
0.0.14 • Public • Published


MCP (Model Context Protocol) server for Caffeine AI tools. This package provides a set of tools for interacting with Caffeine AI projects through the Model Context Protocol.


  • Deploy projects to public domains
  • Manage project files (push/pull)
  • Set project names
  • Create new projects
  • Get project information
  • And more...

Configuration [BETA]

1. Get invitation code to Caffeine AI

2. Generating your API Key here

3.1. MCP Server setup - Automatic (Cline)

Modify your API Provider in Cline's settings.

  • API Provider: OpenAI Compatible
  • Base URL: https://beta.caffeine.ai
  • API Key: {your_api_key}
  • Model ID: NA

3.2. MCP Server setup - Manual (Cline)

Add this to your cline_mcp_settings.json:

  "mcpServers": {
    "@dfinity/caffeine-mcp-server": {
      "command": "npx",
      "args": [
      "env": {
        "CAFFEINE_API_KEY": "{your_api_key}",
        "CAFFEINE_BASE_URL": "https://beta.caffeine.ai"
      "autoApprove": [

Available Tools


Create a new project with an initial prompt. The workspace folder must be empty.


  • workspaceFolder (string, required): The root folder of the local copy of the caffeine project. The folder must contain a caffeine.json file with a projectId.
  • initialPrompt (string, required): The initial prompt to create the project with


  projectId: string;  // UUID of created project


Deploy the project to a public domain (lasts 45 minutes)


  • workspaceFolder (string, required): The root folder of the local copy of the caffeine project. The folder must contain a caffeine.json file with a projectId.


  ok?: {
    url: string,           // Public URL where project is deployed
    output: {
      frontend_canister_id: string,  // Frontend canister identifier
      frontend_timestamp: string,    // Frontend deployment timestamp
      backend_canister_id: string,   // Backend canister identifier
      backend_timestamp: string      // Backend deployment timestamp
    github?: {              // Optional GitHub deployment info
      githubId: number,    // GitHub repository ID
      githubHtmlUrl: string // GitHub repository URL
    saveFailed?: boolean    // Whether saving deployment info failed
  error?: {
    message: string,
    code: DeployErrorCode,
    location: "frontend" | "backend" | "github" | "general"

Important Notes:

  • Only deploys files that are on the caffeine server
  • To deploy local changes, push files first using push_files


Download a project into a new folder.


  • projectId (string, required): The ID of the project to download
  • workspaceFolder (string, required): The target folder where the project will be downloaded
  • clone (boolean, required): If true, creates a copy of the project before downloading. Must be true if the project is not owned by the user.


Get full project details including files and the whole event log ("Initialize", "Prompt", "Deploy").


  • workspaceFolder (string, required): The root folder of the local copy of the caffeine project. The folder must contain a caffeine.json file with a projectId.


Get metadata for the current project. This includes the initalPrompt, a url to the caffeine web chat of the project and last modification information.


  • workspaceFolder (string, required): The root folder of the local copy of the caffeine project. The folder must contain a caffeine.json file with a projectId.

Important Notes:

  • Prefer this tool over get_project if the desired information is available here. This response is much smaller


Get a list of projects (own or featured)


  • type (enum, required): Type of projects to fetch ('own' or 'featured')


  count: string,            // Number of projects in current page
  countTotal: string,       // Total number of projects
  rows: Array<{
    id: string,           // Project ID
    name: string,         // Project name
    userId: string,       // Owner's user ID
    featured: boolean,    // Whether project is featured
    initialPrompt: string, // Initial prompt used to create project
    backendCanisterId: string, // Backend canister ID
    frontendCanisterId: string, // Frontend canister ID
    deploymentCount: number,    // Number of deployments
    githubUrl: string | null,   // Associated GitHub URL
    deploymentUrl: string | null, // Current deployment URL
    url: string | null,          // Project URL
    category: string,            // Project category
    systemPrompt: string,        // System prompt configuration
    createdAt: Date             // Creation timestamp

Important Notes:

  • 'own' type requires authentication
  • 'featured' type returns publicly available projects


Pull files from Caffeine server and write them to local workspace


  • workspaceFolder (string, required): The root folder of the local copy of the caffeine project. The folder must contain a caffeine.json file with a projectId.
  • overwrite_local_changes (boolean, optional): Whether to overwrite local changes


  pulledFiles: string[],    // Array of file paths that were pulled
  metadata: {              // Last modification details after pull
    projectEventId: string, // ID of last modification event
    createdAt: number     // Timestamp of last modification

Important Notes:

  • Never set overwrite_local_changes to true without explicit user confirmation
  • If user agrees to overwrite local changes, set to true once, then false for subsequent calls
  • Uses gitignore for file filtering


Push files from workspace to Caffeine backend


  • workspaceFolder (string, required): The root folder of the local copy of the caffeine project. The folder must contain a caffeine.json file with a projectId.


  success: boolean,         // Whether push was successful
  pushedFiles: string[],    // Array of file paths that were pushed

Important Notes:

  • Automatically filters files using gitignore
  • Only pushes modified files since last synchronization


Transfer project ownership to a new owner.


  • workspaceFolder (string, required): The root folder of the local copy of the caffeine project. The folder must contain a caffeine.json file with a projectId.
  • newOwnerPrincipalId (string, required): The Principal ID of the new owner for the project


  ok?: {
    message: string,           // Success message
    canisters: {
      backendCanisterId: string,  // Backend canister identifier
      frontendCanisterId: string  // Frontend canister identifier
  error?: string              // Error message if operation failed

Important Notes:

  • Anonymous users cannot transfer or receive ownership
  • The operation updates canister ownership on the IC network
  • Requires authentication and proper permissions


Set the name of the project in the Caffeine API


  • workspaceFolder (string, required): The root folder of the local copy of the caffeine project. The folder must contain a caffeine.json file with a projectId.
  • name (string, required): The new name for the project


  ok?: {
    projectName: string      // The new name that was set
  error?: string            // Error message if operation failed


  1. Clone the repository
  2. Install dependencies:
npm install
  1. Build the project:
npm run build
  1. Run the MCP inspector for development:
npm run inspector



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  • dayyildiz
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  • npm-dfinity-org
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