brandDID })


Mint a user DID (This is a write method, the generateSigner function of the chain which this user DID on is required)


Name Type Description required
name string The name of the user DID true
mintTo string The address that you want mint this user DID to true
options MintUserDIDOptions mint options false
options.signature string The signature to mint user DID false
options.owner string The owner in signature false
options.mintPrice BigNumber | number | string The price to mint this brand DID, if you do not pass this, this function will get the price by itself false
options.refundRecipient string If you passed higher value than mint price, the excees part will transfer to this wallet, default is address of signer false
options.brandDID BrandDID The brand DID that this user DID belongs to, if you do not pass this, this function will get the brand DID by itself false
options.txConfig Object The config for sending transaction false
options.onTransactionCreated (transaction: object) => any The callback function when the transaction is created false


const res = await operator.mintUserDID('test.did', '0x123456')


Get the price of renew a user DID


Name Type Description required
name string The name of the user DID true
options object mint options false
options.userDID object the user DID object from searchuserDID, if not pass it, the method will call searchuserDID itself false


const res = await operator.getRenewUserDIDPrice('test.did')
const userDID = await collector.searchUserDID('test.did')
const res = await operator.getRenewUserDIDPrice('test.did', { userDID })


Mint a user DID (This is a write method, the generateSigner function of the chain which this user DID on is required)


Name Type Description required
name string The name of the user DID true
options RenewUserDIDOptions renew options false
options.mintPrice BigNumber | number | string The price to mint this brand DID, if you do not pass this, this function will get the price by itself false
options.brandDID BrandDID The brand DID that this user DID belongs to, if you do not pass this, this function will get the brand DID by itself false
options.userDID UserDID The user DID object that you want to renew, if you do not pass this, this function will get the brand DID by itself false
options.refundRecipient string If you passed higher value than mint price, the excees part will transfer to this wallet, default is address of signer false
options.txConfig Object The config for sending transaction false
options.onTransactionCreated (transaction: object) => any The callback function when the transaction is created false


const res = await operator.renewUserDID('test.did')


Burn a user DID (This is a write method, the generateSigner function of the chain which this user DID on is required)


Name Type Description required
name string The name of the user DID true
options BurnUserDIDOptions burn options false
options.brandDID BrandDID The brand DID that this user DID belongs to, if you do not pass this, this function will get the brand DID by itself false
options.txConfig Object The config for sending transaction false
options.onTransactionCreated (transaction: object) => any The callback function when the transaction is created false


const res = await operator.burnUserDID('test.did')


Set a user DID as primary (This is a write method, the generateSigner function of the chain which this user DID on is required)


Name Type Description required
name string The name of the user DID true
options object setAsPrimary options false
options.txConfig Object The config for sending transaction false
options.onTransactionCreated (transaction: object) => any The callback function when the transaction is created false


const res = await operator.setAsPrimary('test.did')

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