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2.73.0 • Public • Published

React animation library based on @douyinfe/semi-animation.

The transition animation effects of all components in @douyinfe/semi-ui are implemented based on this animation library, such as: Modal, Tooltip, Collapse and other component content display and exit effects.


npm install @douyinfe/semi-animation-react


Transition Component

It is used to realize the animation effect of the component [show and exit]. Examples are as follows:

import { Transition } from "@douyinfe/semi-animation-react";
import { useState } from "react";

export default function App() {
  const [visible, setVisible] = useState(false);
  return (
    <div className="App">
        state={visible ? "enter" : "leave"}
        from={{ opacity: 0, scale: 0}}
        enter={{ opacity: 1, scale: 1 }}
        leave={{ opacity: 0, scale: 0 }}
        {({ scale, opacity }: any) => (
          <h2 style={{transform: `scale(${scale})`, opacity}}>
            Toggle to see some animation happen!

      <button onClick={() => {
        setVisible((state) => !state)


Name Type Required Default Description
from Object Y Initial state
enter Object Y Show the end state of the animation, but also the initial state of the exit animation
leave Object Y Exit the termination state of the animation
state Enum 'enter', 'leave' N '' Current state
willEnter Function N ()=> {} The callback function before the enter animation starts
didEnter Function N ()=> {} The callback function before the animation ends
willLeave Function N ()=> {} The callback function before the exit animation starts
didLeave Function N ()=> {} The callback function before the exit animation ends
onStart Function N ()=> {} The callback function before animation starts,including enter and exit
onRest Function N ()=> {} The callback function before animation ends,including enter and exit
config ConfigType N {} Additional animation parameters


Name Type Default Description
duration Number 1000 Animation duration.If this parameter is passed in, the easing function of the animation will use easing or linear function,unit: ms
easing Function|String Easing function for animation. If duration is not passed, the spring easing function is used by default. If the duration parameter is passed in, the linear easing function will be used by default.For example, incoming "cubic-bezier(.17,.67,.83,.67)" will cause the animation frame update performed according to this easing function
tension Number 170 Tension, used for spring easing function
friction Number 14 Friction, used for spring easing function



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