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2.0.1 • Public • Published

Advanced Email Validator

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Verify email address checking MX records, and SMTP connection, check for disposable email addresses and free email providers.


✅ Check email address validity

✅ Check email address domain validity in domain TLD list

✅ Check email address MX records

✅ Check email address SMTP connection

✅ Check email address disposable or burnable status

✅ Check email address free email provider status

🚨 Check domain age and quality score - soon

🚨 Check domain registration status - soon

Use cases

  • Increase delivery rate of email campaigns by removing spam emails
  • Increase email open rate and your marketing IPs reputation
  • Protect your website from spam, bots and fake emails
  • Protect your product signup form from fake emails
  • Protect your website forms from fake emails
  • Protect your self from fraud orders and accounts using fake emails
  • Integrate email address verification into your website forms
  • Integrate email address verification into your backoffice administration and order processing

API / Cloud Hosted Service

We offer this email verification and validation and more advanced features in our Scalable Cloud API Service Offering - You could try it here Email Verification


email-validator-js licensed under Business Source License 1.1. The BSL allows use only for non-production purposes.

Use Case Is a commercial license required?
Exploring email-validator-js for your own research, hobbies, and testing purposes No
Using email-validator-js to build a proof-of-concept application No
Using email-validator-js to build revenue-generating applications Yes
Using email-validator-js to build software that is provided as a service (SaaS) Yes
Forking email-validator-js for any production purposes Yes

To purchase a license for uses not authorized by BSL, please contact us at sales@dev.me.

installation and usage instructions


Install the module through YARN:

yarn add @devmehq/email-validator-js


npm install @devmehq/email-validator-js


import { verifyEmail } from '@devmehq/email-validator-js';

const { validFormat, validSmtp, validMx } = await verifyEmail({ emailAddress: 'foo@email.com', verifyMx: true, verifySmtp: true, timeout: 3000 });
// validFormat: true
// validMx: true
// validSmtp: true

When a domain does not exist or has no MX records, the domain validation will fail, and the mailbox validation will return null because it could not be performed:

const { validFormat, validSmtp, validMx } = await verifyEmail({ emailAddress: 'foo@bad-domain.com', verifyMx: true, verifySmtp: true, timeout: 3000 });
// validFormat: true
// validMx: false
// validSmtp: null

A valid Yahoo domain will still return validSmtp true because their SMTP servers do not allow verifying if a mailbox exists.

Configuration options


Set a timeout in seconds for the smtp connection. Default: 10000.


Enable or disable domain checking. This is done in two steps:

  1. Verify that the domain does indeed exist;
  2. Verify that the domain has valid MX records. Default: false.


Enable or disable mailbox checking. Only a few SMTP servers allow this, and even then whether it works depends on your IP's reputation with those servers. This library performs a best effort validation:

  • It returns null for Yahoo addresses, for failed connections, for unknown SMTP errors.
  • It returns true for valid SMTP responses.
  • It returns false for SMTP errors specific to the address's formatting or mailbox existence. Default: false.

Disposable email providers database ( ✅ Always Updated )

Disposable email providers

Free email providers database ( ✅ Always Updated )

Free email providers


yarn test


Please feel free to open an issue or create a pull request and fix bugs or add features, All contributions are welcome. Thank you!

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