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2.0.6 • Public • Published


A lightweight, file-based JSON database manager for Node.js. This is especially useful for small-scale applications, prototyping or for when a full-blown database setup is unnecessary.


  • Supports basic CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) as well as full text search on JSON collections.
  • Each collection is managed separately, allowing for high flexibility.
  • Asynchronous operations using Promises.
  • File-based storage, each collection is created in it's own directory and manages it's own documents.
  • Data consistency is ensured by using a promise-based queue to manage operations.


Install via npm:

npm install @cotter45/jsdb


import JSDB from '@cotter45/jsdb';

// Initialize JSDB with an absolute or relative path
// This will create a new database if it doesn't exist
// or load an existing one if it does
const db = new JSDB('./data');

// Create a collection, specify the name and the maximum size of each document in bytes - default is 100KB
// If the collection already exists, it will be loaded
const users = db.createCollection('users', 10 * 1024 * 1024);

// Mthods on collections are async
const user = await users.insert({
  name: 'Alice',
  email: 'alice@wonderland.com',

// Delete a collection
await db.deleteCollection('users');

Collection Operations

Operations on a collection can be performed using the methods provided by the JsonCollectionManager class. For example:

Create the collection first

import JSDB from '@cotter45/jsdb';

// Initialize JSDB with an absolute or relative path
const db = new JSDB('./data');

// Create a collection
const users = db.createCollection('users');


// Insert a record, automatically generates an id<number>
const insertUser = await users.insert({
  name: 'Alice',
  email: 'alice@wonderland.com',
// insertUser = { id: 1, name: 'Alice', email: 'alice@wonderland' }


// Get a record, will throw an error if the record doesn't exist
const getUser = await users.get(1);
// getUser = { id: 1, name: 'Alice', email: 'alice@wonderland' }


// Update a record, don't change the id and report a bug please...
const updateUser = await users.update(1, {
  name: 'Bob',
  email: 'bob@example.com',
// updateUser = { id: 1, name: 'Bob', email: 'bob@example' }


// Delete a record, will return the deleted record
const deleteUser = await users.delete(1);
// deleteUser = { id: 1, name: 'Bob', email: 'bob@example' }


// Search for records using Fuse.js
// Limit and offset are optional
const searchUser = await users.search('bob@exa', {
  keys: ['email'],
  limit: 1,
  offset: 0,
// searchUser = [{ id: 1, name: 'Bob', email: 'bob@example' }]


// Custom filter function, passed as callback to Array.filter()
// Limit, offset, and order are optional
const whereUser = await users.where({
  filter: (user) => user.name === 'Bob',
  limit: 1,
  offset: 0,
  order: 'desc',
// whereUser = [{ id: 1, name: 'Bob', email: 'bob@example' }]

API Documentation

More detailed API documentation is available in the source code in the form of JSDoc comments.


Contributions are always welcome. Please make sure that your code follows the existing coding style, and don't forget to add tests for your changes.


JSDB is released under the MIT License.

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  • cotter45