
5.0.0 • Public • Published


Client library for RecoveryServicesBackupClient

Installation and Usage

npm install --save @datafire/azure_recoveryservicesbackup_backupmanagement
let azure_recoveryservicesbackup_backupmanagement = require('@datafire/azure_recoveryservicesbackup_backupmanagement').create({
  access_token: "",
  refresh_token: "",
  client_id: "",
  client_secret: "",
  redirect_uri: ""

.then(data => {




Backup management servers registered to Recovery Services Vault. Returns a pageable list of servers.

  "api-version": "",
  "vaultName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • vaultName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • $filter string: OData filter options.
    • $skipToken string: skipToken Filter.



Returns backup management server registered to Recovery Services Vault.

  "api-version": "",
  "vaultName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "backupEngineName": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • vaultName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • backupEngineName required string: Name of the backup management server.
    • $filter string: OData filter options.
    • $skipToken string: skipToken Filter.



Provides the result of the refresh operation triggered by the BeginRefresh operation.

  "api-version": "",
  "vaultName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "operationId": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • vaultName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Fabric name associated with the container.
    • operationId required string: Operation ID associated with the operation whose result needs to be fetched.


Output schema unknown


Gets details of the specific container registered to your Recovery Services Vault.

  "api-version": "",
  "vaultName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "containerName": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • vaultName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Name of the fabric where the container belongs.
    • containerName required string: Name of the container whose details need to be fetched.



Fetches the result of any operation on the container.

  "api-version": "",
  "vaultName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "containerName": "",
  "operationId": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • vaultName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Fabric name associated with the container.
    • containerName required string: Container name whose information should be fetched.
    • operationId required string: Operation ID which represents the operation whose result needs to be fetched.



Used to disable backup of an item within a container. This is an asynchronous operation. To know the status of the request, call the GetItemOperationResult API.

  "api-version": "",
  "vaultName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "containerName": "",
  "protectedItemName": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • vaultName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Fabric name associated with the backed up item.
    • containerName required string: Container name associated with the backed up item.
    • protectedItemName required string: Backed up item to be deleted.


Output schema unknown


Provides the details of the backed up item. This is an asynchronous operation. To know the status of the operation, call the GetItemOperationResult API.

  "api-version": "",
  "vaultName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "containerName": "",
  "protectedItemName": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • vaultName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Fabric name associated with the backed up item.
    • containerName required string: Container name associated with the backed up item.
    • protectedItemName required string: Backed up item name whose details are to be fetched.
    • $filter string: OData filter options.



Enables backup of an item or to modifies the backup policy information of an already backed up item. This is an asynchronous operation. To know the status of the operation, call the GetItemOperationResult API.

  "api-version": "",
  "vaultName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "containerName": "",
  "protectedItemName": "",
  "parameters": null
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • vaultName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Fabric name associated with the backup item.
    • containerName required string: Container name associated with the backup item.
    • protectedItemName required string: Item name to be backed up.
    • parameters required ProtectedItemResource


Output schema unknown


Triggers backup for specified backed up item. This is an asynchronous operation. To know the status of the operation, call GetProtectedItemOperationResult API.

  "api-version": "",
  "vaultName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "containerName": "",
  "protectedItemName": "",
  "parameters": null
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • vaultName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Fabric name associated with the backup item.
    • containerName required string: Container name associated with the backup item.
    • protectedItemName required string: Backup item for which backup needs to be triggered.
    • parameters required BackupRequestResource


Output schema unknown


Fetches the result of any operation on the backup item.

  "api-version": "",
  "vaultName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "containerName": "",
  "protectedItemName": "",
  "operationId": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • vaultName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Fabric name associated with the backup item.
    • containerName required string: Container name associated with the backup item.
    • protectedItemName required string: Backup item name whose details are to be fetched.
    • operationId required string: OperationID which represents the operation whose result needs to be fetched.



Fetches the status of an operation such as triggering a backup, restore. The status can be in progress, completed or failed. You can refer to the OperationStatus enum for all the possible states of the operation. Some operations create jobs. This method returns the list of jobs associated with the operation.

  "api-version": "",
  "vaultName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "containerName": "",
  "protectedItemName": "",
  "operationId": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • vaultName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Fabric name associated with the backup item.
    • containerName required string: Container name associated with the backup item.
    • protectedItemName required string: Backup item name whose details are to be fetched.
    • operationId required string: OperationID represents the operation whose status needs to be fetched.



Lists the backup copies for the backed up item.

  "api-version": "",
  "vaultName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "containerName": "",
  "protectedItemName": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • vaultName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Fabric name associated with the backed up item.
    • containerName required string: Container name associated with the backed up item.
    • protectedItemName required string: Backed up item whose backup copies are to be fetched.
    • $filter string: OData filter options.



Provides the information of the backed up data identified using RecoveryPointID. This is an asynchronous operation. To know the status of the operation, call the GetProtectedItemOperationResult API.

  "api-version": "",
  "vaultName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "containerName": "",
  "protectedItemName": "",
  "recoveryPointId": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • vaultName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Fabric name associated with backed up item.
    • containerName required string: Container name associated with backed up item.
    • protectedItemName required string: Backed up item name whose backup data needs to be fetched.
    • recoveryPointId required string: RecoveryPointID represents the backed up data to be fetched.



Provisions a script which invokes an iSCSI connection to the backup data. Executing this script opens a file explorer displaying all the recoverable files and folders. This is an asynchronous operation. To know the status of provisioning, call GetProtectedItemOperationResult API.

  "api-version": "",
  "vaultName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "containerName": "",
  "protectedItemName": "",
  "recoveryPointId": "",
  "parameters": null
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • vaultName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Fabric name associated with the backed up items.
    • containerName required string: Container name associated with the backed up items.
    • protectedItemName required string: Backed up item name whose files/folders are to be restored.
    • recoveryPointId required string: Recovery point ID which represents backed up data. iSCSI connection will be provisioned for this backed up data.
    • parameters required ILRRequestResource


Output schema unknown


Restores the specified backed up data. This is an asynchronous operation. To know the status of this API call, use GetProtectedItemOperationResult API.

  "api-version": "",
  "vaultName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "containerName": "",
  "protectedItemName": "",
  "recoveryPointId": "",
  "parameters": null
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • vaultName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Fabric name associated with the backed up items.
    • containerName required string: Container name associated with the backed up items.
    • protectedItemName required string: Backed up item to be restored.
    • recoveryPointId required string: Recovery point ID which represents the backed up data to be restored.
    • parameters required RestoreRequestResource


Output schema unknown


Revokes an iSCSI connection which can be used to download a script. Executing this script opens a file explorer displaying all recoverable files and folders. This is an asynchronous operation.

  "api-version": "",
  "vaultName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "containerName": "",
  "protectedItemName": "",
  "recoveryPointId": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • vaultName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Fabric name associated with the backed up items.
    • containerName required string: Container name associated with the backed up items.
    • protectedItemName required string: Backed up item name whose files/folders are to be restored.
    • recoveryPointId required string: Recovery point ID which represents backed up data. iSCSI connection will be revoked for this backed up data.


Output schema unknown


Discovers all the containers in the subscription that can be backed up to Recovery Services Vault. This is an asynchronous operation. To know the status of the operation, call GetRefreshOperationResult API.

  "api-version": "",
  "vaultName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • vaultName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Fabric name associated the container.


Output schema unknown


Gets the operation result of operation triggered by Export Jobs API. If the operation is successful, then it also contains URL of a Blob and a SAS key to access the same. The blob contains exported jobs in JSON serialized format.

  "api-version": "",
  "vaultName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "operationId": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • vaultName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • operationId required string: OperationID which represents the export job.



Cancels a job. This is an asynchronous operation. To know the status of the cancellation, call GetCancelOperationResult API.

  "api-version": "",
  "vaultName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "jobName": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • vaultName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • jobName required string: Name of the job to cancel.


Output schema unknown


Fetches the result of any operation. the operation.

  "api-version": "",
  "vaultName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "jobName": "",
  "operationId": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • vaultName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • jobName required string: Job name whose operation result has to be fetched.
    • operationId required string: OperationID which represents the operation whose result has to be fetched.


Output schema unknown


Triggers export of jobs specified by filters and returns an OperationID to track.

  "api-version": "",
  "vaultName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • vaultName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • $filter string: OData filter options.


Output schema unknown


Provides the status of the delete operations such as deleting backed up item. Once the operation has started, the status code in the response would be Accepted. It will continue to be in this state till it reaches completion. On successful completion, the status code will be OK. This method expects OperationID as an argument. OperationID is part of the Location header of the operation response.

  "api-version": "",
  "vaultName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "operationId": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • vaultName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • operationId required string: OperationID which represents the operation.


Output schema unknown


Fetches the status of an operation such as triggering a backup, restore. The status can be in progress, completed or failed. You can refer to the OperationStatus enum for all the possible states of an operation. Some operations create jobs. This method returns the list of jobs when the operation is complete.

  "api-version": "",
  "vaultName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "operationId": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • vaultName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • operationId required string: OperationID which represents the operation.



Lists of backup policies associated with Recovery Services Vault. API provides pagination parameters to fetch scoped results.

  "api-version": "",
  "vaultName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • vaultName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • $filter string: OData filter options.



Deletes specified backup policy from your Recovery Services Vault. This is an asynchronous operation. Status of the operation can be fetched using GetPolicyOperationResult API.

  "api-version": "",
  "vaultName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "policyName": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • vaultName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • policyName required string: Backup policy to be deleted.


Output schema unknown


Provides the details of the backup policies associated to Recovery Services Vault. This is an asynchronous operation. Status of the operation can be fetched using GetPolicyOperationResult API.

  "api-version": "",
  "vaultName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "policyName": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • vaultName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • policyName required string: Backup policy information to be fetched.



Creates or modifies a backup policy. This is an asynchronous operation. Status of the operation can be fetched using GetPolicyOperationResult API.

  "api-version": "",
  "vaultName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "policyName": "",
  "parameters": null
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • vaultName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • policyName required string: Backup policy to be created.
    • parameters required ProtectionPolicyResource



Provides the result of an operation.

  "api-version": "",
  "vaultName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "policyName": "",
  "operationId": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • vaultName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • policyName required string: Backup policy name whose operation's result needs to be fetched.
    • operationId required string: Operation ID which represents the operation whose result needs to be fetched.



Provides the status of the asynchronous operations like backup, restore. The status can be in progress, completed or failed. You can refer to the Operation Status enum for all the possible states of an operation. Some operations create jobs. This method returns the list of jobs associated with operation.

  "api-version": "",
  "vaultName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "policyName": "",
  "operationId": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • vaultName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • policyName required string: Backup policy name whose operation's status needs to be fetched.
    • operationId required string: Operation ID which represents an operation whose status needs to be fetched.



Provides a pageable list of protectable objects within your subscription according to the query filter and the pagination parameters.

  "api-version": "",
  "vaultName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • vaultName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • $filter string: OData filter options.
    • $skipToken string: skipToken Filter.



Provides a pageable list of all items that are backed up within a vault.

  "api-version": "",
  "vaultName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • vaultName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • $filter string: OData filter options.
    • $skipToken string: skipToken Filter.



Lists the containers registered to Recovery Services Vault.

  "api-version": "",
  "vaultName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • vaultName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • $filter string: OData filter options.



Get the security PIN.

  "api-version": "",
  "vaultName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • vaultName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.



Fetches the backup management usage summaries of the vault.

  "api-version": "",
  "vaultName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • vaultName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • $filter string: OData filter options.
    • $skipToken string: skipToken Filter.



Fetches resource vault config.

  "api-version": "",
  "vaultName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • vaultName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.



Updates vault security config.

  "api-version": "",
  "vaultName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "parameters": null
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • vaultName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • parameters required BackupResourceVaultConfigResource



Fetches resource storage config.

  "api-version": "",
  "vaultName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • vaultName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.



Updates vault storage model type.

  "api-version": "",
  "vaultName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • vaultName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.


Output schema unknown



  • AzureBackupServerContainer object: AzureBackupServer (DPMVenus) workload-specific protection container.
    • DPMServers array: List of BackupEngines protecting the container
      • items string
    • UpgradeAvailable boolean: To check if upgrade available
    • canReRegister boolean: Specifies whether the container is re-registrable.
    • containerId string: ID of container.
    • dpmAgentVersion string: Backup engine Agent version
    • extendedInfo DPMContainerExtendedInfo
    • protectedItemCount integer: Number of protected items in the BackupEngine
    • protectionStatus string: Protection status of the container.
    • backupManagementType string (values: Invalid, AzureIaasVM, MAB, DPM, AzureBackupServer, AzureSql): Type of backup managemenent for the container.
    • containerType string (values: Invalid, Unknown, IaasVMContainer, IaasVMServiceContainer, DPMContainer, AzureBackupServerContainer, MABContainer, Cluster, AzureSqlContainer, Windows, VCenter): Type of the container. The value of this property for: 1. Compute Azure VM is Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines 2. Classic Compute Azure VM is Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines 3. Windows machines (like MAB, DPM etc) is Windows 4. Azure SQL instance is AzureSqlContainer.
    • friendlyName string: Friendly name of the container.
    • healthStatus string: Status of health of the container.
    • protectableObjectType string (values: Invalid, Unknown, IaasVMContainer, IaasVMServiceContainer, DPMContainer, AzureBackupServerContainer, MABContainer, Cluster, AzureSqlContainer, Windows, VCenter): Type of the protectable object associated with this container.
    • registrationStatus string: Status of registration of the container with the Recovery Services Vault.


  • AzureBackupServerEngine object: Backup engine type when Azure Backup Server is used to manage the backups.
    • azureBackupAgentVersion string: Backup agent version
    • backupEngineId string: ID of the backup engine.
    • backupEngineState string: Status of the backup engine with the Recovery Services Vault. = {Active/Deleting/DeleteFailed}
    • backupEngineType string (values: Invalid, DpmBackupEngine, AzureBackupServerEngine): Type of the backup engine.
    • backupManagementType string (values: Invalid, AzureIaasVM, MAB, DPM, AzureBackupServer, AzureSql): Type of backup management for the backup engine.
    • canReRegister boolean: Flag indicating if the backup engine be registered, once already registered.
    • dpmVersion string: Backup engine version
    • extendedInfo BackupEngineExtendedInfo
    • friendlyName string: Friendly name of the backup engine.
    • healthStatus string: Backup status of the backup engine.
    • isAzureBackupAgentUpgradeAvailable boolean: To check if backup agent upgrade available
    • isDPMUpgradeAvailable boolean: To check if backup engine upgrade available
    • registrationStatus string: Registration status of the backup engine with the Recovery Services Vault.


  • AzureIaaSClassicComputeVMContainer object: IaaS VM workload-specific backup item representing a classic virtual machine.
    • resourceGroup string: Resource group name of Recovery Services Vault.
    • virtualMachineId string: Fully qualified ARM url of the virtual machine represented by this Azure IaaS VM container.
    • virtualMachineVersion string: Specifies whether the container represents a Classic or an Azure Resource Manager VM.
    • backupManagementType string (values: Invalid, AzureIaasVM, MAB, DPM, AzureBackupServer, AzureSql): Type of backup managemenent for the container.
    • containerType string (values: Invalid, Unknown, IaasVMContainer, IaasVMServiceContainer, DPMContainer, AzureBackupServerContainer, MABContainer, Cluster, AzureSqlContainer, Windows, VCenter): Type of the container. The value of this property for: 1. Compute Azure VM is Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines 2. Classic Compute Azure VM is Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines 3. Windows machines (like MAB, DPM etc) is Windows 4. Azure SQL instance is AzureSqlContainer.
    • friendlyName string: Friendly name of the container.
    • healthStatus string: Status of health of the container.
    • protectableObjectType string (values: Invalid, Unknown, IaasVMContainer, IaasVMServiceContainer, DPMContainer, AzureBackupServerContainer, MABContainer, Cluster, AzureSqlContainer, Windows, VCenter): Type of the protectable object associated with this container.
    • registrationStatus string: Status of registration of the container with the Recovery Services Vault.


  • AzureIaaSClassicComputeVMProtectableItem object: IaaS VM workload-specific backup item representing the Classic Compute VM.
    • virtualMachineId string: Fully qualified ARM ID of the virtual machine.
    • backupManagementType string: Type of backup managemenent to backup an item.
    • friendlyName string: Friendly name of the backup item.
    • protectableItemType string: Type of the backup item.
    • protectionState string (values: Invalid, NotProtected, Protecting, Protected): State of the back up item.


  • AzureIaaSClassicComputeVMProtectedItem object: IaaS VM workload-specific backup item representing the Classic Compute VM.
    • extendedInfo AzureIaaSVMProtectedItemExtendedInfo
    • friendlyName string: Friendly name of the VM represented by this backup item.
    • healthDetails array: Health details on this backup item.
    • healthStatus string (values: Passed, ActionRequired, ActionSuggested, Invalid): Health status of protected item
    • lastBackupStatus string: Last backup operation status. Possible values: Healthy, Unhealthy.
    • lastBackupTime string: Timestamp of the last backup operation on this backup item.
    • protectedItemDataId string: Data ID of the protected item.
    • protectionState string (values: Invalid, IRPending, Protected, ProtectionError, ProtectionStopped, ProtectionPaused): Backup state of this backup item.
    • protectionStatus string: Backup status of this backup item.
    • virtualMachineId string: Fully qualified ARM ID of the virtual machine represented by this item.
    • backupManagementType string (values: Invalid, AzureIaasVM, MAB, DPM, AzureBackupServer, AzureSql): Type of backup managemenent for the backed up item.
    • containerName string: Unique name of container
    • lastRecoveryPoint string: Timestamp when the last (latest) backup copy was created for this backup item.
    • policyId string: ID of the backup policy with which this item is backed up.
    • protectedItemType string: backup item type.
    • sourceResourceId string: ARM ID of the resource to be backed up.
    • workloadType string (values: Invalid, VM, FileFolder, AzureSqlDb, SQLDB, Exchange, Sharepoint, VMwareVM, SystemState, Client, GenericDataSource): Type of workload this item represents.


  • AzureIaaSComputeVMContainer object: IaaS VM workload-specific backup item representing an Azure Resource Manager virtual machine.
    • resourceGroup string: Resource group name of Recovery Services Vault.
    • virtualMachineId string: Fully qualified ARM url of the virtual machine represented by this Azure IaaS VM container.
    • virtualMachineVersion string: Specifies whether the container represents a Classic or an Azure Resource Manager VM.
    • backupManagementType string (values: Invalid, AzureIaasVM, MAB, DPM, AzureBackupServer, AzureSql): Type of backup managemenent for the container.
    • containerType string (values: Invalid, Unknown, IaasVMContainer, IaasVMServiceContainer, DPMContainer, AzureBackupServerContainer, MABContainer, Cluster, AzureSqlContainer, Windows, VCenter): Type of the container. The value of this property for: 1. Compute Azure VM is Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines 2. Classic Compute Azure VM is Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines 3. Windows machines (like MAB, DPM etc) is Windows 4. Azure SQL instance is AzureSqlContainer.
    • friendlyName string: Friendly name of the container.
    • healthStatus string: Status of health of the container.
    • protectableObjectType string (values: Invalid, Unknown, IaasVMContainer, IaasVMServiceContainer, DPMContainer, AzureBackupServerContainer, MABContainer, Cluster, AzureSqlContainer, Windows, VCenter): Type of the protectable object associated with this container.
    • registrationStatus string: Status of registration of the container with the Recovery Services Vault.


  • AzureIaaSComputeVMProtectableItem object: IaaS VM workload-specific backup item representing the Azure Resource Manager VM.
    • virtualMachineId string: Fully qualified ARM ID of the virtual machine.
    • backupManagementType string: Type of backup managemenent to backup an item.
    • friendlyName string: Friendly name of the backup item.
    • protectableItemType string: Type of the backup item.
    • protectionState string (values: Invalid, NotProtected, Protecting, Protected): State of the back up item.


  • AzureIaaSComputeVMProtectedItem object: IaaS VM workload-specific backup item representing the Azure Resource Manager VM.
    • extendedInfo AzureIaaSVMProtectedItemExtendedInfo
    • friendlyName string: Friendly name of the VM represented by this backup item.
    • healthDetails array: Health details on this backup item.
    • healthStatus string (values: Passed, ActionRequired, ActionSuggested, Invalid): Health status of protected item
    • lastBackupStatus string: Last backup operation status. Possible values: Healthy, Unhealthy.
    • lastBackupTime string: Timestamp of the last backup operation on this backup item.
    • protectedItemDataId string: Data ID of the protected item.
    • protectionState string (values: Invalid, IRPending, Protected, ProtectionError, ProtectionStopped, ProtectionPaused): Backup state of this backup item.
    • protectionStatus string: Backup status of this backup item.
    • virtualMachineId string: Fully qualified ARM ID of the virtual machine represented by this item.
    • backupManagementType string (values: Invalid, AzureIaasVM, MAB, DPM, AzureBackupServer, AzureSql): Type of backup managemenent for the backed up item.
    • containerName string: Unique name of container
    • lastRecoveryPoint string: Timestamp when the last (latest) backup copy was created for this backup item.
    • policyId string: ID of the backup policy with which this item is backed up.
    • protectedItemType string: backup item type.
    • sourceResourceId string: ARM ID of the resource to be backed up.
    • workloadType string (values: Invalid, VM, FileFolder, AzureSqlDb, SQLDB, Exchange, Sharepoint, VMwareVM, SystemState, Client, GenericDataSource): Type of workload this item represents.


  • AzureIaaSVMHealthDetails object: Azure IaaS VM workload-specific Health Details.
    • code integer: Health Code
    • message string: Health Message
    • recommendations array: Health Recommended Actions
      • items string
    • title string: Health Title


  • AzureIaaSVMProtectedItem object: IaaS VM workload-specific backup item.
    • extendedInfo AzureIaaSVMProtectedItemExtendedInfo
    • friendlyName string: Friendly name of the VM represented by this backup item.
    • healthDetails array: Health details on this backup item.
    • healthStatus string (values: Passed, ActionRequired, ActionSuggested, Invalid): Health status of protected item
    • lastBackupStatus string: Last backup operation status. Possible values: Healthy, Unhealthy.
    • lastBackupTime string: Timestamp of the last backup operation on this backup item.
    • protectedItemDataId string: Data ID of the protected item.
    • protectionState string (values: Invalid, IRPending, Protected, ProtectionError, ProtectionStopped, ProtectionPaused): Backup state of this backup item.
    • protectionStatus string: Backup status of this backup item.
    • virtualMachineId string: Fully qualified ARM ID of the virtual machine represented by this item.
    • backupManagementType string (values: Invalid, AzureIaasVM, MAB, DPM, AzureBackupServer, AzureSql): Type of backup managemenent for the backed up item.
    • containerName string: Unique name of container
    • lastRecoveryPoint string: Timestamp when the last (latest) backup copy was created for this backup item.
    • policyId string: ID of the backup policy with which this item is backed up.
    • protectedItemType string: backup item type.
    • sourceResourceId string: ARM ID of the resource to be backed up.
    • workloadType string (values: Invalid, VM, FileFolder, AzureSqlDb, SQLDB, Exchange, Sharepoint, VMwareVM, SystemState, Client, GenericDataSource): Type of workload this item represents.


  • AzureIaaSVMProtectedItemExtendedInfo object: Additional information on Azure IaaS VM specific backup item.
    • oldestRecoveryPoint string: The oldest backup copy available for this backup item.
    • policyInconsistent boolean: Specifies if backup policy associated with the backup item is inconsistent.
    • recoveryPointCount integer: Number of backup copies available for this backup item.


  • AzureIaaSVMProtectionPolicy object: IaaS VM workload-specific backup policy.
    • retentionPolicy RetentionPolicy
    • schedulePolicy SchedulePolicy
    • timeZone string: TimeZone optional input as string. For example: TimeZone = "Pacific Standard Time".
    • backupManagementType required string: This property will be used as the discriminator for deciding the specific types in the polymorhpic chain of types.
    • protectedItemsCount integer: Number of items associated with this policy.


  • AzureSqlContainer object: Azure Sql workload-specific container.
    • backupManagementType string (values: Invalid, AzureIaasVM, MAB, DPM, AzureBackupServer, AzureSql): Type of backup managemenent for the container.
    • containerType string (values: Invalid, Unknown, IaasVMContainer, IaasVMServiceContainer, DPMContainer, AzureBackupServerContainer, MABContainer, Cluster, AzureSqlContainer, Windows, VCenter): Type of the container. The value of this property for: 1. Compute Azure VM is Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines 2. Classic Compute Azure VM is Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines 3. Windows machines (like MAB, DPM etc) is Windows 4. Azure SQL instance is AzureSqlContainer.
    • friendlyName string: Friendly name of the container.
    • healthStatus string: Status of health of the container.
    • protectableObjectType string (values: Invalid, Unknown, IaasVMContainer, IaasVMServiceContainer, DPMContainer, AzureBackupServerContainer, MABContainer, Cluster, AzureSqlContainer, Windows, VCenter): Type of the protectable object associated with this container.
    • registrationStatus string: Status of registration of the container with the Recovery Services Vault.


  • AzureSqlProtectedItem object: Azure SQL workload-specific backup item.
    • extendedInfo AzureSqlProtectedItemExtendedInfo
    • protectedItemDataId string: Internal ID of a backup item. Used by Azure SQL Backup engine to contact Recovery Services.
    • protectionState string (values: Invalid, IRPending, Protected, ProtectionError, ProtectionStopped, ProtectionPaused): Backup state of the backed up item.
    • backupManagementType string (values: Invalid, AzureIaasVM, MAB, DPM, AzureBackupServer, AzureSql): Type of backup managemenent for the backed up item.
    • containerName string: Unique name of container
    • lastRecoveryPoint string: Timestamp when the last (latest) backup copy was created for this backup item.
    • policyId string: ID of the backup policy with which this item is backed up.
    • protectedItemType string: backup item type.
    • sourceResourceId string: ARM ID of the resource to be backed up.
    • workloadType string (values: Invalid, VM, FileFolder, AzureSqlDb, SQLDB, Exchange, Sharepoint, VMwareVM, SystemState, Client, GenericDataSource): Type of workload this item represents.


  • AzureSqlProtectedItemExtendedInfo object: Additional information on Azure Sql specific protected item.
    • oldestRecoveryPoint string: The oldest backup copy available for this item in the service.
    • policyState string: State of the backup policy associated with this backup item.
    • recoveryPointCount integer: Number of available backup copies associated with this backup item.


  • AzureSqlProtectionPolicy object: Azure SQL workload-specific backup policy.
    • retentionPolicy RetentionPolicy
    • backupManagementType required string: This property will be used as the discriminator for deciding the specific types in the polymorhpic chain of types.
    • protectedItemsCount integer: Number of items associated with this policy.


  • BEKDetails object: BEK is bitlocker encrpytion key.
    • secretData string: BEK data.
    • secretUrl string: Secret is BEK.
    • secretVaultId string: ID of the Key Vault where this Secret is stored.


  • BMSBackupEngineQueryObject object: Query parameters to fetch list of backup engines.
    • expand string: attribute to add extended info


  • BMSBackupEnginesQueryObject object: Query parameters to fetch list of backup engines.
    • backupManagementType string (values: Invalid, AzureIaasVM, MAB, DPM, AzureBackupServer, AzureSql): Backup management type for the backup engine.
    • expand string: Attribute to add extended info.
    • friendlyName string: Friendly name of the backup engine.


  • BMSBackupSummariesQueryObject object: Query parameters to fetch backup summaries.
    • type string (values: Invalid, BackupProtectedItemCountSummary, BackupProtectionContainerCountSummary): Backup management type for this container.


  • BMSContainerQueryObject object: The query filters that can be used with the list containers API.
    • backupEngineName string: Backup engine name
    • backupManagementType required string (values: Invalid, AzureIaasVM, MAB, DPM, AzureBackupServer, AzureSql): Backup management type for this container.
    • containerType string (values: Invalid, Unknown, IaasVMContainer, IaasVMServiceContainer, DPMContainer, AzureBackupServerContainer, MABContainer, Cluster, AzureSqlContainer, Windows, VCenter): Type of container for filter
    • friendlyName string: Friendly name of this container.
    • status string: Status of registration of this container with the Recovery Services Vault.


  • BMSPOQueryObject object: Filters to list items that can be backed up.
    • backupManagementType string (values: Invalid, AzureIaasVM, MAB, DPM, AzureBackupServer, AzureSql): Backup management type.
    • friendlyName string: Friendly name.
    • status string: Backup status query parameter.


  • BMSRPQueryObject object: Filters to list backup copies.
    • endDate string: Backup copies created before this time.
    • startDate string: Backup copies created after this time.


  • BackupEngineBase object: The base backup engine class. All workload specific backup engines derive from this class.
    • azureBackupAgentVersion string: Backup agent version
    • backupEngineId string: ID of the backup engine.
    • backupEngineState string: Status of the backup engine with the Recovery Services Vault. = {Active/Deleting/DeleteFailed}
    • backupEngineType string (values: Invalid, DpmBackupEngine, AzureBackupServerEngine): Type of the backup engine.
    • backupManagementType string (values: Invalid, AzureIaasVM, MAB, DPM, AzureBackupServer, AzureSql): Type of backup management for the backup engine.
    • canReRegister boolean: Flag indicating if the backup engine be registered, once already registered.
    • dpmVersion string: Backup engine version
    • extendedInfo BackupEngineExtendedInfo
    • friendlyName string: Friendly name of the backup engine.
    • healthStatus string: Backup status of the backup engine.
    • isAzureBackupAgentUpgradeAvailable boolean: To check if backup agent upgrade available
    • isDPMUpgradeAvailable boolean: To check if backup engine upgrade available
    • registrationStatus string: Registration status of the backup engine with the Recovery Services Vault.


  • BackupEngineBaseResource object: The base backup engine class. All workload specific backup engines derive from this class.
    • properties BackupEngineBase
    • eTag string: Optional ETag.
    • id string: Resource Id represents the complete path to the resource.
    • location string: Resource location.
    • name string: Resource name associated with the resource.
    • tags object: Resource tags.
    • type string: Resource type represents the complete path of the form Namespace/ResourceType/ResourceType/...


  • BackupEngineBaseResourceList object: List of BackupEngineBase resources
    • value array: List of resources.
    • nextLink string: The uri to fetch the next page of resources. Call ListNext() fetches next page of resources.


  • BackupEngineExtendedInfo object: Additional information on backup engine.
    • availableDiskSpace number: Diskspace currently available in the backup engine.
    • azureProtectedInstances integer: Protected instances in the backup engine.
    • databaseName string: Database name of backup engine.
    • diskCount integer: Number of disks in the backup engine.
    • protectedItemsCount integer: Number of protected items in the backup engine.
    • protectedServersCount integer: Number of protected servers in the backup engine.
    • refreshedAt string: Last refresh time in the backup engine.
    • usedDiskSpace number: Diskspace used in the backup engine.


  • BackupManagementUsage object: Backup management usages of a vault.
    • currentValue integer: Current value of usage.
    • limit integer: Limit of usage.
    • name NameInfo
    • nextResetTime string: Next reset time of usage.
    • quotaPeriod string: Quota period of usage.
    • unit string (values: Count, Bytes, Seconds, Percent, CountPerSecond, BytesPerSecond): Unit of the usage.


  • BackupManagementUsageList object: Backup management usage for vault.


  • BackupRequest object: Base class for backup request. Workload-specific backup requests are derived from this class.
    • objectType required string: This property will be used as the discriminator for deciding the specific types in the polymorhpic chain of types.


  • BackupRequestResource object: Base class for backup request. Workload-specific backup requests are derived from this class.
    • properties BackupRequest
    • eTag string: Optional ETag.
    • id string: Resource Id represents the complete path to the resource.
    • location string: Resource location.
    • name string: Resource name associated with the resource.
    • tags object: Resource tags.
    • type string: Resource type represents the complete path of the form Namespace/ResourceType/ResourceType/...


  • BackupResourceConfig object: The resource storage details.
    • storageType string (values: Invalid, GeoRedundant, LocallyRedundant): Storage type.
    • storageTypeState string (values: Invalid, Locked, Unlocked): Locked or Unlocked. Once a machine is registered against a resource, the storageTypeState is always Locked.


  • BackupResourceConfigResource object: The resource storage details.
    • properties BackupResourceConfig
    • eTag string: Optional ETag.
    • id string: Resource Id represents the complete path to the resource.
    • location string: Resource location.
    • name string: Resource name associated with the resource.
    • tags object: Resource tags.
    • type string: Resource type represents the complete path of the form Namespace/ResourceType/ResourceType/...


  • BackupResourceVaultConfig object: Backup resource vault config details.
    • enhancedSecurityState string (values: Invalid, Enabled, Disabled): Enabled or Disabled.
    • storageType string (values: Invalid, GeoRedundant, LocallyRedundant): Storage type.
    • storageTypeState string (values: Invalid, Locked, Unlocked): Locked or Unlocked. Once a machine is registered against a resource, the storageTypeState is always Locked.


  • BackupResourceVaultConfigResource object: Backup resource vault config details.
    • properties BackupResourceVaultConfig
    • eTag string: Optional ETag.
    • id string: Resource Id represents the complete path to the resource.
    • location string: Resource location.
    • name string: Resource name associated with the resource.
    • tags object: Resource tags.
    • type string: Resource type represents the complete path of the form Namespace/ResourceType/ResourceType/...


  • ClientScriptForConnect object: Client script details for file / folder restore.
    • osType string: OS type - Windows, Linux etc. for which this file / folder restore client script works.
    • scriptContent string: File content of the client script for file / folder restore.
    • scriptExtension string: File extension of the client script for file / folder restore - .ps1 , .sh , etc.
    • scriptNameSuffix string: Mandator suffix that should be added to the name of script that is given for download to user.
    • url string: URL of Executable from where to source the content. If this is not null then ScriptContent should not be used


  • DPMContainerExtendedInfo object: Additional information of the DPMContainer.
    • lastRefreshedAt string: Last refresh time of the DPMContainer.


  • DPMProtectedItem object: Additional information on Backup engine specific backup item.
    • backupEngineName string: Backup Management server protecting this backup item
    • extendedInfo DPMProtectedItemExtendedInfo
    • friendlyName string: Friendly name of the managed item
    • isScheduledForDeferredDelete boolean: To check if backup item is scheduled for deferred delete
    • protectionState string (values: Invalid, IRPending, Protected, ProtectionError, ProtectionStopped, ProtectionPaused): Protection state of the backupengine
    • backupManagementType string (values: Invalid, AzureIaasVM, MAB, DPM, AzureBackupServer, AzureSql): Type of backup managemenent for the backed up item.
    • containerName string: Unique name of container
    • lastRecoveryPoint string: Timestamp when the last (latest) backup copy was created for this backup item.
    • policyId string: ID of the backup policy with which this item is backed up.
    • protectedItemType string: backup item type.
    • sourceResourceId string: ARM ID of the resource to be backed up.
    • workloadType string (values: Invalid, VM, FileFolder, AzureSqlDb, SQLDB, Exchange, Sharepoint, VMwareVM, SystemState, Client, GenericDataSource): Type of workload this item represents.


  • DPMProtectedItemExtendedInfo object: Additional information of DPM Protected item.
    • diskStorageUsedInBytes string: Used Disk storage in bytes.
    • isCollocated boolean: To check if backup item is collocated.
    • isPresentOnCloud boolean: To check if backup item is cloud protected.
    • lastBackupStatus string: Last backup status information on backup item.
    • lastRefreshedAt string: Last refresh time on backup item.
    • oldestRecoveryPoint string: Oldest cloud recovery point time.
    • onPremiseLatestRecoveryPoint string: latest disk recovery point time.
    • onPremiseOldestRecoveryPoint string: Oldest disk recovery point time.
    • onPremiseRecoveryPointCount integer: disk recovery point count.
    • protectableObjectLoadPath object: Attribute to provide information on various DBs.
    • protected boolean: To check if backup item is disk protected.
    • protectionGroupName string: Protection group name of the backup item.
    • recoveryPointCount integer: cloud recovery point count.
    • totalDiskStorageSizeInBytes string: total Disk storage in bytes.


  • DailyRetentionFormat object: Daily retention format.
    • daysOfTheMonth array: List of days of the month.


  • DailyRetentionSchedule object: Daily retention schedule.
    • retentionDuration RetentionDuration
    • retentionTimes array: Retention times of retention policy.
      • items string


  • Day object: Day of the week.
    • date integer: Date of the month
    • isLast boolean: Whether Date is last date of month


  • DpmBackupEngine object: Data Protection Manager (DPM) specific backup engine.
    • azureBackupAgentVersion string: Backup agent version
    • backupEngineId string: ID of the backup engine.
    • backupEngineState string: Status of the backup engine with the Recovery Services Vault. = {Active/Deleting/DeleteFailed}
    • backupEngineType string (values: Invalid, DpmBackupEngine, AzureBackupServerEngine): Type of the backup engine.
    • backupManagementType string (values: Invalid, AzureIaasVM, MAB, DPM, AzureBackupServer, AzureSql): Type of backup management for the backup engine.
    • canReRegister boolean: Flag indicating if the backup engine be registered, once already registered.
    • dpmVersion string: Backup engine version
    • extendedInfo BackupEngineExtendedInfo
    • friendlyName string: Friendly name of the backup engine.
    • healthStatus string: Backup status of the backup engine.
    • isAzureBackupAgentUpgradeAvailable boolean: To check if backup agent upgrade available
    • isDPMUpgradeAvailable boolean: To check if backup engine upgrade available
    • registrationStatus string: Registration status of the backup engine with the Recovery Services Vault.


  • DpmContainer object: DPM workload-specific protection container.
    • DPMServers array: List of BackupEngines protecting the container
      • items string
    • UpgradeAvailable boolean: To check if upgrade available
    • canReRegister boolean: Specifies whether the container is re-registrable.
    • containerId string: ID of container.
    • dpmAgentVersion string: Backup engine Agent version
    • extendedInfo DPMContainerExtendedInfo
    • protectedItemCount integer: Number of protected items in the BackupEngine
    • protectionStatus string: Protection status of the container.
    • backupManagementType string (values: Invalid, AzureIaasVM, MAB, DPM, AzureBackupServer, AzureSql): Type of backup managemenent for the container.
    • containerType string (values: Invalid, Unknown, IaasVMContainer, IaasVMServiceContainer, DPMContainer, AzureBackupServerContainer, MABContainer, Cluster, AzureSqlContainer, Windows, VCenter): Type of the container. The value of this property for: 1. Compute Azure VM is Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines 2. Classic Compute Azure VM is Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines 3. Windows machines (like MAB, DPM etc) is Windows 4. Azure SQL instance is AzureSqlContainer.
    • friendlyName string: Friendly name of the container.
    • healthStatus string: Status of health of the container.
    • protectableObjectType string (values: Invalid, Unknown, IaasVMContainer, IaasVMServiceContainer, DPMContainer, AzureBackupServerContainer, MABContainer, Cluster, AzureSqlContainer, Windows, VCenter): Type of the protectable object associated with this container.
    • registrationStatus string: Status of registration of the container with the Recovery Services Vault.


  • EncryptionDetails object: Details needed if the VM was encrypted at the time of backup.
    • encryptionEnabled boolean: Identifies whether this backup copy represents an encrypted VM at the time of backup.
    • kekUrl string: Key Url.
    • kekVaultId string: ID of Key Vault where KEK is stored.
    • secretKeyUrl string: Secret Url.
    • secretKeyVaultId string: ID of Key Vault where Secret is stored.


  • ExportJobsOperationResultInfo object: This class is used to send blob details after exporting jobs.
    • blobSasKey string: SAS key to access the blob. It expires in 15 mins.
    • blobUrl string: URL of the blob into which the serialized string of list of jobs is exported.
    • objectType required string: This property will be used as the discriminator for deciding the specific types in the polymorhpic chain of types.


  • GenericRecoveryPoint object: Generic backup copy.
    • friendlyName string: Friendly name of the backup copy.
    • recoveryPointAdditionalInfo string: Additional information associated with this backup copy.
    • recoveryPointTime string: Time at which this backup copy was created.
    • recoveryPointType string: Type of the backup copy.
    • objectType required string: This property will be used as the discriminator for deciding the specific types in the polymorhpic chain of types.


  • GetProtectedItemQueryObject object: Filters to list backup items.
    • expand string: Specifies if the additional information should be provided for this item.


  • ILRRequest object: Parameters to restore file/folders API.
    • objectType required string: This property will be used as the discriminator for deciding the specific types in the polymorhpic chain of types.


  • ILRRequestResource object: Parameters to restore file/folders API.
    • properties ILRRequest
    • eTag string: Optional ETag.
    • id string: Resource Id represents the complete path to the resource.
    • location string: Resource location.
    • name string: Resource name associated with the resource.
    • tags object: Resource tags.
    • type string: Resource type represents the complete path of the form Namespace/ResourceType/ResourceType/...


  • IaaSVMContainer object: IaaS VM workload-specific container.
    • resourceGroup string: Resource group name of Recovery Services Vault.
    • virtualMachineId string: Fully qualified ARM url of the virtual machine represented by this Azure IaaS VM container.
    • virtualMachineVersion string: Specifies whether the container represents a Classic or an Azure Resource Manager VM.
    • backupManagementType string (values: Invalid, AzureIaasVM, MAB, DPM, AzureBackupServer, AzureSql): Type of backup managemenent for the container.
    • containerType string (values: Invalid, Unknown, IaasVMContainer, IaasVMServiceContainer, DPMContainer, AzureBackupServerContainer, MABContainer, Cluster, AzureSqlContainer, Windows, VCenter): Type of the container. The value of this property for: 1. Compute Azure VM is Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines 2. Classic Compute Azure VM is Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines 3. Windows machines (like MAB, DPM etc) is Windows 4. Azure SQL instance is AzureSqlContainer.
    • friendlyName string: Friendly name of the container.
    • healthStatus string: Status of health of the container.
    • protectableObjectType string (values: Invalid, Unknown, IaasVMContainer, IaasVMServiceContainer, DPMContainer, AzureBackupServerContainer, MABContainer, Cluster, AzureSqlContainer, Windows, VCenter): Type of the protectable object associated with this container.
    • registrationStatus string: Status of registration of the container with the Recovery Services Vault.


  • IaaSVMProtectableItem object: IaaS VM workload-specific backup item.
    • virtualMachineId string: Fully qualified ARM ID of the virtual machine.
    • backupManagementType string: Type of backup managemenent to backup an item.
    • friendlyName string: Friendly name of the backup item.
    • protectableItemType string: Type of the backup item.
    • protectionState string (values: Invalid, NotProtected, Protecting, Protected): State of the back up item.


  • IaasVMBackupRequest object: IaaS VM workload-specific backup request.
    • recoveryPointExpiryTimeInUTC string: Backup copy will expire after the time specified (UTC).
    • objectType required string: This property will be used as the discriminator for deciding the specific types in the polymorhpic chain of types.


  • IaasVMILRRegistrationRequest object: Restore files/folders from a backup copy of IaaS VM.
    • initiatorName string: iSCSI initiator name.
    • recoveryPointId string: ID of the IaaS VM backup copy from where the files/folders have to be restored.
    • renewExistingRegistration boolean: Whether to renew existing registration with the iSCSI server.
    • virtualMachineId string: Fully qualified ARM ID of the virtual machine whose the files / folders have to be restored.
    • objectType required string: This property will be used as the discriminator for deciding the specific types in the polymorhpic chain of types.


  • IaasVMRecoveryPoint object: IaaS VM workload specific backup copy.
    • isInstantILRSessionActive boolean: Is the session to recover items from this backup copy still active.
    • isManagedVirtualMachine boolean: Whether VM is with Managed Disks
    • isSourceVMEncrypted boolean: Identifies whether the VM was encrypted when the backup copy is created.
    • keyAndSecret KeyAndSecretDetails
    • originalStorageAccountOption boolean: Original SA Option
    • recoveryPointAdditionalInfo string: Additional information associated with this backup copy.
    • recoveryPointTierDetails array: Recovery point tier information.
    • recoveryPointTime string: Time at which this backup copy was created.
    • recoveryPointType string: Type of the backup copy.
    • sourceVMStorageType string: Storage type of the VM whose backup copy is created.
    • virtualMachineSize string: Virtual Machine Size
    • objectType required string: This property will be used as the discriminator for deciding the specific types in the polymorhpic chain of types.


  • IaasVMRestoreRequest object: IaaS VM workload-specific restore.
    • affinityGroup string: Affinity group associated to VM to be restored. Used only for Classic Compute Virtual Machines.
    • createNewCloudService boolean: Should a new cloud service be created while restoring the VM. If this is false, VM will be restored to the same cloud service as it was at the time of backup.
    • encryptionDetails EncryptionDetails
    • originalStorageAccountOption boolean
    • recoveryPointId string: ID of the backup copy to be recovered.
    • recoveryType string (values: Invalid, OriginalLocation, AlternateLocation, RestoreDisks): Type of this recovery.
    • region string: Region in which the virtual machine is restored.
    • sourceResourceId string: Fully qualified ARM ID of the VM which is being recovered.
    • storageAccountId string: Fully qualified ARM ID of the storage account to which the VM has to be restored.
    • subnetId string: Subnet ID, is the subnet ID associated with the to be restored VM. For Classic VMs it would be {VnetID}/Subnet/{SubnetName} and, for the Azure Resource Manager VMs it would be ARM resource ID used to represent the subnet.
    • targetDomainNameId string: Fully qualified ARM ID of the domain name to be associated to the VM being restored. This applies only to Classic Virtual Machines.
    • targetResourceGroupId string: This is the ARM Id of the resource group that you want to create for this Virtual machine and other artifacts.
    • targetVirtualMachineId string: This is the complete ARM Id of the VM that will be created.
    • virtualNetworkId string: This is the virtual network Id of the vnet that will be attached to the virtual machine.
    • objectType required string: This property will be used as the discriminator for deciding the specific types in the polymorhpic chain of types.


  • InstantItemRecoveryTarget object: Target details for file / folder restore.


  • JobQueryObject object: Filters to list the jobs.
    • backupManagementType string (values: Invalid, AzureIaasVM, MAB, DPM, AzureBackupServer, AzureSql): Type of backup managmenent for the job.
    • endTime string: Job has ended at this time. Value is in UTC.
    • jobId string: JobID represents the job uniquely.
    • operation string (values: Invalid, Register, UnRegister, ConfigureBackup, Backup, Restore, DisableBackup, DeleteBackupData): Type of operation.
    • startTime string: Job has started at this time. Value is in UTC.
    • status string (values: Invalid, InProgress, Completed, Failed, CompletedWithWarnings, Cancelled, Cancelling): Status of the job.


  • KEKDetails object: KEK is encryption key for BEK.
    • keyBackupData string: KEK data.
    • keyUrl string: Key is KEK.
    • keyVaultId string: Key Vault ID where this Key is stored.




  • LongTermSchedulePolicy object: Long term policy schedule.
    • schedulePolicyType required string: This property will be used as the discriminator for deciding the specific types in the polymorhpic chain of types.


  • MabContainer object: Container with items backed up using MAB backup engine.
    • agentVersion string: Agent version of this container.
    • canReRegister boolean: Can the container be registered one more time.
    • containerId integer: ContainerID represents the container.
    • extendedInfo MabContainerExtendedInfo
    • protectedItemCount integer: Number of items backed up in this container.
    • backupManagementType string (values: Invalid, AzureIaasVM, MAB, DPM, AzureBackupServer, AzureSql): Type of backup managemenent for the container.
    • containerType string (values: Invalid, Unknown, IaasVMContainer, IaasVMServiceContainer, DPMContainer, AzureBackupServerContainer, MABContainer, Cluster, AzureSqlContainer, Windows, VCenter): Type of the container. The value of this property for: 1. Compute Azure VM is Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines 2. Classic Compute Azure VM is Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines 3. Windows machines (like MAB, DPM etc) is Windows 4. Azure SQL instance is AzureSqlContainer.
    • friendlyName string: Friendly name of the container.
    • healthStatus string: Status of health of the container.
    • protectableObjectType string (values: Invalid, Unknown, IaasVMContainer, IaasVMServiceContainer, DPMContainer, AzureBackupServerContainer, MABContainer, Cluster, AzureSqlContainer, Windows, VCenter): Type of the protectable object associated with this container.
    • registrationStatus string: Status of registration of the container with the Recovery Services Vault.


  • MabContainerExtendedInfo object: Additional information of the container.
    • backupItemType string (values: Invalid, VM, FileFolder, AzureSqlDb, SQLDB, Exchange, Sharepoint, VMwareVM, SystemState, Client, GenericDataSource): Type of backup items associated with this container.
    • backupItems array: List of backup items associated with this container.
      • items string
    • lastBackupStatus string: Latest backup status of this container.
    • lastRefreshedAt string: Time stamp when this container was refreshed.
    • policyName string: Backup policy associated with this container.


  • MabFileFolderProtectedItem object: MAB workload-specific backup item.
    • computerName string: Name of the computer associated with this backup item.
    • deferredDeleteSyncTimeInUTC integer: Sync time for deferred deletion.
    • extendedInfo MabFileFolderProtectedItemExtendedInfo
    • friendlyName string: Friendly name of this backup item.
    • isScheduledForDeferredDelete boolean: Specifies if the item is scheduled for deferred deletion.
    • lastBackupStatus string: Status of last backup operation.
    • protectionState string: Protected, ProtectionStopped, IRPending or ProtectionError
    • backupManagementType string (values: Invalid, AzureIaasVM, MAB, DPM, AzureBackupServer, AzureSql): Type of backup managemenent for the backed up item.
    • containerName string: Unique name of container
    • lastRecoveryPoint string: Timestamp when the last (latest) backup copy was created for this backup item.
    • policyId string: ID of the backup policy with which this item is backed up.
    • protectedItemType string: backup item type.
    • sourceResourceId string: ARM ID of the resource to be backed up.
    • workloadType string (values: Invalid, VM, FileFolder, AzureSqlDb, SQLDB, Exchange, Sharepoint, VMwareVM, SystemState, Client, GenericDataSource): Type of workload this item represents.


  • MabFileFolderProtectedItemExtendedInfo object: Additional information on the backed up item.
    • lastRefreshedAt string: Last time when the agent data synced to service.
    • oldestRecoveryPoint string: The oldest backup copy available.
    • recoveryPointCount integer: Number of backup copies associated with the backup item.


  • MabProtectionPolicy object: Mab container-specific backup policy.
    • retentionPolicy RetentionPolicy
    • schedulePolicy SchedulePolicy
    • backupManagementType required string: This property will be used as the discriminator for deciding the specific types in the polymorhpic chain of types.
    • protectedItemsCount integer: Number of items associated with this policy.


  • MonthlyRetentionSchedule object: Monthly retention schedule.
    • retentionDuration RetentionDuration
    • retentionScheduleDaily DailyRetentionFormat
    • retentionScheduleFormatType string (values: Invalid, Daily, Weekly): Retention schedule format type for monthly retention policy.
    • retentionScheduleWeekly WeeklyRetentionFormat
    • retentionTimes array: Retention times of retention policy.
      • items string


  • NameInfo object: The name of usage.
    • localizedValue string: Localized value of usage.
    • value string: Value of usage.


  • Object object: Base of all objects.


  • OperationResultInfo object: Operation result info.
    • jobList array: List of jobs created by this operation.
      • items string
    • objectType required string: This property will be used as the discriminator for deciding the specific types in the polymorhpic chain of types.


  • OperationResultInfoBase object: Base class for operation result info.
    • objectType required string: This property will be used as the discriminator for deciding the specific types in the polymorhpic chain of types.


  • OperationResultInfoBaseResource object: Base class for operation result info.
    • operation OperationResultInfoBase
    • Headers object: HTTP headers associated with this operation.
    • statusCode string (values: Continue, SwitchingProtocols, OK, Created, Accepted, NonAuthoritativeInformation, NoContent, ResetContent, PartialContent, MultipleChoices, Ambiguous, MovedPermanently, Moved, Found, Redirect, SeeOther, RedirectMethod, NotModified, UseProxy, Unused, TemporaryRedirect, RedirectKeepVerb, BadRequest, Unauthorized, PaymentRequired, Forbidden, NotFound, MethodNotAllowed, NotAcceptable, ProxyAuthenticationRequired, RequestTimeout, Conflict, Gone, LengthRequired, PreconditionFailed, RequestEntityTooLarge, RequestUriTooLong, UnsupportedMediaType, RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable, ExpectationFailed, UpgradeRequired, InternalServerError, NotImplemented, BadGateway, ServiceUnavailable, GatewayTimeout, HttpVersionNotSupported): HTTP Status Code of the operation.


  • OperationStatus object: Operation status.
    • endTime string: Operation end time. Format: ISO-8601.
    • error OperationStatusError
    • id string: ID of the operation.
    • name string: Name of the operation.
    • properties OperationStatusExtendedInfo
    • startTime string: Operation start time. Format: ISO-8601.
    • status string (values: Invalid, InProgress, Succeeded, Failed, Canceled): Operation status.


  • OperationStatusError object: Error information associated with operation status call.
    • code string: Error code of the operation failure.
    • message string: Error message displayed if the operation failure.


  • OperationStatusExtendedInfo object: Base class for additional information of operation status.
    • objectType required string: This property will be used as the discriminator for deciding the specific types in the polymorhpic chain of types.


  • OperationStatusJobExtendedInfo object: Operation status job extended info.
    • jobId string: ID of the job created for this protected item.
    • objectType required string: This property will be used as the discriminator for deciding the specific types in the polymorhpic chain of types.


  • OperationStatusJobsExtendedInfo object: Operation status extended info for list of jobs.
    • failedJobsError object: Stores all the failed jobs along with the corresponding error codes.
    • jobIds array: IDs of the jobs created for the protected item.
      • items string
    • objectType required string: This property will be used as the discriminator for deciding the specific types in the polymorhpic chain of types.


  • OperationStatusProvisionILRExtendedInfo object: Operation status extended info for ILR provision action.
    • recoveryTarget InstantItemRecoveryTarget
    • objectType required string: This property will be used as the discriminator for deciding the specific types in the polymorhpic chain of types.


  • OperationWorkerResponse object: This is the base class for operation result responses.
    • Headers object: HTTP headers associated with this operation.
    • statusCode string (values: Continue, SwitchingProtocols, OK, Created, Accepted, NonAuthoritativeInformation, NoContent, ResetContent, PartialContent, MultipleChoices, Ambiguous, MovedPermanently, Moved, Found, Redirect, SeeOther, RedirectMethod, NotModified, UseProxy, Unused, TemporaryRedirect, RedirectKeepVerb, BadRequest, Unauthorized, PaymentRequired, Forbidden, NotFound, MethodNotAllowed, NotAcceptable, ProxyAuthenticationRequired, RequestTimeout, Conflict, Gone, LengthRequired, PreconditionFailed, RequestEntityTooLarge, RequestUriTooLong, UnsupportedMediaType, RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable, ExpectationFailed, UpgradeRequired, InternalServerError, NotImplemented, BadGateway, ServiceUnavailable, GatewayTimeout, HttpVersionNotSupported): HTTP Status Code of the operation.


  • ProtectedItem object: Base class for backup items.
    • backupManagementType string (values: Invalid, AzureIaasVM, MAB, DPM, AzureBackupServer, AzureSql): Type of backup managemenent for the backed up item.
    • containerName string: Unique name of container
    • lastRecoveryPoint string: Timestamp when the last (latest) backup copy was created for this backup item.
    • policyId string: ID of the backup policy with which this item is backed up.
    • protectedItemType string: backup item type.
    • sourceResourceId string: ARM ID of the resource to be backed up.
    • workloadType string (values: Invalid, VM, FileFolder, AzureSqlDb, SQLDB, Exchange, Sharepoint, VMwareVM, SystemState, Client, GenericDataSource): Type of workload this item represents.


  • ProtectedItemQueryObject object: Filters to list backup items.
    • backupEngineName string: Backup Engine name
    • backupManagementType string (values: Invalid, AzureIaasVM, MAB, DPM, AzureBackupServer, AzureSql): Backup management type for the backed up item.
    • containerName string: Name of the container.
    • friendlyName string: Friendly name of protected item
    • healthState string (values: Passed, ActionRequired, ActionSuggested, Invalid): Health State for the backed up item.
    • itemType string (values: Invalid, VM, FileFolder, AzureSqlDb, SQLDB, Exchange, Sharepoint, VMwareVM, SystemState, Client, GenericDataSource): Type of workload this item represents.
    • policyName string: Backup policy name associated with the backup item.


  • ProtectedItemResource object: Base class for backup items.
    • properties ProtectedItem
    • eTag string: Optional ETag.
    • id string: Resource Id represents the complete path to the resource.
    • location string: Resource location.
    • name string: Resource name associated with the resource.
    • tags object: Resource tags.
    • type string: Resource type represents the complete path of the form Namespace/ResourceType/ResourceType/...


  • ProtectedItemResourceList object: List of ProtectedItem resources
    • value array: List of resources.
    • nextLink string: The uri to fetch the next page of resources. Call ListNext() fetches next page of resources.


  • ProtectionContainer object: Base class for container with backup items. Containers with specific workloads are derived from this class.
    • backupManagementType string (values: Invalid, AzureIaasVM, MAB, DPM, AzureBackupServer, AzureSql): Type of backup managemenent for the container.
    • containerType string (values: Invalid, Unknown, IaasVMContainer, IaasVMServiceContainer, DPMContainer, AzureBackupServerContainer, MABContainer, Cluster, AzureSqlContainer, Windows, VCenter): Type of the container. The value of this property for: 1. Compute Azure VM is Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines 2. Classic Compute Azure VM is Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines 3. Windows machines (like MAB, DPM etc) is Windows 4. Azure SQL instance is AzureSqlContainer.
    • friendlyName string: Friendly name of the container.
    • healthStatus string: Status of health of the container.
    • protectableObjectType string (values: Invalid, Unknown, IaasVMContainer, IaasVMServiceContainer, DPMContainer, AzureBackupServerContainer, MABContainer, Cluster, AzureSqlContainer, Windows, VCenter): Type of the protectable object associated with this container.
    • registrationStatus string: Status of registration of the container with the Recovery Services Vault.


  • ProtectionContainerResource object: Base class for container with backup items. Containers with specific workloads are derived from this class.
    • properties ProtectionContainer
    • eTag string: Optional ETag.
    • id string: Resource Id represents the complete path to the resource.
    • location string: Resource location.
    • name string: Resource name associated with the resource.
    • tags object: Resource tags.
    • type string: Resource type represents the complete path of the form Namespace/ResourceType/ResourceType/...


  • ProtectionContainerResourceList object: List of ProtectionContainer resources
    • value array: List of resources.
    • nextLink string: The uri to fetch the next page of resources. Call ListNext() fetches next page of resources.


  • ProtectionPolicy object: Base class for backup policy. Workload-specific backup policies are derived from this class.
    • backupManagementType required string: This property will be used as the discriminator for deciding the specific types in the polymorhpic chain of types.
    • protectedItemsCount integer: Number of items associated with this policy.


  • ProtectionPolicyQueryObject object: Filters the list backup policies API.
    • backupManagementType string (values: Invalid, AzureIaasVM, MAB, DPM, AzureBackupServer, AzureSql): Backup management type for the backup policy.


  • ProtectionPolicyResource object: Base class for backup policy. Workload-specific backup policies are derived from this class.
    • properties ProtectionPolicy
    • eTag string: Optional ETag.
    • id string: Resource Id represents the complete path to the resource.
    • location string: Resource location.
    • name string: Resource name associated with the resource.
    • tags object: Resource tags.
    • type string: Resource type represents the complete path of the form Namespace/ResourceType/ResourceType/...


  • ProtectionPolicyResourceList object: List of ProtectionPolicy resources
    • value array: List of resources.
    • nextLink string: The uri to fetch the next page of resources. Call ListNext() fetches next page of resources.


  • RecoveryPoint object: Base class for backup copies. Workload-specific backup copies are derived from this class.
    • objectType required string: This property will be used as the discriminator for deciding the specific types in the polymorhpic chain of types.


  • RecoveryPointResource object: Base class for backup copies. Workload-specific backup copies are derived from this class.
    • properties RecoveryPoint
    • eTag string: Optional ETag.
    • id string: Resource Id represents the complete path to the resource.
    • location string: Resource location.
    • name string: Resource name associated with the resource.
    • tags object: Resource tags.
    • type string: Resource type represents the complete path of the form Namespace/ResourceType/ResourceType/...


  • RecoveryPointResourceList object: List of RecoveryPoint resources
    • value array: List of resources.
    • nextLink string: The uri to fetch the next page of resources. Call ListNext() fetches next page of resources.


  • RecoveryPointTierInformation object: Recovery point tier information.
    • status string (values: Invalid, Valid, Disabled, Deleted): Recovery point tier status.
    • type string (values: Invalid, InstantRP, HardenedRP): Recovery point tier type.


  • Resource object: ARM Resource.
    • eTag string: Optional ETag.
    • id string: Resource Id represents the complete path to the resource.
    • location string: Resource location.
    • name string: Resource name associated with the resource.
    • tags object: Resource tags.
    • type string: Resource type represents the complete path of the form Namespace/ResourceType/ResourceType/...


  • ResourceList object: Base for all lists of resources.
    • nextLink string: The uri to fetch the next page of resources. Call ListNext() fetches next page of resources.


  • RestoreRequest object: Base class for restore request. Workload-specific restore requests are derived from this class.
    • objectType required string: This property will be used as the discriminator for deciding the specific types in the polymorhpic chain of types.


  • RestoreRequestResource object: Base class for restore request. Workload-specific restore requests are derived from this class.
    • properties RestoreRequest
    • eTag string: Optional ETag.
    • id string: Resource Id represents the complete path to the resource.
    • location string: Resource location.
    • name string: Resource name associated with the resource.
    • tags object: Resource tags.
    • type string: Resource type represents the complete path of the form Namespace/ResourceType/ResourceType/...


  • RetentionDuration object: Retention duration.
    • count integer: Count of duration types. Retention duration is obtained by the counting the duration type Count times.
    • durationType string (values: Invalid, Days, Weeks, Months, Years): Retention duration type of retention policy.


  • RetentionPolicy object: Base class for retention policy.
    • retentionPolicyType required string: This property will be used as the discriminator for deciding the specific types in the polymorhpic chain of types.


  • SchedulePolicy object: Base class for backup schedule.
    • schedulePolicyType required string: This property will be used as the discriminator for deciding the specific types in the polymorhpic chain of types.


  • SimpleRetentionPolicy object: Simple policy retention.
    • retentionDuration RetentionDuration
    • retentionPolicyType required string: This property will be used as the discriminator for deciding the specific types in the polymorhpic chain of types.


  • SimpleSchedulePolicy object: Simple policy schedule.
    • scheduleRunDays array: List of days of week this schedule has to be run.
      • items string (values: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday)
    • scheduleRunFrequency string (values: Invalid, Daily, Weekly): Frequency of the schedule operation of this policy.
    • scheduleRunTimes array: List of times of day this schedule has to be run.
      • items string
    • scheduleWeeklyFrequency integer: At every number weeks this schedule has to be run.
    • schedulePolicyType required string: This property will be used as the discriminator for deciding the specific types in the polymorhpic chain of types.


  • TokenInformation object: The token information details.
    • expiryTimeInUtcTicks integer: Expiry time of token.
    • securityPIN string: Security PIN
    • token string: Token value.


  • WeeklyRetentionFormat object: Weekly retention format.
    • daysOfTheWeek array: List of days of the week.
      • items string (values: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday)
    • weeksOfTheMonth array: List of weeks of month.
      • items string (values: First, Second, Third, Fourth, Last)


  • WeeklyRetentionSchedule object: Weekly retention schedule.
    • daysOfTheWeek array: List of days of week for weekly retention policy.
      • items string (values: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday)
    • retentionDuration RetentionDuration
    • retentionTimes array: Retention times of retention policy.
      • items string


  • WorkloadProtectableItem object: Base class for backup item. Workload-specific backup items are derived from this class.
    • backupManagementType string: Type of backup managemenent to backup an item.
    • friendlyName string: Friendly name of the backup item.
    • protectableItemType string: Type of the backup item.
    • protectionState string (values: Invalid, NotProtected, Protecting, Protected): State of the back up item.


  • WorkloadProtectableItemResource object: Base class for backup item. Workload-specific backup items are derived from this class.
    • properties WorkloadProtectableItem
    • eTag string: Optional ETag.
    • id string: Resource Id represents the complete path to the resource.
    • location string: Resource location.
    • name string: Resource name associated with the resource.
    • tags object: Resource tags.
    • type string: Resource type represents the complete path of the form Namespace/ResourceType/ResourceType/...


  • WorkloadProtectableItemResourceList object: List of WorkloadProtectableItem resources
    • value array: List of resources.
    • nextLink string: The uri to fetch the next page of resources. Call ListNext() fetches next page of resources.


  • YearlyRetentionSchedule object: Yearly retention schedule.
    • monthsOfYear array: List of months of year of yearly retention policy.
      • items string (values: Invalid, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December)
    • retentionDuration RetentionDuration
    • retentionScheduleDaily DailyRetentionFormat
    • retentionScheduleFormatType string (values: Invalid, Daily, Weekly): Retention schedule format for yearly retention policy.
    • retentionScheduleWeekly WeeklyRetentionFormat
    • retentionTimes array: Retention times of retention policy.
      • items string


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