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1.0.3 • Public • Published

Indisi common

# Build Passing

Repository for all the components that are to be used by various microservices in the Indisi project. The aim of this is to reduce redundancies across microservices. This repository will be published as an npm packages which should be imported in the microservices.


How to use

Add .npmrc file inside root directory of your project, .npmrc should contain:


PKG_TOKEN is a GitHub access token that has at least read:packages permission. Tutorial for creating a access token.

0. Configuration

To use modules such as mongo, redis, etc. that need configuration (host, port, etc.) to run, in the main project file, do the following

import {configure} from '@crubn/indisi-common';

// Configure the indisi common module

The configuration should be as following, along with other project specific config.

  "common": {
    "logger": {
      "level": "LOG_LEVEL",
      "dir": "LOG_DIR",
      "mail": {
        "recipients": "LOG_MAIL_RECIPIENTS",
        "sender": "LOG_MAIL_SENDER",
        "smtp": {
          "host": "LOG_MAIL_SMTP_HOST",
          "port": "LOG_MAIL_SMTP_PORT",
          "username": "LOG_MAIL_SMTP_USERNAME",
          "password": "LOG_MAIL_SMTP_PASSWORD"
    "mongo": {
      "host": "MONGO_HOST",
      "port": "MONGO_PORT",
      "username": "MONGO_USERNAME",
      "password": "MONGO_PASSWORD",
    "redis": {
      "host": "REDIS_HOST",
      "port": "REDIS_PORT",
      "password": "REDIS_PASSWORD",
      "streamThreshold": "REDIS_STREAM_THRESHOLD"

1. Helpers

import  {Constants, Messages} from '@crubn/indisi-common'

2. Logger

import {Logger} from '@crubn/indisi-common';

const logger = Logger.getInstance();

logger.fatal('The universe is a cruel, uncaring void. The key to being happy isn't to search for meaning. It's to just keep yourself busy with unimportant nonsense, and eventually, you'll be dead.');

All standard log levels are supported

3. Middlewares

import  {AuthenticationMiddleware, AuthorizationMiddleware, ValidationMiddleware, RequestProperty} from '@crubn/indisi-common'

// Use as express middlware

// Authentication
app.use(`/some-path`, AuthenticationMiddleware.authenticate);

// Authorization
// To check if org is active
app.use(`/some-path`, AuthorizationMiddleware.isOrgActive);
// To check if user is super admin
app.use(`/some-path`, AuthorizationMiddleware.isSuperAdmin);

// Validation
// validate request structure - body, path or query params
  ValidationMiddleware.validateDto(RequestProperty.BODY ,CreateProofTemplateDto)

4. Mongo

import {Mongo} from '@crubn/indisi-common';


5. Redis (stream)

  import {Redis} from '@crubn/indisi-common';
    // read streams here

  private readStreams = () => {
        (streamName, stream, done)=>{
          // Do something
          logger.debug(`Received stream messages - ${streamName} - ${JSON.stringify(stream.messages)}`);
          this.streamReaders.forEach((reader) => {
            reader(streamName, stream, done);

done() should be invoked to acknowledge that the message has been successfully processed by the reader.

6. WebApi

  import {WebApiResponse, WebApi} from '@crubn/indisi-common';

  const result = await this.proofTemplateService.createProofTemplate(orgId, proofTemplate);
  const responseData: WebApiResponse = WebApiResponse.successResponse(result);
  const response = await WebApi.instance.execute({
      httpMethod: 'POST',
      url: url,
      headers: {
        'Authorization': `Bearer ${orgWalletToken}`,
        'X-API-Key': config.get('cloudAgent.apiKey'),
      body: requestBody,

7. Error Handler

Pass all the errors to the error handler

  import {ErrorHandler} from '@crubn/indisi-common';

  // index.ts
  process.on('uncaughtException', (error:Error) => {

  process.on('unhandledRejection', (reason: string) => {
    ErrorHandler.handleError(new Error(reason));

  // app.ts
  // Error handling middleware, we delegate the handling to the centralized error handler
  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
  app.use((err: Error, req: Request, res: Response, next: NextFunction) => {
      ErrorHandler.handleError(err, res);

8. Http Error

import {HttpError, Messages} from '@crubn/indisi-common';

// throw error when needed in the service
throw new HttpError(httpStatusCodes.NOT_FOUND, Messages.resourceNotFound);

Dependencies (16)

Dev Dependencies (16)

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