Generate forms for the vuetify UI library (vuejs) based on annotated JSON schemas.
See the Demo and Templatebuilder.
npm i --save @dev7ch/vuetify-jsonschema-form
<v-form v-model="formValid">
<v-jsonschema-form v-if="schema" :schema="schema" :model="dataObject" :options="options" @error="showError" @change="showChange" @input="showInput" />
import Vue from 'vue'
import Vuetify from 'vuetify'
import 'vuetify/dist/vuetify.min.css'
import Draggable from 'vuedraggable'
import axios from 'axios'
import VueAxios from 'vue-axios'
import Swatches from 'vue-swatches'
import 'vue-swatches/dist/vue-swatches.min.css'
import VJsonschemaForm from '@dev7ch/vuetify-jsonschema-form'
import '@dev7ch/vuetify-jsonschema-form/dist/main.css'
import { Sketch } from 'vue-color'
Vue.use(VueAxios, axios)
Vue.component('swatches', Swatches)
Vue.component('draggable', Draggable)
Vue.component('color-picker', Sketch)
export default {
components: {VJsonschemaForm},
data() {
return {
schema: {...},
dataObject: {},
formValid: false,
options: {
debug: false,
disableAll: false,
autoFoldObjects: true
methods: {
showError(err) {
change(e) {
console.log('"change" event', e)
input(e) {
console.log('"input" event', e)
The library can also be loaded from source if you use Vuetify "à la carte". In this case you will have to instruct your build tool to transpile the source with babel.
import VJsonschemaForm from '@dev7ch/vuetify-jsonschema-form/lib/index.vue'
I you don't use a build tool, and want to load the library through script tags, you can do something like this.
<script src=""></script>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
components: {
"v-jsonschema-form": VJsonschemaForm.default