
6.0.0 • Public • Published


Client library for Wikimedia

Installation and Usage

npm install --save @datafire/wikimedia
let wikimedia = require('@datafire/wikimedia').create({
  mediawiki_auth: ""

.then(data => {


This API provides cacheable and straightforward access to Wikimedia content and data, in machine-readable formats.

Global Rules

  • Limit your clients to no more than 200 requests/s to this API. Each API endpoint's documentation may detail more specific usage limits.
  • Set a unique User-Agent or Api-User-Agent header that allows us to contact you quickly. Email addresses or URLs of contact pages work well.

By using this API, you agree to Wikimedia's Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Unless otherwise specified in the endpoint documentation below, content accessed via this API is licensed under the CC-BY-SA 3.0 and GFDL licenses, and you irrevocably agree to release modifications or additions made through this API under these licenses. See https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/REST_API for background and details.

Endpoint documentation

Please consult each endpoint's documentation for details on:

  • Licensing information for the specific type of content and data served via the endpoint.
  • Stability markers to inform you about development status and change policy, according to our API version policy.
  • Endpoint specific usage limits.



Gets availability of featured feed content for the apps by wiki domain.

Stability: experimental

wikimedia.feed.availability.get(null, context)


This action has no parameters



Checks the supplied TeX formula for correctness and returns the normalised formula representation as well as information about identifiers. Available types are tex and inline-tex. The response contains the x-resource-location header which can be used to retrieve the render of the checked formula in one of the supported rendering formats. Just append the value of the header to /media/math/{format}/ and perform a GET request against that URL.

Stability: stable.

  "type": "",
  "q": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • type required string (values: tex, inline-tex, chem): The input type of the given formula; can be tex or inline-tex
    • q required string: The formula to check


Output schema unknown


Returns the previously-stored formula via /media/math/check/{type} for the given hash.

Stability: stable.

  "hash": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • hash required string: The hash string of the previous POST data


Output schema unknown


Given a request hash, renders a TeX formula into its mathematic representation in the given format. When a request is issued to the /media/math/check/{format} POST endpoint, the response contains the x-resource-location header denoting the hash ID of the POST data. Once obtained, this endpoint has to be used to obtain the actual render.

Stability: stable.

  "format": "",
  "hash": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • format required string (values: svg, mml, png): The output format; can be svg or mml
    • hash required string: The hash string of the previous POST data


Output schema unknown


Given a Mediawiki project and a date range, returns a timeseries of absolute bytes difference sums. You can filter by editors-type (all-editor-types, anonymous, group-bot, name-bot, user) and page-type (all-page-types, content, non-content). You can choose between daily and monthly granularity as well.

  "project": "",
  "editor-type": "",
  "page-type": "",
  "granularity": "",
  "start": "",
  "end": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • project required string: The name of any Wikimedia project formatted like {language code}.{project name},
    • editor-type required string (values: all-editor-types, anonymous, group-bot, name-bot, user): If you want to filter by editor-type, use one of anonymous, group-bot (registered
    • page-type required string (values: all-page-types, content, non-content): If you want to filter by page-type, use one of content (edits on pages in content
    • granularity required string (values: daily, monthly): Time unit for the response data. As of today, supported values are daily and monthly
    • start required string: The date of the first day to include, in YYYYMMDD format
    • end required string: The date of the last day to include, in YYYYMMDD format



Given a Mediawiki project, a page-title prefixed with canonical namespace (for instance 'User:Jimbo_Wales') and a date range, returns a timeseries of bytes difference absolute sums. You can filter by editors-type (all-editor-types, anonymous, group-bot, name-bot, user). You can choose between daily and monthly granularity as well.

  "project": "",
  "page-title": "",
  "editor-type": "",
  "granularity": "",
  "start": "",
  "end": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • project required string: The name of any Wikimedia project formatted like {language code}.{project name},
    • page-title required string: The page-title to request absolute bytes-difference for. Should be prefixed with the
    • editor-type required string (values: all-editor-types, anonymous, group-bot, name-bot, user): If you want to filter by editor-type, use one of anonymous, group-bot (registered
    • granularity required string (values: daily, monthly): Time unit for the response data. As of today, supported values are daily and monthly
    • start required string: The date of the first day to include, in YYYYMMDD format
    • end required string: The date of the last day to include, in YYYYMMDD format



Given a Mediawiki project and a date range, returns a timeseries of bytes difference net sums. You can filter by editors-type (all-editor-types, anonymous, group-bot, name-bot, user) and page-type (all-page-types, content or non-content). You can choose between daily and monthly granularity as well.

  "project": "",
  "editor-type": "",
  "page-type": "",
  "granularity": "",
  "start": "",
  "end": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • project required string: The name of any Wikimedia project formatted like {language code}.{project name},
    • editor-type required string (values: all-editor-types, anonymous, group-bot, name-bot, user): If you want to filter by editor-type, use one of anonymous, group-bot (registered
    • page-type required string (values: all-page-types, content, non-content): If you want to filter by page-type, use one of content (edits on pages in content
    • granularity required string (values: daily, monthly): Time unit for the response data. As of today, supported values are daily and monthly
    • start required string: The date of the first day to include, in YYYYMMDD format
    • end required string: The date of the last day to include, in YYYYMMDD format



Given a Mediawiki project, a page-title prefixed with canonical namespace (for instance 'User:Jimbo_Wales') and a date range, returns a timeseries of bytes difference net sums. You can filter by editors-type (all-editor-types, anonymous, group-bot, name-bot, user). You can choose between daily and monthly granularity as well.

  "project": "",
  "page-title": "",
  "editor-type": "",
  "granularity": "",
  "start": "",
  "end": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • project required string: The name of any Wikimedia project formatted like {language code}.{project name},
    • page-title required string: The page-title to request net bytes-difference for. Should be prefixed with the
    • editor-type required string (values: all-editor-types, anonymous, group-bot, name-bot, user): If you want to filter by editor-type, use one of anonymous, group-bot (registered
    • granularity required string (values: daily, monthly): Time unit for the response data. As of today, supported values are daily and monthly
    • start required string: The date of the first day to include, in YYYYMMDD format
    • end required string: The date of the last day to include, in YYYYMMDD format



Given a Mediawiki project and a date range, returns a timeseries of its edited-pages counts. You can filter by editor-type (all-editor-types, anonymous, group-bot, name-bot, user), page-type (all-page-types, content or non-content) or activity-level (1..4-edits, 5..24-edits, 25..99-edits, 100..-edits). You can choose between daily and monthly granularity as well.

  "project": "",
  "editor-type": "",
  "page-type": "",
  "activity-level": "",
  "granularity": "",
  "start": "",
  "end": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • project required string: The name of any Wikimedia project formatted like {language code}.{project name},
    • editor-type required string (values: all-editor-types, anonymous, group-bot, name-bot, user): If you want to filter by editor-type, use one of anonymous, group-bot (registered
    • page-type required string (values: all-page-types, content, non-content): If you want to filter by page-type, use one of content (edited-pages in content
    • activity-level required string (values: all-activity-levels, 1..4-edits, 5..24-edits, 25..99-edits, 100..-edits): If you want to filter by activity-level, use one of 1..4-edits, 5..24-edits,
    • granularity required string (values: daily, monthly): The time unit for the response data. As of today, supported values are
    • start required string: The date of the first day to include, in YYYYMMDD format
    • end required string: The date of the last day to include, in YYYYMMDD format



Given a Mediawiki project and a date range, returns a timeseries of its new pages counts. You can filter by editor type (all-editor-types, anonymous, group-bot, name-bot, user) or page-type (all-page-types, content or non-content). You can choose between daily and monthly granularity as well.

  "project": "",
  "editor-type": "",
  "page-type": "",
  "granularity": "",
  "start": "",
  "end": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • project required string: The name of any Wikimedia project formatted like {language code}.{project name},
    • editor-type required string (values: all-editor-types, anonymous, group-bot, name-bot, user): If you want to filter by editor-type, use one of anonymous, group-bot (registered
    • page-type required string (values: all-page-types, content, non-content): If you want to filter by page-type, use one of content (new pages in content
    • granularity required string (values: daily, monthly): The time unit for the response data. As of today, supported values are
    • start required string: The date of the first day to include, in YYYYMMDD format
    • end required string: The date of the last day to include, in YYYYMMDD format



Given a Mediawiki project and a date (day or month), returns a timeseries of the top 100 edited-pages by absolute bytes-difference. You can filter by editor-type (all-editor-types, anonymous, group-bot, name-bot, user) or page-type (all-page-types, content or non-content).

  "project": "",
  "editor-type": "",
  "page-type": "",
  "year": "",
  "month": "",
  "day": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • project required string: The name of any Wikimedia project formatted like {language code}.{project name},
    • editor-type required string (values: all-editor-types, anonymous, group-bot, name-bot, user): If you want to filter by editor-type, use one of anonymous, group-bot (registered
    • page-type required string (values: all-page-types, content, non-content): If you want to filter by page-type, use one of content (edits on pages in content
    • year required string: The year of the date for which to retrieve top edited-pages, in YYYY format.
    • month required string: The month of the date for which to retrieve top edited-pages, in MM format. If you want to get the top edited-pages of a whole month, the day parameter should be all-days.
    • day required string: The day of the date for which to retrieve top edited-pages, in DD format, or all-days for a monthly value.



Given a Mediawiki project and a date (day or month), returns a timeseries of the top 100 edited-pages by edits count. You can filter by editor-type (all-editor-types, anonymous, group-bot, name-bot, user) or page-type (all-page-types, content or non-content).

  "project": "",
  "editor-type": "",
  "page-type": "",
  "year": "",
  "month": "",
  "day": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • project required string: The name of any Wikimedia project formatted like {language code}.{project name},
    • editor-type required string (values: all-editor-types, anonymous, group-bot, name-bot, user): If you want to filter by editor-type, use one of anonymous, group-bot (registered
    • page-type required string (values: all-page-types, content, non-content): If you want to filter by page-type, use one of content (edits on pages in content
    • year required string: The year of the date for which to retrieve top edited-pages, in YYYY format.
    • month required string: The month of the date for which to retrieve top edited-pages, in MM format. If you want to get the top edited-pages of a whole month, the day parameter should be all-days.
    • day required string: The day of the date for which to retrieve top edited-pages, in DD format, or all-days for a monthly value.



Given a Mediawiki project and a date (day or month), returns a timeseries of the top 100 edited-pages by net bytes-difference. You can filter by editor-type (all-editor-types, anonymous, group-bot, name-bot, user) or page-type (all-page-types, content or non-content).

  "project": "",
  "editor-type": "",
  "page-type": "",
  "year": "",
  "month": "",
  "day": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • project required string: The name of any Wikimedia project formatted like {language code}.{project name},
    • editor-type required string (values: all-editor-types, anonymous, group-bot, name-bot, user): If you want to filter by editor-type, use one of anonymous, group-bot (registered
    • page-type required string (values: all-page-types, content, non-content): If you want to filter by page-type, use one of content (edits on pages in content
    • year required string: The year of the date for which to retrieve top edited-pages, in YYYY format.
    • month required string: The month of the date for which to retrieve top edited-pages, in MM format. If you want to get the top edited-pages of a whole month, the day parameter should be all-days.
    • day required string: The day of the date for which to retrieve top edited-pages, in DD format, or all-days for a monthly value.



Given a Mediawiki project and a date range, returns a timeseries of its editors counts. You can filter by editory-type (all-editor-types, anonymous, group-bot, name-bot, user), page-type (all-page-types, content or non-content) or activity-level (1..4-edits, 5..24-edits, 25..99-edits or 100..-edits). You can choose between daily and monthly granularity as well.

  "project": "",
  "editor-type": "",
  "page-type": "",
  "activity-level": "",
  "granularity": "",
  "start": "",
  "end": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • project required string: The name of any Wikimedia project formatted like {language code}.{project name},
    • editor-type required string (values: all-editor-types, anonymous, group-bot, name-bot, user): If you want to filter by editor-type, use one of anonymous, group-bot (registered
    • page-type required string (values: all-page-types, content, non-content): If you want to filter by page-type, use one of content (edits made in content
    • activity-level required string (values: all-activity-levels, 1..4-edits, 5..24-edits, 25..99-edits, 100..-edits): If you want to filter by activity-level, use one of 1..4-edits, 5..24-edits,
    • granularity required string (values: daily, monthly): The time unit for the response data. As of today, supported values are
    • start required string: The date of the first day to include, in YYYYMMDD format
    • end required string: The date of the last day to include, in YYYYMMDD format



Given a Mediawiki project and a date (day or month), returns a timeseries of the top 100 editors by absolute bytes-difference. You can filter by editor-type (all-editor-types, anonymous, group-bot, name-bot, user) or page-type (all-page-types, content or non-content). The user_text returned is either the mediawiki user_text if the user is registered, or null if user is anonymous.

  "project": "",
  "editor-type": "",
  "page-type": "",
  "year": "",
  "month": "",
  "day": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • project required string: The name of any Wikimedia project formatted like {language code}.{project name},
    • editor-type required string (values: all-editor-types, anonymous, group-bot, name-bot, user): If you want to filter by editor-type, use one of anonymous, group-bot (registered
    • page-type required string (values: all-page-types, content, non-content): If you want to filter by page-type, use one of content (edits on pages in content
    • year required string: The year of the date for which to retrieve top editors, in YYYY format.
    • month required string: The month of the date for which to retrieve top editors, in MM format. If you want to get the top editors of a whole month, the day parameter should be all-days.
    • day required string: The day of the date for which to retrieve top editors, in DD format, or all-days for a monthly value.



Given a Mediawiki project and a date (day or month), returns a timeseries of the top 100 editors by edits count. You can filter by editor-type (all-editor-types, anonymous, group-bot, name-bot, user) or page-type (all-page-types, content or non-content). The user_text returned is either the mediawiki user_text if the user is registered, or null if user is anonymous.

  "project": "",
  "editor-type": "",
  "page-type": "",
  "year": "",
  "month": "",
  "day": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • project required string: The name of any Wikimedia project formatted like {language code}.{project name},
    • editor-type required string (values: all-editor-types, anonymous, group-bot, name-bot, user): If you want to filter by editor-type, use one of anonymous, group-bot (registered
    • page-type required string (values: all-page-types, content, non-content): If you want to filter by page-type, use one of content (edits on pages in content
    • year required string: The year of the date for which to retrieve top editors, in YYYY format.
    • month required string: The month of the date for which to retrieve top editors, in MM format. If you want to get the top editors of a whole month, the day parameter should be all-days.
    • day required string: The day of the date for which to retrieve top editors, in DD format, or all-days for a monthly value.



Given a Mediawiki project and a date (day or month), returns a timeseries of the top 100 editors by net bytes-difference. You can filter by editor-type (all-editor-types, anonymous, group-bot, name-bot, user) or page-type (all-page-types, content or non-content). The user_text returned is either the mediawiki user_text if the user is registered, or "Anonymous Editor" if user is anonymous.

  "project": "",
  "editor-type": "",
  "page-type": "",
  "year": "",
  "month": "",
  "day": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • project required string: The name of any Wikimedia project formatted like {language code}.{project name},
    • editor-type required string (values: all-editor-types, anonymous, group-bot, name-bot, user): If you want to filter by editor-type, use one of anonymous, group-bot (registered
    • page-type required string (values: all-page-types, content, non-content): If you want to filter by page-type, use one of content (edits on pages in content
    • year required string: The year of the date for which to retrieve top editors, in YYYY format.
    • month required string: The month of the date for which to retrieve top editors, in MM format. If you want to get the top editors of a whole month, the day parameter should be all-days.
    • day required string: The day of the date for which to retrieve top editors, in DD format, or all-days for a monthly value.



Given a Mediawiki project and a date range, returns a timeseries of edits counts. You can filter by editors-type (all-editor-types, anonymous, bot, registered) and page-type (all-page-types, content or non-content). You can choose between daily and monthly granularity as well.

  "project": "",
  "editor-type": "",
  "page-type": "",
  "granularity": "",
  "start": "",
  "end": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • project required string: The name of any Wikimedia project formatted like {language code}.{project name},
    • editor-type required string (values: all-editor-types, anonymous, group-bot, name-bot, user): If you want to filter by editor-type, use one of anonymous, group-bot (registered
    • page-type required string (values: all-page-types, content, non-content): If you want to filter by page-type, use one of content (edits on pages in content
    • granularity required string (values: daily, monthly): The time unit for the response data. As of today, supported values are
    • start required string: The date of the first day to include, in YYYYMMDD format
    • end required string: The date of the last day to include, in YYYYMMDD format



Given a Mediawiki project, a page-title prefixed with its canonical namespace (for instance 'User:Jimbo_Wales') and a date range, returns a timeseries of edit counts. You can filter by editors-type (all-editor-types, anonymous, group-bot, name-bot, user). You can choose between daily and monthly granularity as well.

  "project": "",
  "page-title": "",
  "editor-type": "",
  "granularity": "",
  "start": "",
  "end": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • project required string: The name of any Wikimedia project formatted like {language code}.{project name},
    • page-title required string: The page-title to request edits for. It should be prefixed with canonical namespace.
    • editor-type required string (values: all-editor-types, anonymous, group-bot, name-bot, user): If you want to filter by editor-type, use one of anonymous, group-bot (registered
    • granularity required string (values: daily, monthly): Time unit for the response data. As of today, supported values are daily and monthly
    • start required string: The date of the first day to include, in YYYYMMDD format
    • end required string: The date of the last day to include, in YYYYMMDD format



Given a project and a date range, returns a timeseries of pagecounts. You can filter by access site (mobile or desktop) and you can choose between monthly, daily and hourly granularity as well.

  "project": "",
  "access-site": "",
  "granularity": "",
  "start": "",
  "end": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • project required string: The name of any Wikimedia project formatted like {language code}.{project name},
    • access-site required string (values: all-sites, desktop-site, mobile-site): If you want to filter by access site, use one of desktop-site or mobile-site. If you are interested in pagecounts regardless of access site use all-sites.
    • granularity required string (values: hourly, daily, monthly): The time unit for the response data. As of today, the supported granularities for
    • start required string: The timestamp of the first hour/day/month to include, in YYYYMMDDHH format.
    • end required string: The timestamp of the last hour/day/month to include, in YYYYMMDDHH format.



Given a date range, returns a timeseries of pageview counts. You can filter by project, access method and/or agent type. You can choose between daily and hourly granularity as well.

  • Stability: stable
  • Rate limit: 100 req/s
  • License: Data accessible via this endpoint is available under the CC0 1.0 license.
  "project": "",
  "access": "",
  "agent": "",
  "granularity": "",
  "start": "",
  "end": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • project required string: If you want to filter by project, use the domain of any Wikimedia project,
    • access required string (values: all-access, desktop, mobile-app, mobile-web): If you want to filter by access method, use one of desktop, mobile-app or mobile-web.
    • agent required string (values: all-agents, user, spider): If you want to filter by agent type, use one of user or spider. If you are interested
    • granularity required string (values: hourly, daily, monthly): The time unit for the response data. As of today, the supported granularities for this
    • start required string: The timestamp of the first hour/day/month to include, in YYYYMMDDHH format
    • end required string: The timestamp of the last hour/day/month to include, in YYYYMMDDHH format



Given a Mediawiki article and a date range, returns a daily timeseries of its pageview counts. You can also filter by access method and/or agent type.

  • Stability: stable
  • Rate limit: 100 req/s
  • License: Data accessible via this endpoint is available under the CC0 1.0 license.
  "project": "",
  "access": "",
  "agent": "",
  "article": "",
  "granularity": "",
  "start": "",
  "end": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • project required string: If you want to filter by project, use the domain of any Wikimedia project,
    • access required string (values: all-access, desktop, mobile-app, mobile-web): If you want to filter by access method, use one of desktop, mobile-app
    • agent required string (values: all-agents, user, spider, bot): If you want to filter by agent type, use one of user, bot or spider. If you are
    • article required string: 'The title of any article in the specified project. Any spaces should be replaced
    • granularity required string (values: daily, monthly): The time unit for the response data. As of today, the only supported granularity for
    • start required string: The date of the first day to include, in YYYYMMDD or YYYYMMDDHH format
    • end required string: The date of the last day to include, in YYYYMMDD or YYYYMMDDHH format



Lists the pageviews to this project, split by country of origin for a given month. Because of privacy reasons, pageviews are given in a bucketed format, and countries with less than 100 views do not get reported. Stability: experimental

  • Rate limit: 100 req/s
  • License: Data accessible via this endpoint is available under the CC0 1.0 license.
  "project": "",
  "access": "",
  "year": "",
  "month": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • project required string: If you want to filter by project, use the domain of any Wikimedia project,
    • access required string (values: all-access, desktop, mobile-app, mobile-web): If you want to filter by access method, use one of desktop, mobile-app or mobile-web.
    • year required string: The year of the date for which to retrieve top countries, in YYYY format.
    • month required string: The month of the date for which to retrieve top countries, in MM format.



Lists the 1000 most viewed articles for a given project and timespan (month or day). You can filter by access method.

  • Stability: stable
  • Rate limit: 100 req/s
  • License: Data accessible via this endpoint is available under the CC0 1.0 license.
  "project": "",
  "access": "",
  "year": "",
  "month": "",
  "day": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • project required string: If you want to filter by project, use the domain of any Wikimedia project,
    • access required string (values: all-access, desktop, mobile-app, mobile-web): If you want to filter by access method, use one of desktop, mobile-app or mobile-web.
    • year required string: The year of the date for which to retrieve top articles, in YYYY format.
    • month required string: The month of the date for which to retrieve top articles, in MM format. If you want
    • day required string: The day of the date for which to retrieve top articles, in DD format.



Given a Mediawiki project and a date range, returns a timeseries of its newly registered users counts. You can choose between daily and monthly granularity. The newly registered users value is computed with self-created users only, not auto-login created ones.

  "project": "",
  "granularity": "",
  "start": "",
  "end": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • project required string: The name of any Wikimedia project formatted like {language code}.{project name},
    • granularity required string (values: daily, monthly): The time unit for the response data. As of today, supported values are
    • start required string: The date of the first day to include, in YYYYMMDD format
    • end required string: The date of the last day to include, in YYYYMMDD format



Given a project and a date range, returns a timeseries of unique devices counts. You need to specify a project, and can filter by accessed site (mobile or desktop). You can choose between daily and hourly granularity as well.

  • Stability: stable
  • Rate limit: 100 req/s
  • License: Data accessible via this endpoint is available under the CC0 1.0 license.
  "project": "",
  "access-site": "",
  "granularity": "",
  "start": "",
  "end": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • project required string: If you want to filter by project, use the domain of any Wikimedia project,
    • access-site required string (values: all-sites, desktop-site, mobile-site): If you want to filter by accessed site, use one of desktop-site or mobile-site.
    • granularity required string (values: daily, monthly): The time unit for the response data. As of today, the supported granularities
    • start required string: The timestamp of the first day/month to include, in YYYYMMDD format
    • end required string: The timestamp of the last day/month to include, in YYYYMMDD format



Fetches the machine translation for the posted content from the source to the destination language.

Stability: unstable

  "from_lang": "",
  "to_lang": "",
  "html": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • from_lang required string: The source language code
    • to_lang required string: The target language code
    • html required string: The HTML content to translate



Fetches the machine translation for the posted content from the source to the destination language.

Stability: unstable

  "from_lang": "",
  "to_lang": "",
  "provider": "",
  "html": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • from_lang required string: The source language code
    • to_lang required string: The target language code
    • provider required string (values: Apertium, Yandex, Youdao): The machine translation provider id
    • html required string: The HTML content to translate



Fetches the list of language pairs the back-end service can translate

Stability: unstable

wikimedia.transform.list.languagepairs.get(null, context)


This action has no parameters



Fetches the list of tools that are available for the given pair of languages.

Stability: unstable

  "from": "",
  "to": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • from required string: The source language code
    • to required string: The target language code



Fetches the list of tools and all of the language pairs it can translate

Stability: unstable

  "tool": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • tool required string (values: mt, dictionary): The tool category to list tools and language pairs for



Fetches the list of tools and all of the language pairs it can translate

Stability: unstable

  "tool": "",
  "from": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • tool required string (values: mt, dictionary): The tool category to list tools and language pairs for
    • from required string: The source language code



Fetches the list of tools and all of the language pairs it can translate

Stability: unstable

  "tool": "",
  "from": "",
  "to": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • tool required string (values: mt, dictionary): The tool category to list tools and language pairs for
    • from required string: The source language code
    • to required string: The target language code



Fetches the dictionary meaning of a word from a language and displays it in the target language.

Stability: unstable

  "from_lang": "",
  "to_lang": "",
  "word": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • from_lang required string: The source language code
    • to_lang required string: The target language code
    • word required string: The word to lookup



Fetches the dictionary meaning of a word from a language and displays it in the target language.

Stability: unstable

  "from_lang": "",
  "to_lang": "",
  "word": "",
  "provider": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • from_lang required string: The source language code
    • to_lang required string: The target language code
    • word required string: The word to lookup
    • provider required string (values: JsonDict, Dictd): The dictionary provider id




  • absolute-bytes-difference object
    • items array
      • items object
        • editor-type string
        • granularity string
        • page-type string
        • project string
        • results array
          • items object
            • abs_bytes_diff integer
            • timestamp string


  • absolute-bytes-difference-per-editor object
    • items array
      • items object
        • granularity string
        • page-type string
        • project string
        • results array
          • items object
            • abs_bytes_diff integer
            • timestamp string
        • user-text string


  • absolute-bytes-difference-per-page object
    • items array
      • items object
        • editor-type string
        • granularity string
        • page-title string
        • project string
        • results array
          • items object
            • abs_bytes_diff integer
            • timestamp string


  • availability object
    • in_the_news required array: domains for wikis with this feature enabled, or [ '*..org' ] for all wikis in a project
      • items string
    • most_read required array: domains for wikis with this feature enabled, or [ '*..org' ] for all wikis in a project
      • items string
    • on_this_day required array: domains for wikis with this feature enabled, or [ '*..org' ] for all wikis in a project
      • items string
    • picture_of_the_day required array: domains for wikis with this feature enabled, or [ '*..org' ] for all wikis in a project
      • items string
    • todays_featured_article required array: domains for wikis with this feature enabled, or [ '*..org' ] for all wikis in a project
      • items string


  • by-country object
    • items array
      • items object
        • access string
        • countries array
          • items object
            • country string
            • rank integer
            • views integer
        • month string
        • project string
        • year string


  • cx_dict object
    • source string: the original word to look up
    • translations array: the translations found
      • items object
        • info string: extra information about the phrase
        • phrase string: the translated phrase
        • sources string: the source dictionary used for the translation


  • cx_languagepairs object
    • source array: the list of available source languages
      • items string: one source language
    • target array: the list of available destination languages
      • items string: one destination language


  • cx_list_pairs_for_tool object


  • cx_list_tools object
    • tools array: the list of tools available for the given language pair
      • items string: the tool available


  • cx_mt object
    • contents string: the translated content


  • edited-pages object
    • items array
      • items object
        • activity-level string
        • editor-type string
        • granularity string
        • page-type string
        • project string
        • results array
          • items object
            • edited_pages integer
            • timestamp string


  • editors object
    • items array
      • items object
        • activity-level string
        • editor-type string
        • granularity string
        • page-type string
        • project string
        • results array
          • items object
            • editors integer
            • timestamp string


  • edits object
    • items array
      • items object
        • editor-type string
        • granularity string
        • page-type string
        • project string
        • results array
          • items object
            • edits integer
            • timestamp string


  • edits-per-editor object
    • items array
      • items object
        • granularity string
        • page-type string
        • project string
        • results array
          • items object
            • edits integer
            • timestamp string
        • user-text string


  • edits-per-page object
    • items array
      • items object
        • editor-type string
        • granularity string
        • page-title string
        • project string
        • results array
          • items object
            • edits integer
            • timestamp string


  • listing object: The result format for listings
    • items required array
      • items string


  • net-bytes-difference object
    • items array
      • items object
        • editor-type string
        • granularity string
        • page-type string
        • project string
        • results array
          • items object
            • net_bytes_diff integer
            • timestamp string


  • net-bytes-difference-per-editor object
    • items array
      • items object
        • granularity string
        • page-type string
        • project string
        • results array
          • items object
            • net_bytes_diff integer
            • timestamp string
        • user-text string


  • net-bytes-difference-per-page object
    • items array
      • items object
        • editor-type string
        • granularity string
        • page-title string
        • project string
        • results array
          • items object
            • net_bytes_diff integer
            • timestamp string


  • new-pages object
    • items array
      • items object
        • editor-type string
        • granularity string
        • page-type string
        • project string
        • results array
          • items object
            • new_pages integer
            • timestamp string


  • new-registered-users object
    • items array
      • items object
        • granularity string
        • project string
        • results array
          • items object
            • new_registered_users integer
            • timestamp string


  • originalimage object
    • height required integer: Original image height
    • source required string: Original image URI
    • width required integer: Original image width


  • pagecounts-project object
    • items array
      • items object
        • access-site string
        • count integer
        • granularity string
        • project string
        • timestamp string


  • pageview-article object
    • items array
      • items object
        • access string
        • agent string
        • article string
        • granularity string
        • project string
        • timestamp string
        • views integer


  • pageview-project object
    • items array
      • items object
        • access string
        • agent string
        • granularity string
        • project string
        • timestamp string
        • views integer


  • pageview-tops object
    • items array
      • items object
        • access string
        • articles array
          • items object
            • article string
            • rank integer
            • views integer
        • day string
        • month string
        • project string
        • year string


  • problem object
    • detail string
    • method string
    • status integer
    • title string
    • type required string
    • uri string


  • summary object
    • coordinates object: The coordinates of the item
      • lat required number: The latitude
      • lon required number: The longitude
    • description string: Wikidata description for the page
    • dir required string: The page language direction code
    • displaytitle string: The page title how it should be shown to the user
    • extract required string: First several sentences of an article in plain text
    • extract_html string: First several sentences of an article in simple HTML format
    • lang required string: The page language code
    • originalimage originalimage
    • pageid integer: The page ID
    • thumbnail thumbnail
    • timestamp string: The time when the page was last editted in the ISO 8601 format
    • title required string: The page title


  • thumbnail object
    • height required integer: Thumnail height
    • source required string: Thumbnail image URI
    • width required integer: Thumbnail width


  • top-edited-pages-by-abs-bytes-diff object
    • items array
      • items object
        • editor-type string
        • granularity string
        • page-type string
        • project string
        • results array
          • items object
            • timestamp string
            • top array


  • top-edited-pages-by-edits object
    • items array
      • items object
        • editor-type string
        • granularity string
        • page-type string
        • project string
        • results array
          • items object
            • timestamp string
            • top array


  • top-edited-pages-by-net-bytes-diff object
    • items array
      • items object
        • editor-type string
        • granularity string
        • page-type string
        • project string
        • results array
          • items object
            • timestamp string
            • top array


  • top-editors-by-abs-bytes-diff object
    • items array
      • items object
        • editor-type string
        • granularity string
        • page-type string
        • project string
        • results array
          • items object
            • timestamp string
            • top array


  • top-editors-by-edits object
    • items array
      • items object
        • editor-type string
        • granularity string
        • page-type string
        • project string
        • results array
          • items object
            • timestamp string
            • top array


  • top-editors-by-net-bytes-diff object
    • items array
      • items object
        • editor-type string
        • granularity string
        • page-type string
        • project string
        • results array
          • items object
            • timestamp string
            • top array


  • unique-devices object
    • items array
      • items object
        • access-site string
        • devices integer
        • granularity string
        • project string
        • timestamp string


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  • datafire