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1.8.0 • Public • Published

DeCommas API SDK for Javascript

The DeCommas API SDK provides complete and stable access to DeCommas API - the fastest and best-in-class API for cross-chain indexed data.

The SDK covers all available endpoints and features.

Supported chains (mainnet only):

  • Ethereum
  • Polygon
  • Optimism
  • Arbitrum
  • Binance Smart Chain(BSC)
  • Avalanche
  • Fantom
  • Gnosis(ex-xDai)
  • Base
  • opBNB
  • Linea
  • Polygon zkEVM
  • Arbitrum Nova

Quick start

npm install @decommas/sdk

After installing the app you can import and use the SDK:

import { Decommas } from '@decommas/sdk';

// Allows to use SDK in DEV-ONLY mode
const decommas = new Decommas();

const getVitalikERC20Balances = async () => {
const address = '0xd8dA6BF26964aF9D7eEd9e03E53415D37aA96045'; // any address

const tokens = await decommas.address.getTokens({ address });


And this is it! Now you're ready to build your own project. You can use decommas.address.getCoins and decommas.address.getTokens freely for development purposes.

Quick start with API key

When your app is ready for some battle-tests, or you'd like to use all DeCommas API functionality, sign up on our dashboard by pressing "Get Started" to get API key. It's still free to use but allows calls to all API methods and increases rate limits.

import { Decommas } from '@decommas/sdk';

// You can pass your API key to constructor. For security purposes we recommend store API key as environment variable

const decommas = new Decommas(API_KEY);

const getVitalikERC20Balances = async () => {
  const address = '0xd8dA6BF26964aF9D7eEd9e03E53415D37aA96045'; // any address

  const balances = await decommas.address.getTokens({ address });


Error handling

It's always a good idea to wrap async into a try catch structure to deal with any errors and to make your code safe:

import { Decommas } from '@decommas/sdk';

const decommas = new Decommas(API_KEY);

const getVitalikERC20Balances = async () => {
  const address = 'wrong_address';
  try {
    const balances = await decommas.address.getTokens({ address });
  } catch (error) {
    // ApiError { status: 400, message: 'Invalid parameters' }


DeCommas API SDK use cases and overview

The DeCommas API SDK currently has these namespaces:

  • address: All methods related to specific address info: ERC20 balances, NFT balances, transactions history etc.
  • metadata: All methods related to specific token info: ERC20 token metadata, NFT token metadata
  • tx: All methods related to specific transaction: transaction details, ERC20 transfers inside transaction, NFT transfers inside transaction
import { Decommas, ChainName } from '@decommas/sdk';

const decommas = new Decommas(API_KEY);

const getNamespacesUseCases = async () => {
  const getTokensParams = {
    address: '0xd8dA6BF26964aF9D7eEd9e03E53415D37aA96045'

  const getTransactionDetailParams = {
    chainName: ChainName.MAINNET,
    txHash: '0x1d13160c69bac11b359585f37ffe8ba421e9f775852ea25b5b3b1ffab1f217de'

  const getNftParams = {
    chainName: ChainName.MAINNET,
    contractAddress: "0xBC4CA0EdA7647A8aB7C2061c2E118A18a936f13D",
    tokenId: 1,

  const tokens = await decommas.address.getTokens(getTokensParams);

  const transactionDetails = await decommas.tx.getDetail(getTransactionDetailParams);

  const nftMetadata = await decommas.metadata.getNft(getNftParams);


DeCommas address namespace

The address namespace contains all address-related methods:

  • getCoins({ address }): Gets native coins balances.
  • getTokens({ address, limit?, offset?, chains?, verified? }): Gets ERC20 tokens balances.
  • getNfts({ address, limit?, offset?, chains?, verified? }): Gets NFTs balances.
  • getErc20Transfers({ address, limit?, offset?, chain? }): Gets ERC20 transfers from and to address.
  • getNftTransfers({ address, limit?, offset?, chain? }): Gets NFTs transfers from and to address.
  • getTransactions({ address, limit?, offset?, chain? }): Gets transactions made from address.
  • getProtocols({ address }): Gets protocols positions

Pagination and Filters

  • All methods in address namespace, except getCoins, accept limit and offset params. By default limit: 20 and offset: 1. Max value for limit is 100.
  • All methods in address namespace accept chains param to make request only for spicific chains. To avoid misspels in chain names we recommend to use ChainName enum includet into this SDK:
import { Decommas, ChainName } from '@decommas/sdk';
const exampleAddressNamespaceParams = {
  address: '0xd8dA6BF26964aF9D7eEd9e03E53415D37aA96045',
  limit: 20,
  offset: 1,
  verified: true,
  chains: [ChainName.OPTIMISM, ChainName.MAINNET], // for getCoins, getTokens, getNfts
  chain: ChainName.OPTIMISM, // for getTransactions, getNftTransfers and getErc20Transfers

By defalult all requests return data for all supported networks.

DeCommas metadata namespace

The metadata namespace contains all metadata-related methods and helpful utils:

  • getNft({ chainName, contractAddress, tokenId }): Gets NFT metadata: image, collection name etc.
  • getToken({ chainName, contractAddress }): Gets ERC20 token metadata: symbol, current price, total supply etc.
  • getCoins(): Gets native coins metadata for all supported networks.
  • getTokens({ chains? }): Gets list of ERC20 tokens for specified networks.
  • getTokensBySymbol({ symbol, chains? }): Gets token addresses in specified networks by token symbol.
  • getTokenHolders({ chainName, contractAddress }): Gets specified token holders sorted by amount.
  • getNftHolders({ chainName, contractAddress }): Gets specified NFT holders sorted by amount.
  • getNftCollection({ chainName, contractAddress }): Gets NFT Collection metadata

DeCommas transaction namespace

The tx namespace contains all transaction-related methods:

  • getErc20TransfersByTx({ chainName, txHash }): Gets ERC20 transfers made in transaction.
  • getNftTransfersByTx({ chainName, txHash }): Gets NFT transfers made in transaction.
  • getDetail({ chainName, txHash }): Gets transaction info: from, to, blocknumber etc.


We'd really appreciate any ideas and thoughts on our products. We always work on making a better web3 experience for developers and users. So, please fill free to share your feedback in our Discord. If you ran into issue with our SDK open an issue in SDK GitHub repo.

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