seshat is a library that offers a collection of functions commonly used in Denode backend services.
To use functions in other services, download seshat as a package:
npm i @denodeio/seshat
To build the project locally and deploy, follow these steps:
Run the following command to build the project using Rollup.js, which compiles and generates a bundled version of the project:
pnpm build
This command outputs the compiled code to the "dist" folder, which is used for deployment.
Open the package.json file and update the version field. For example:
"version": "0.0.12"
Ensure that you increment the version number appropriately.
Use the following command to log in to the npm registry:
npm login
This command will redirect you to the npm registry. Follow the login process on the browser
After successful login, you can publish the new version to NPM with the following command:
npm publish