
5.0.0 • Public • Published


Client library for MonitorManagementClient

Installation and Usage

npm install --save @datafire/azure_monitor_tenantactivitylogs_api
let azure_monitor_tenantactivitylogs_api = require('@datafire/azure_monitor_tenantactivitylogs_api').create({
  access_token: "",
  refresh_token: "",
  client_id: "",
  client_secret: "",
  redirect_uri: ""

.then(data => {




Gets the Activity Logs for the Tenant.
Everything that is applicable to the API to get the Activity Logs for the subscription is applicable to this API (the parameters, $filter, etc.).
One thing to point out here is that this API does not retrieve the logs at the individual subscription of the tenant but only surfaces the logs that were generated at the tenant level.

  "api-version": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • $filter string: Reduces the set of data collected.
      The $filter is very restricted and allows only the following patterns.
      - List events for a resource group: $filter=eventTimestamp ge '' and eventTimestamp le '' and eventChannels eq 'Admin, Operation' and resourceGroupName eq ''.
      - List events for resource: $filter=eventTimestamp ge '' and eventTimestamp le '' and eventChannels eq 'Admin, Operation' and resourceUri eq ''.
      - List events for a subscription: $filter=eventTimestamp ge '' and eventTimestamp le '' and eventChannels eq 'Admin, Operation'.
      - List events for a resource provider: $filter=eventTimestamp ge '' and eventTimestamp le '' and eventChannels eq 'Admin, Operation' and resourceProvider eq ''.
      - List events for a correlation Id: api-version=2014-04-01&$filter=eventTimestamp ge '2014-07-16T04:36:37.6407898Z' and eventTimestamp le '2014-07-20T04:36:37.6407898Z' and eventChannels eq 'Admin, Operation' and correlationId eq ''.
      NOTE: No other syntax is allowed.
    • $select string: Used to fetch events with only the given properties.
      The $select argument is a comma separated list of property names to be returned. Possible values are: authorization, claims, correlationId, description, eventDataId, eventName, eventTimestamp, httpRequest, level, operationId, operationName, properties, resourceGroupName, resourceProviderName, resourceId, status, submissionTimestamp, subStatus, subscriptionId




  • ErrorResponse object: Describes the format of Error response.
    • code string: Error code
    • message string: Error message indicating why the operation failed.


  • EventData object: The Azure event log entries are of type EventData
    • authorization SenderAuthorization
    • caller string: the email address of the user who has performed the operation, the UPN claim or SPN claim based on availability.
    • category LocalizableString
    • claims object: key value pairs to identify ARM permissions.
    • correlationId string: the correlation Id, usually a GUID in the string format. The correlation Id is shared among the events that belong to the same uber operation.
    • description string: the description of the event.
    • eventDataId string: the event data Id. This is a unique identifier for an event.
    • eventName LocalizableString
    • eventTimestamp string: the timestamp of when the event was generated by the Azure service processing the request corresponding the event. It in ISO 8601 format.
    • httpRequest HttpRequestInfo
    • id string: the Id of this event as required by ARM for RBAC. It contains the EventDataID and a timestamp information.
    • level string (values: Critical, Error, Warning, Informational, Verbose): the event level
    • operationId string: It is usually a GUID shared among the events corresponding to single operation. This value should not be confused with EventName.
    • operationName LocalizableString
    • properties object: the set of <Key, Value> pairs (usually a Dictionary<String, String>) that includes details about the event.
    • resourceGroupName string: the resource group name of the impacted resource.
    • resourceId string: the resource uri that uniquely identifies the resource that caused this event.
    • resourceProviderName LocalizableString
    • resourceType LocalizableString
    • status LocalizableString
    • subStatus LocalizableString
    • submissionTimestamp string: the timestamp of when the event became available for querying via this API. It is in ISO 8601 format. This value should not be confused eventTimestamp. As there might be a delay between the occurrence time of the event, and the time that the event is submitted to the Azure logging infrastructure.
    • subscriptionId string: the Azure subscription Id usually a GUID.
    • tenantId string: the Azure tenant Id


  • EventDataCollection object: Represents collection of events.
    • nextLink string: Provides the link to retrieve the next set of events.
    • value required array: this list that includes the Azure audit logs.


  • HttpRequestInfo object: The Http request info.
    • clientIpAddress string: the client Ip Address
    • clientRequestId string: the client request id.
    • method string: the Http request method.
    • uri string: the Uri.


  • LocalizableString object: The localizable string class.
    • localizedValue string: the locale specific value.
    • value required string: the invariant value.


  • SenderAuthorization object: the authorization used by the user who has performed the operation that led to this event. This captures the RBAC properties of the event. These usually include the 'action', 'role' and the 'scope'
    • action string: the permissible actions. For instance: microsoft.support/supporttickets/write
    • role string: the role of the user. For instance: Subscription Admin
    • scope string: the scope.


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  • datafire