
4.3.3 • Public • Published


A Material design snackbar WebComponent implemented through LitElement


  1. Add Snackbar to your App Shell.
import '@dreamworld/dw-snackbar';

In app-shell render template add element

  1. To show snackbar, call show or hide method in @dreamworld/dw-snackbar module.

Mobile Mode

By default it auto-activates the mobile mode when the screen/window width is less than 768px.

When Mobile mode is activated, Toast is alawys shown in the full-width of the screen (leaving some margins on the left & right).



Used to set default values for config used for the show.


Used to show a snackbar. config is a plain-JS Object as follows:

   id: '', // (Optional) A Unique identifier for this Toast. Mainly used if you want to prematurely hide it.
   message: '', //Required
   type: 'INFO',  // (Optional) Possible values INFO | WARN | ERROR. Default: INFO
   timeout: 10000,  // (Optional) Time is in milliseconds after which message should be automatically dismissed. Set to `0` to prevent automatic dismiss. Default: 10000
   hideDismissBtn: true,  // (Optional) Set `true` to hide (not show) dismiss button. Default: false
   dismissIcon: '', // (Optional) Name of the Dismiss icon to be used. Default value: 'clear'
   dismissText: '', // (Optional) Dismiss button Text/Caption. It's exclusive to `dismissIcon`. So, `dismissIcon` isn't used when this is specified.
   onDismiss: callback, //(Optional), A Callback function when snackbar is dimissed, call in both cases: Either automatically closed or manually. It's first agument will be `id`.
   actionButton: { //(Optional), When actionButton spec is specified
     caption: '',  // Button Text/Caption
     callback: callBack, // callback function to be invoked when user clicks on the action button. Callback method will receive `id` in the argument. ActionButton is disabled while it’s callback execution is in progress.
     link: link // Link to be opened when user clicks on the button. Link will be opened based on `linkTarget`. Actually action button will be rendered as Link button.
     linkTarget: '' // (Optional) It used to set Target of link. Possible values '_blank', '_self', '_parent', '_top'.
   loading: true, // (Optional) Set `true` to show loading indicator. Default: false. When loading is true, dismiss (icon, text) and actions buttons are hidden.

It can show multiple snackbars, if show() method is invoked again before the current snackbar isn't dismissed.


Hides Snackbar. No op, if no snackbar is found with that id. This can happen when Snackbar is auto-dismissed and this method is called later.


Name Description
positionHorizontal Set position Horizontally. Default value: left (for desktop), center (for mobile). posible values: left, center, and right
positionVertical Set position Vertically. Default value: bottom. posible values: top, and bottom

CSS Properties

Name Description
--dw-snackbar-text-color Color of the snackbar text
--dw-snackbar-text-color-error Color of the snackbar text when type is error
--dw-snackbar-background-color Background color of the snackbar
--dw-snackbar-background-color-warn Background color of the warn type snackbar
--dw-snackbar-background-color-error Background color of the error type snackbar
--dw-snackbar-vertical-margin Used to set vertical(top and bottom) margin. Default is 24px for desktop and 20px for mobile.
--dw-snackbar-horizontal-margin Used to set horizontal(left and right) margin. Default is 24px for desktop and 20px for mobile
--dw-snackbar-min-width Min Width for a Toast. Default value is 344px
--dw-snackbar-max-width Max Width for a Toast. Default value is 768px

Road map

Add feature to show stacked action buttons (Action button is on the 2nd row)

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npm i @dreamworld/dw-snackbar

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Unpacked Size

23.7 kB

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  • chiragmoradiya
  • chetang7
  • ajay-dhameliya
  • dw-devops