TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.3.52 • Public • Published

Built With Stencil Storybook


This project contains custom web components developed for Crossroads' Church. See StencilJS for information on the framework.

The following components are made available via this library. Please see the README file for each, for more information on usage, available props, etc.


You need to export the following variables when building or running the project...

Variable Description
CRDS_ENV Vault Environment (int for development)
VAULT_ROLE_ID Vault role ID - Obtain from DevOps
VAULT_SECRET_ID Vault secret ID - Obtain from DevOps

To add new variables, please seek the help of DevOps if you are unfamiliar with the process.


If any new environment variables are introduced please add it to the secrets list in the settings for crds-components.

Run all

npm run test

Watch all

npm run test.watch

Individual spec/e2e (VS Code)

This will allow you to use standard VSCode breakpoints to do debugging of your spec or e2e test.

  1. Open the spec file you want to run/develop
  2. Select the debug option.
  3. In the drop down select Spec Test Current File or E2E Test Current File
  4. Click green play button

Note: check package.json for other test commands


This project is licensed under the 3-Clause BSD License

Dependencies (37)

Dev Dependencies (43)

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npm i @crds_npm/crds-components

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56.4 MB

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  • crds_npm_org
  • d3m
  • dillon.courts
  • dan.rye
  • tcmacdonald
  • rdonnelly02
  • candrews_crds