
2.0.2 • Public • Published

Duuzra Icons

This project contains all the custom icons in a font format.

Available Icons

  • Side note, gitlab are currently fixing the missing image issue shown below:

The prefix can be changed as stated below, but the following is an example with the default:

<ion-icon name="dz-lock"></ion-icon>
Title Name Content Code Icon
Add Content dz-add-content e914
Add Folder dz-add-folder e900
Add dz-add e922
Addpeople dz-addpeople e947
Address Field dz-address-field e90b
Adhoc dz-adhoc e916
Agenda dz-agenda e923
All dz-all e95c
Analytics dz-analytics e907
Ask A-question dz-ask-a-question e937
Attachment dz-attachment e917
Audience dz-audience e950
Builder dz-builder e908
Burger Menu dz-burger-menu e93f
Canedit dz-canedit e948
Canshare dz-canshare e949
Canview dz-canview e94a
Control Panel dz-control-panel e909
Date Field dz-date-field e90c
Delegates dz-delegates e924
Desktop dz-desktop e940
Directory dz-directory e925
Document Gallery dz-document-gallery e93a
Document dz-document e926
Download dz-download e95e
Draganddrop dz-draganddrop e95d
Duplicate dz-duplicate e901
Edit dz-edit e961
Email Field dz-email-field e90d
Excelfile dz-excelfile e95f
Forms dz-forms e927
Grid dz-grid e941
Homescreen dz-homescreen e902
Hotspots dz-hotspots e928
Image Gallery dz-image-gallery e93b
Images dz-images e929
Info dz-info e903
Ipadlandscape dz-ipadlandscape e943
Ipadportrait dz-ipadportrait e944
Iphonelandscape dz-iphonelandscape e945
Iphoneportrait dz-iphoneportrait e946
Label Field dz-label-field e90e
Languages dz-languages e951
Launch dz-launch e952
Linked dz-linked e962
List dz-list e942
Lock dz-lock e918
Login dz-login e91e
Logout dz-logout e915
Mastericon dz-mastericon e94b
Multipleradio Field dz-multipleradio-field e90f
Navigation dz-navigation e92a
New Duuzra dz-new-duuzra e958
Next dz-next e919
Notes dz-notes e938
Notifications dz-notifications e91a
Number Field dz-number-field e910
Page Builder dz-page-builder e92b
Pdffile dz-pdffile e959
Polls dz-polls e92c
Presentation Gallery dz-presentation-gallery e93c
Presentation dz-presentation e92d
Previous dz-previous e91b
Profile dz-profile e90a
Publish dz-publish e91c
Push dz-push e91d
Ranking dz-ranking e963
Refresh dz-refresh e933
Results dz-results e939
Save dz-save e934
Section Break dz-section-break e964
Search dz-search e935
Security Lock dz-security-lock e953
Security Pin dz-security-pin e954
Security Url dz-security-url e955
Selected Option-tick dz-selected-option-tick e956
Settings dz-settings e936
Singleradio Field dz-singleradio-field e911
Slider dz-slider e965
Style Icons dz-style-icons e932
Style List dz-style-list e931
Tab Header-permissions dz-tab-header-permissions e94c
Tab Header-properties dz-tab-header-properties e94d
Table Row-close dz-table-row-close e94e
Template dz-template e904
Text Field dz-text-field e912
Textfile dz-textfile e95a
Time dz-time e966
Theme dz-theme e930
Thrash Delete dz-thrash-delete e905
Toggle Field dz-toggle-field e913
Toolbox dz-toolbox e91f
Unlock Right dz-unlock-right e960
Unlock dz-unlock e957
Upload dz-upload e94f
Upload Image dz-upload e967f
Uploading dz-uploading e93e
Users dz-users e920
Video Gallery dz-video-gallery e93d
Video dz-video e92e
Visible dz-visible e921
Webview dz-webview e92f
Worddoc dz-worddoc e95b
Zoom dz-zoom e906


Environment Setup

To make life easier during development you can use the npm link functionality. This will create a symbolic link between the target and dependent projects and will save you from having to push and pull every change. It will create a dependency to a local package without modifying package.json, you will also be able to modify the files of the package directly through the dependent application.

Given a folder structure similar to this:


navigate to the duuzra_app directory and run:

npm link ../duuzra_icons

This will then create the link between the types and app projects, you can verify this by going into the node_modules folder in the app and looking for @duuzra/icons. Any changes made to the icons project will be immediately reflected in the app project. Obviously this is not suitable for release, the normal method of linking is required here.

To remove the link, run the following:

npm rm @duuzra/icons

If the link still appears, then remove globally too:

npm rm -g @duuzra/icons

Important: If you have configured the npm link, deleting the node modules folder of the dependent application will also delete the files from the linked package. Be sure to unlink the package before deleting. A good process would be to only use the npm link when actively changing the icons project. As soon as the changes have been pushed to the repo, run the unlink command.


Project Setup

Add the following to the package.json, it should be placed just above @duuzra/types in the devDependencies:

    "@duuzra/icons": "^1.0.*",

NPM install afterwards to make sure you get the latest icons. Running npm update will check for the latest version of both @duuzra/icons and @duuzra/types.

Create a config folder at the root of the project. Copy the following files into the new config folder:


This will allow us to modify the Ionic 2 build script to add in our new fonts. Edit copy.config.js and add the following to the bottom of the module.exports:

  copyDuuzraFonts: {
    src: ['{{ROOT}}/node_modules/@duuzra/icons/src/fonts/**/*'],
    dest: '{{WWW}}/assets/fonts'

Edit sass.config.js and add the following to the bottom of the includePatohs:


Then add the following to package.json, this should be added below "scripts":

  "scripts": {
  "config": {
    "ionic_copy": "./config/copy.config.js",
    "ionic_sass": "./config/sass.config.js"

SCSS Setup

Your project should now be copying the duuzra font and giving WebPack access to the @duuzra/icons scss. To add the icons to your Ionic 2 project you will need to add the following to the theme/variables.scss file:

$duuzra-font-path: "../assets/fonts";
$duuzra-prefix: "dz";
@import "duuzra.icons";

This should be added before the ionic.ionicons import.


We use IcoMoon for the font generation. Import a new project, select src/Duuzra.json and load that project. Once the project has been uploaded, click on load.

Import SVG's to Set.

NB: the SVG filename will be the icon name, do not use spaces!

Once happy with the selected icons, generate font. Download the Zip file, extract the contents to a temporary folder. Replace the font files from the src/fonts directory with those from the temporary directory. Open the style.scss file and use the hash after the font file names, replacing the hash in the src/duuzra.icons.scss

Go back into the Projects on IcoMoon and download the project: Duuzra.json, replace the file in src/Duuzra.json.

Follow the regex instructions below.

Regex Replace

Sort IcoMoon scss variables: Sorter

Copy the contents of variables.scss from the temporary folder, excluding the header, sort the list using the above url. Copy the sorted list and paste it into a temporary scss file in VSCode and also replace the contents of src/variables.scss making sure you keep the header information.

In VSCode, do a find and replace on the temporary file:

# Find

# Replace
    &.ion-ios-#{$duuzra-prefix}-$2:before,\n    &.ion-md-#{$duuzra-prefix}-$2:before,\n    &[name*="#{$duuzra-prefix}-$2"]:before {\n        content: $1$2;\n    }\n\n

Copy the contents into src/icons.scss, replacing the contents inside ion-icon { }.

Undo the changes to the temporary file, now do another find and replace for the README.md file.

Replace the list of variables from IcoMoon into Available Icons Below:

# Find
# Replace

Now copy the replaced information, open Chrome, bring up the console, enter a grave accent character into the console and then paste the contents of the temporary file, enter another grave accent character and then paste the below:

.replace(/^\|([\w-]+)/gm, function(str) { return '|' + str.replace('|', '').replace('-', ' ').replace(/\w\S*/g, function(txt) { return txt.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + txt.substr(1).toLowerCase(); }); });

Copy the outputted text, excluing the " marks. Replace the code in the README.md

Dependencies (0)

    Dev Dependencies (0)

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      • duuzra