TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

0.0.1 • Public • Published


This project was generated using Angular CLI version 19.0.0.

Code scaffolding

Angular CLI includes powerful code scaffolding tools. To generate a new component, run:

ng generate component component-name

For a complete list of available schematics (such as components, directives, or pipes), run:

ng generate --help


To build the library, run:

ng build dcupl-workflow-components

This command will compile your project, and the build artifacts will be placed in the dist/ directory.

Publishing the Library

Once the project is built, you can publish your library by following these steps:

  1. Navigate to the dist directory:

    cd dist/dcupl-workflow-components
  2. Run the npm publish command to publish your library to the npm registry:

    npm publish

Running unit tests

To execute unit tests with the Karma test runner, use the following command:

ng test

Running end-to-end tests

For end-to-end (e2e) testing, run:

ng e2e

Angular CLI does not come with an end-to-end testing framework by default. You can choose one that suits your needs.

Additional Resources

For more information on using the Angular CLI, including detailed command references, visit the Angular CLI Overview and Command Reference page.

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npm i @dcupl/workflow-components

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  • dominikstrasser