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14.0.0 • Public • Published

Generic Angular Carousel Component

What is it?

@cristiansarghe/ng-generic-carousel is a lightweight, mobile device friendly Angular carousel component made for ANY type of content, NOT only images.


Version 3.0.0

  • Angular 12 support
  • Added drag-drop navigation support for mouse and touch inputs (HammerJS is a new dependency)
  • Changed navigation button hiding logic (includes changes to Input() parameters)

Version 2.0.0

  • Updated package to Angular 12
  • Added round navigation option (when reaching the left or right side of the elements list, continue from the other side)


npm i @cristiansarghe/ng-generic-carousel

Basic usage

The component works by having a HTML template passed, along with an array of elements. By default, the component shows 3 elements at once.

<ng-generic-carousel [elements]="['John', 'Joanne', 'Jason', 'Jessica']">
	<ng-template #contentTemplate let-data="data">
		<p>I am {{data}}</p>

	<ng-template #leftButtonTemplate> &lt; </ng-template>
	<ng-template #rightButtonTemplate> &gt; </ng-template>
  • ng-generic-carousel receives an array of objects or primitive values through @Input() elements.

  • The component iterates through the array and repeats contentTemplate for each item.

  • To access the current item you can target the data variable (let-data="data"), as presented above, and then use it within the template.

  • For a more generic approach, leftButtonTemplate and rightButtonTemplate must be specified in order to customize the look of the left and right buttons.



  • The contentTemplate-named ng-template provides the layout for each carousel element.
  • The leftButtonTemplate and rightButtonTemplate elements provide the content for the buttons (in order to customize the arrows as desired).
  • @Input() visibleElementsCount changes the number of elements shown at once on the screen.
  • NOTE: By default, if elements has less items than specified by visibleElementsCount, the left and right scroll buttons will NOT be shown. You can change this behavior by modifying @Input() hideNavigationButtonsWhenNotNeeded to false.
  • In order to hide the navigation buttons at all times, set the hideNavigationButtons input to true. This usually works with the drag-drop navigation (see isDragDropEnabled input)


<ng-generic-carousel [elements]="['John', 'Joanne', 'Jason', 'Jessica']" [visibleElementsCount]="6" [hideNavigationButtons]="true" [isDragDropEnabled]="true">
	<ng-template #contentTemplate let-data="data">
		<p>I am {{data}}</p>

	<ng-template #leftButtonTemplate> &lt; </ng-template>			<!-- Will not be shown -->
	<ng-template #rightButtonTemplate> &gt; </ng-template>			<!-- Will not be shown -->


  • The carousel can as well have placeholders that look all the same, with a layout provided in placeholderTemplate.
  • The placeholders appear only if elements is null or empty.
  • The number of placeholders is 3 by default, but can be changed using @Input() placeholderElementsCount.
<ng-generic-carousel [elements]="[]" [placeholderElementsCount]="4">
	<ng-template #contentTemplate let-data="data">
		<p>I am {{data}}</p>

	<ng-template #placeholderTemplate>
		<p>This will be a name!</p>

	<ng-template #leftButtonTemplate> &lt; </ng-template>
	<ng-template #rightButtonTemplate> &gt; </ng-template>


Input Type Required Description
elements any[] Optional, default: [] Array of objects or primitive values that represent each carousel item
placeholderElementsCount number Optional, default: 3 If placeholders are shown, this input sets how many placeholder elements to show
visibleElementsCount number Optional, default: 3 Number of visible elements at a time
isRoundNavigation boolean Optional, default: false Enable round carousel navigation (when left or right limits are reached, navigate to each other)
hideNavigationButtons boolean Optional, default: false Force hide left and right navigation buttons (all the time, can be used with isDragDropEnabled)
hideNavigationButtonsWhenNotNeeded boolean Optional, default: true Hide left and right navigation buttons when navigation can not be done due to the little number of elements
isDragDropEnabled boolean Optional, default: true Enable drag-drop navigation (without using the left and right buttons)
stickToClosestElement boolean Optional, default: true Stick navigation view window to closest element edge after drag-drop movement


Output Type Description
hasMoved boolean Emits true when drag movement starts and false 200ms after drag ends; can be watched and used to prevent carousel element clicks or trigger other actions after drag ends


Template Description
contentTemplate Template for each carousel item
placeholderTemplate Template for each placeholder item
leftButtonTemplate Template for left scroll button
rightButtonTemplate Template for right scroll button

Dependencies (1)

Dev Dependencies (0)

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    • cristiansarghe