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1.2.5 • Public • Published


Leaflet styling and bindings for @dso-toolkit/core.

Target audience

Leaflet implementators that would like to use the DSO Leaflet components and styling.

In case of framework usage a developer needs to create bindings or they can use @dso-toolkit/react-leaflet if they are already using react-leaflet.


This package needs @dso-toolkit/core for the presentation and interaction.

Getting started

npm install @dso-toolkit/core @dso-toolkit/leaflet


Make sure to bundle dso-leaflet.css from this package and NOT the default leaflet.css. This is to make sure every Leaflet instance looks the same.

Define custom elements, create MapControls and add to map.

  • Presentation is handled by a custom element (Web Component) <dso-map-controls> so we need to define the custom elements.
  • Make sure to disable the default ZoomControl.
  • Pass any layers that needs to be controlled as arguments.
import { defineCustomElements } from '@dso-toolkit/core'
import { markerIcon, MapControls, LayerObject } from '@dso-toolkit/leaflet'


const cities = L.layerGroup()

L.marker([39.61, -105.02], { icon: markerIcon() }).bindPopup('This is Littleton, CO.').addTo(cities)
L.marker([39.74, -104.99], { icon: markerIcon() }).bindPopup('This is Denver, CO.').addTo(cities)
L.marker([39.73, -104.8], { icon: markerIcon() }).bindPopup('This is Aurora, CO.').addTo(cities)
L.marker([39.77, -105.23], { icon: markerIcon() }).bindPopup('This is Golden, CO.').addTo(cities)

const mbAttr = 'Map data &copy; <a href="https://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors, Imagery © <a href="https://www.mapbox.com/">Mapbox</a>'
const mbUrl = 'https://api.mapbox.com/styles/v1/{id}/tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}?access_token=pk.eyJ1IjoibWFwYm94IiwiYSI6ImNpejY4NXVycTA2emYycXBndHRqcmZ3N3gifQ.rJcFIG214AriISLbB6B5aw'

const grayscale = L.tileLayer(mbUrl, { id: 'mapbox/light-v9', tileSize: 512, zoomOffset: -1, attribution: mbAttr })
const streets = L.tileLayer(mbUrl, { id: 'mapbox/streets-v11', tileSize: 512, zoomOffset: -1, attribution: mbAttr })

const map = L.map('map', {
  center: [39.73, -104.99],
  zoomControl: false,
  zoom: 11,
  maxZoom: 18,
  minZoom: 5,
  layers: [streets]

const baseLayers: LayerObject[] = [
  { name: 'Z Grayscale', layer: grayscale },
  { name: 'Streets', layer: streets }

const overlays: LayerObject[] = [
  { name: 'Cities', layer: cities }

const mapControls = new MapControls(baseLayers, overlays)


Releasing to NPM

Build local dependencies:

yarn workspace @dso-toolkit/sources build
yarn workspace @dso-toolkit/css build
yarn workspace @dso-toolkit/core build

Build @dso-toolkit/leaflet and set version:

yarn workspace @dso-toolkit/leaflet build
yarn workspace @dso-toolkit/leaflet version 1.0.0 --immediate

Update package.json:peerDependencies:@dso-toolkit/core version accordingly.

Run Yarn:

yarn install

Stage changes (package.json, yarn.lock, CHANGELOG) and commit with meaningful release commit message (ie. "@dso-toolkit/leaflet - Release v1.0.0"). Then publish to NPM:

yarn workspace @dso-toolkit/leaflet npm publish --access public

And push the release commit and commit tag


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  • Version
    Downloads (Last 7 Days)
    • Tag
  • 1.2.5
    • latest

Version History

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  • vollemelk