Angular Build & Packaging Tool
Another bundling and npm packaging helper tool for Typescript & Angular library projects. It also supports for bundling of Angular application projects.
Project Moved
This repo is now archived and moved to
- Bundling and npm packaging of Angular & Typescript library projects (internally with rollup).
- Bundling of Angular application projects (internally with webpack).
- This npm package can be consumed by Angular Cli, Webpack Cli, or built-in cli.
- Flexable JSON configuration with extendable config options.
Library Project Build / Packaging Features
- Can bundles library projects into either Angular Package Format (APF) v10.0 (fesm2015, fesm5, umd formats) or custom output formats.
- Can customize ngc typescript transpilations and bundle options.
- Supports secondary entry points such as @angular/common/http.
- Can inline/embed Angular resources such as templateUrl and styleUrls.
- Supports built-in style processing of .css and .scss files.
- Supports style preprocessor options for .scss files.
- Automatic copying and entry point processing of package.json file to output directory.
- Can copy assets (README, LICENSE, etc.) to output directory.
- Can replace individual package.json version, name, description, etc with root package.json one or command argument.
- Can replace version placeholder in typescript file.
- Can replace version, package name placeholders in banner file.
- Supports bundling and packaging of (Non-Angular) Typescript library projects.
Application Project Build Features
- Most of @angular-devkit/build-angular options are supported
- Customizable html injection - can inject bundled scripts, links, resource hints, etc into separate files or partial view files.
- DLL bundling support for optimizing build time.
- Can merge built-in configurations with custom webpack configuration.
Getting Started
- Node.js requirement: >= v10.9
Supported Angular Versions
- Angular v10.0.0 or greater
To install the angular-build to your workspace root:
npm install -D @dagonmetric/angular-build
or yarn
yarn add -D @dagonmetric/angular-build
Some Projects with -
ng-config - Configuration and options service for Angular
ng-log - Vendor-agnostic logging, analytics and telemetry service abstractions and some implementations for Angular
ng-cache - Caching service for Angular
ng-translit - Transliterate service for Angular
ng-zawgyi-detector - Zawgyi-One and standard Myanmar Unicode detector library for Angular
zawgyi-unicode-translit-rules - (Non-Angular project) Zawgyi Unicode transliterate / convert regular expression rules in JavaScript and JSON formats
Special Thanks
Thanks to JetBrains for supporting us free open source licenses.
Feedback and Contributing
Check out the Contributing page.
This repository is licensed with the MIT license.