Kit Storybook
Create a Storybook dev environment with a folder of examples
npm i -g @compositor/kit-storybook
Run Kit Storybook against a folder of examples. Each example module should export a React element.
kit-storybook examples
// examples/Button.js example module
import React from 'react'
import { Button } from '../src'
export default (
Core API
To use examples in an existing storybook, import the loadExamples
function in your storybook config and pass an object of examples to render.
// storybook config
import path from 'path'
import { configure } from '@storybook/react'
import loadExamples from '@compositor/kit-storybook'
const req = require.context('../examples', false, /\.js$/)
const examples = req.keys().forEach(key => ({
name: path.basename(key, path.extname(key)),
example: req(key).default || req(key)
configure(() => {
}, module)
MIT License