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1.0.0 • Public • Published

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Cross-Platform Crypto Methods

This library contains of a set of preconfigured cryptographic methods using native Web Crypto API. It is tested and designed to be used in both the browser and Node.JS environments.

This package has ZERO dependencies by solely leveraging the environment's native crypto libraries.


The package can be installed using npm, yarn or pnpm.

npm install @do-ob/crypto
yarn add @do-ob/crypto
pnpm add @do-ob/crypto

WebCrypto Usage

Import the cross-platform Web Crypto object.

For documentation on the Web Crypto API, see MDN Web Crypto API.

import { webcrypto } from '@do-ob/crypto';

(async () => {
  const wc = await webcrypto();

  // Use the native webcrypto API

Encoding Modules

The library includes a set of modules that can be used to encode and decode data for transit or other uses.


Encode strings to and from base64.

import { base64 } from '@do-ob/crypto';

// Encode strings to base64
const encoded = base64.encode('Hello, World!');
 * Or encode a Uint8Array
 * const encoded = base64.encode(new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]));

// Decode base64 to string
const decoded = base64.decode(encoded);

Encode a JSON object to and from base64. JSON encodings are unpadded.

import { base64 } from '@do-ob/crypto';

const obj = { hello: 'world' };

// Encode JSON object to base64
const encoded = base64.encodeJson(obj);

// Decode base64 to JSON object
const decoded = base64.decodeJson(encoded);
// decoded = { hello: 'world' }


Generate random base64 encoded string of a given length.

import { random } from '@do-ob/crypto';

// Generates an encoded string of 32 characters.
const challenge = random.chars(32);

Encryption Modules

The library includes a set of encryption modules that can be used to encrypt, decrypt, sign, or verify data.


Hash data using the default SHA-256.

You can optionally select the following algorithms: SHA-1 (for non-crypto applications), SHA-256, SHA-384, or SHA-512.

import { hash } from '@do-ob/crypto';

// Hash a string using SHA-256
const hashed = await hash('Hello, World!');

// Hash a string using SHA-512
const hashed = await hash('Hello, World!', 'SHA-512');

Symmetric Encryption

Encrypt and decrypt data using AES-GCM (256).

import { sym } from '@do-ob/crypto';

// Generate a new key.
const key = await sym.generate();

 * Encrypt data
 * If a key is not provided, a singlton key for this runtime instance will be used.
const encrypted = await sym.encrypt('Hello, World!', key);

 * Decrypt data
 * If a key is not provided, a singlton key for this runtime instance will be used.
const decrypted = await sym.decrypt(encrypted, key);
 * decrypted = 'Hello, World!'
 * If the data cannot be decrypted, the method will return undefined.

Asymmetric Encryption

Encrypt and decrypt data using RSA-OAEP (4096).

import { asym } from '@do-ob/crypto';

// Generate a new key pair for encryption and decryption.
const encryptorKeyPair = await asym.generate('encryptor');

 * Encrypt data
 * If a public key is not provided, a key from the singlton key pair for this runtime instance will be used.
const encrypted = await asym.encrypt('Hello, World!', encryptorKeyPair.publicKey);

 * Decrypt data
 * If a private key is not provided, a key from the singlton key pair for this runtime instance will be used.
const decrypted = await asym.decrypt(encrypted, encryptorKeyPair.privateKey);
 * decrypted = 'Hello, World!'
 * If the data cannot be decrypted, the method will return undefined.

Asymmetric Signatures

Sign and verify data using ECDSA + P-256 + SHA-256.

import { asym } from '@do-ob/crypto';

// Generate a new key pair for signing and verification.
const signerKeyPair = await asym.generate('signer');

 * Sign data
 * If a private key is not provided, a key from the singlton key pair for this runtime instance will be used.
const signature = await asym.sign('Hello, World!', signerKeyPair.privateKey);

 * Verify data
 * If a public key is not provided, a key from the singlton key pair for this runtime instance will be used.
const verified = await asym.verify('Hello, World!', signature, signerKeyPair.publicKey);
 * verified = true
 * If the data cannot be verified, the method will return false.

Key Management

This module can be used to export or wrap keys.

Using Smith to Export and Import Keys

import { smith } from '@do-ob/crypto';

// Generate a new symetric key.
const newSymKey = await sym.generate();
// Generate a new asymetric encryptor key.
const newAsymEncryptorKey = await asym.generate('encryptor');
// Generate a new asymetric signer key.
const newAsymSignerKey = await asym.generate('signer');

// Export the keys, returning a base64 encoded JWK (a string).
const jwkSym = await smith.export(newSymKey, 'symEncryptor');
const jwkAsymEncryptor = await smith.export(newAsymEncryptorKey, 'asymEncryptor');
const jwkAsymSigner = await smith.export(newAsymSignerKey, 'asymSigner');

// Import the keys back into a CryptoKey object.
const importedSymKey = await smith.import(jwkSym);
const importedAsymEncryptorKey = await smith.import(jwkAsymEncryptor);
const importedAsymSignerKey = await smith.import(jwkAsymSigner);

Import keys obtained from a CredentialsContainer while using the Web Authentication API.

import { smith } from '@do-ob/crypto';

// Get the public key from the Web Authentication API.
const credential = await navigator.credentials.create({ publicKey: { /** Public Key Credential Options... **/ } });

const publicKeyBuffer = credential.response.getPublicKey(); // SPKI ArrayBuffer
const publicKeyAlgorithm = credential.response.getPublicKeyAlgorithm(); // -7 or -257

// Imports the public key into a CryptoKey object whcih can now be used to verify signatures.
const publicKey = await smith.importWebauthn(publicKeyBuffer, publicKeyAlgorithm);

Using Smith to Wrap and Unwrap Keys

import { smith } from '@do-ob/crypto';

// Generate a new symetric key.
const newSymKey = await sym.generate();
// Generate a new asymetric encryptor key.
const newAsymEncryptorKey = await asym.generate('encryptor');
// Generate a new asymetric signer key.
const newAsymSignerKey = await asym.generate('signer');

// Wrap the keys with a password, returning a base64 encoded JWK (a string).
const wrappedSymKey = await smith.wrap(newSymKey, 'MyPassword', 'symEncryptor');
const wrappedAsymEncryptorKey = await smith.wrap(newAsymEncryptorKey, 'MyPassword', 'asymEncryptor');
const wrappedAsymSignerKey = await smith.wrap(newAsymSignerKey, 'MyPassword', 'asymSigner');

// Unwrap the keys with the password.
const unwrappedSymKey = await smith.unwrap(wrappedSym, 'MyPassword');
const unwrappedAsymEncryptorKey = await smith.unwrap(wrappedAsymEncryptorKey, 'MyPassword');
const unwrappedAsymSignerKey = await smith.unwrap(wrappedAsymSignerKey, 'MyPassword');

JWT Tokens

This module can be used to create and verify asymetric JWT tokens.

import { token } from '@do-ob/crypto';

// Generate a new asymetric key pair for signing and verification.
const signerKeyPair = await asym.generate('signer');

// Create a numeric date to set the expiration for 30 minutes from now.
const exp = Date.now() + 1800000;

// Create a new JWT token.
const jwt = await token.sign({ hello: 'world', exp }, signerKeyPair.privateKey);

// Verify a JWT token.
const verified = await token.verify(jwt, signerKeyPair.publicKey);
 * verified = { hello: 'world' }
 * If the token cannot be verified, the method will return an error code.
switch (verified) {
  case token.TokenError.InvalidFormat:
    // Token is poorly formatted.
  case token.TokenError.InvalidHeader:
    // Token header is invalid.
  case token.TokenError.InvalidPayload:
    // Token payload is invalid.
  case token.TokenError.InvalidSignature:
    // Token signature is invalid.
  case token.TokenError.Expired:
    // Token has expired.
  case token.TokenError.CantParse:
    // Token's JSON cannot be parsed.

// Can also decode a JWT token without verifying it.
const decoded = token.decode(jwt);
 * decoded = { hello: 'world' }
 * If the token cannot be decoded, the method will also return token.TokenError error code.


This module can be used to create and verify session encryptions.

For the web, these sessions should only be stored in a secure HttpOnly cookie.

import { session } from '@do-ob/crypto';

// Generate a new symetric key.
const newSymKey = await sym.generate();

// Create a numeric date to set the expiration for 1 day from now.
const exp = Date.now() + 86400000;

// Encrypt a new session.
const session = await session.encrypt({ hello: 'world', exp }, newSymKey);

// Decrypt a session.
const decrypted = await session.decrypt(session, newSymKey);

 * decrypted = { hello: 'world' }
 * If the session cannot be decrypted, the method will return a SessionError.
switch (decrypted) {
  case session.SessionError.DecryptionFailed:
    // Session is could not be decrypted.
  case session.SessionError.Expired:
    // Session has expired.
  case session.SessionError.CantParse:
    // Session's JSON cannot be parsed.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


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