TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

0.10.3 • Public • Published


  • NodeJS 16
  • ES2020

General Usage


import type { DataSource, LogStatus } from "./squared";

import type { IHost, IModule, ModuleConstructor } from "./index";
import type { CacheOptions, HostInitConfig, JoinQueueOptions, PermissionReadWrite, ResumeThreadOptions, StoreResultOptions, ThreadCountStat } from "./core";
import type { QueryResult, TimeoutAction } from "./db";
import type { AddEventListenerOptions } from "./dom";
import type { LogState, StatusType } from "./logger";
import type { Settings } from "./node";
import type { ClientDbSettings, ClientModule, ClientSettings, DbCacheValue, DbCoerceSettings, DbCoerceValue, DbSourceOptions } from "./settings";

interface IHost extends IModule {
    restartable: boolean;
    readonly modules: Set<IModule>;
    readonly subProcesses: Set<IModule>;
    readonly startTime: number;
    using(...items: unknown[] | [boolean, ...unknown[]]): this;
    contains(item: unknown, condition?: (...args: any[]) => boolean): boolean;
    find(name: string): IModule | undefined;
    findAll(name: string): IModule[];
    willLog(name: string): boolean;
    ignoreLog(values: boolean | string | string[]): void;
    collectLog(level?: boolean): LogStatus<StatusType>[];
    pauseLog(type?: string): void;
    resumeLog(type?: string): void;
    hasLog(type: string): boolean;
    delayMessage(...args: unknown[]): void;
    willAbort(value: string | IModule): boolean;
    loadModule(name: string, ...args: any[]): IModule | null;
    retain(process: IModule): void;
    release(process: IModule, log?: boolean): boolean;
    restart(...args: unknown[]): void;
    joinQueue(options?: JoinQueueOptions): boolean;
    updateProgress(name: string, ...args: unknown[]): void;
    resumeThread?(options: ResumeThreadOptions): void;
    set host(value);
    get host(): null;
    get config(): Readonly<HostInitConfig>;
    get username(): string;
    set done(value);
    get done(): boolean;
    get queued(): boolean;
    get logState(): LogState;
    get errorCount(): number;

interface HostConstructor extends ModuleConstructor {
    loadSettings(settings: Settings, password?: string): boolean;
    loadSettings(settings: Settings, permission?: PermissionReadWrite, password?: string): boolean;
    isPermission(value: unknown): value is IPermission;
    createPermission(all?: boolean, freeze?: boolean): IPermission;
    kill(username: string, iv: BinaryLike, all: true): number;
    kill(username: string, iv: BinaryLike, pid: number | number[]): number;
    getThreadCount(full: true): ThreadCountStat;
    getThreadCount(username: string, iv?: BinaryLike): ThreadCountStat;
    getThreadCount(username?: string | boolean, iv?: BinaryLike): number;
    getPermissionFromSettings(): IPermission;
    readonly prototype: IHost;
    new(config?: HostInitConfig): IHost;

interface IClient extends IModule<IHost> {
    module: ClientModule;
    init(...args: unknown[]): this;
    getUserSettings(): unknown;
    get settings(): ClientSettings;
    set cacheDir(value: string);
    get cacheDir(): string;
    set extensions(values: unknown[]);
    get extensions(): ((...args: unknown[]) => unknown)[];

interface ClientConstructor extends ModuleConstructor {
    readonly prototype: IClient;
    new(module?: ClientModule): IClient;

interface IClientDb extends IClient<IHost, ClientModule<ClientDbSettings>> {
    database: DataSource[];
    cacheExpires: number;
    add(item: DataSource, state?: number): void;
    hasCache(source: string, sessionKey?: string): boolean;
    hasCoerce(source: string, component: keyof DbCoerceSettings, uuidKey: Undef<string>): boolean;
    hasCoerce(source: string, component: keyof DbCoerceSettings, credential?: unknown): boolean;
    getQueryResult(source: string, credential: unknown, queryString: string, renewCache: boolean): QueryResult | undefined;
    getQueryResult(source: string, credential: unknown, queryString: string, sessionKey?: string, renewCache?: boolean): QueryResult | undefined;
    getQueryResult(source: string, credential: unknown, queryString: string, options?: CacheOptions, renewCache?: boolean): QueryResult | undefined;
    setQueryResult(source: string, credential: unknown, queryString: string, result: unknown, sessionKey?: string): QueryResult;
    setQueryResult(source: string, credential: unknown, queryString: string, result: unknown, options?: CacheOptions): QueryResult;
    getCacheResult(source: string, credential: unknown, queryString: string, cacheValue: CacheOptions, ignoreCache?: unknown): QueryResult | undefined;
    applyState(items: DataSource | DataSource[], value: number, as?: boolean): void;
    commit(items?: DataSource[]): Promise<boolean>;
    valueOfKey(credential: unknown, name: keyof DbSourceOptions, component?: keyof DbCoerceSettings): unknown;
    settingsOf(source: string, name: keyof DbSourceOptions, component?: keyof DbCoerceSettings): unknown;
    settingsKey(uuidKey: string, name: keyof DbSourceOptions, component?: keyof DbCoerceSettings): unknown;
    get pending(): DataSource[];
    get committed(): DataSource[];
    get failed(): DataSource[];

interface ClientDbConstructor extends ClientConstructor<IHost, ClientModule> {
    readonly TRANSACTION_ACTIVE: number;
    readonly TRANSACTION_PARTIAL: number;
    readonly TRANSACTION_COMMIT: number;
    readonly TRANSACTION_TERMINATE: number;
    readonly TRANSACTION_ABORT: number;
    readonly TRANSACTION_FAIL: number;
    loadSettings(settings: Pick<Settings, "process" | "memory">, password?: string): boolean;
    getTimeout(value: number | string | TimeoutAction | undefined): number;
    convertTime(value: number | string): number;
    findResult(source: string, credential: unknown, queryString: string, timeout: number, sessionKey?: string | boolean, renewCache?: boolean): QueryResult | undefined;
    storeResult(source: string, credential: unknown, queryString: string, result: QueryResult, options: StoreResultOptions): QueryResult;
    storeResult(source: string, credential: unknown, queryString: string, result: QueryResult, sessionKey: string, sessionExpires: number): QueryResult;
    storeResult(source: string, credential: unknown, queryString: string, result: QueryResult, cache: DbCacheValue): QueryResult;
    storeResult(source: string, credential: unknown, queryString: string, result: QueryResult, cache: DbCacheValue | undefined, options: StoreResultOptions): QueryResult;
    purgeResult(prefix?: string): Promise<number>;
    extractUUID(credential: unknown): string;
    setPoolConfig(value: unknown): void;
    getPoolConfig(source: string): unknown;
    keyOfResult(source: string, credential: unknown, uuidOnly?: boolean): string;
    readonly prototype: IClientDb;
    new(module?: ClientModule, database?: DataSource[]): IClientDb;

interface IAbortComponent extends AbortController {
    reset(): void;
    get aborted(): boolean;

interface AbortComponentConstructor {
    attach(instance: IAbortComponent, signal: AbortSignal, options?: AddEventListenerOptions): void;
    detach(instance: IAbortComponent, signal: AbortSignal): void;
    readonly prototype: IAbortComponent;
    new(): IAbortComponent;

interface IPermission {
    setDiskRead(pathname?: string | string[], enabled?: boolean): void;
    setDiskWrite(pathname?: string | string[], enabled?: boolean): void;
    setUNCRead(pathname?: string | string[], enabled?: boolean): void;
    setUNCWrite(pathname?: string | string[], enabled?: boolean): void;
    getDiskRead(): string | string[];
    getDiskWrite(): string | string[];
    getUNCRead(): string | string[];
    getUNCWrite(): string | string[];
    hasDiskRead(pathname: string): boolean;
    hasDiskWrite(pathname: string): boolean;
    hasUNCRead(pathname: string): boolean;
    hasUNCWrite(pathname: string): boolean;
    get diskRead(): boolean;
    get diskWrite(): boolean;
    get uncRead(): boolean;
    get uncWrite(): boolean;


import type { ExecOptions } from "./settings";

import type { MinimatchOptions } from "minimatch";
import type { PicomatchOptions } from "picomatch";

interface ProcessModule {
    thread?: {
        admin: {
            users?: string[];
            private?: boolean;
        queue?: {
            limit?: number;
            expires?: number | string;
            priority: {
                bypass?: number;
                min?: number;
                max?: number;
        limit?: number;
        expires?: number | string;

interface PermissionModule {
    disk_read?: string | string[];
    disk_write?: string | string[];
    unc_read?: string | string[];
    unc_write?: string | string[];
    settings?: {
        broadcast_id?: string | string[];
        picomatch?: PicomatchOptions | null;
        minimatch?: MinimatchOptions | null;

Example usage

const { Host } = require("@e-mc/core");

Host.loadSettings({ // Global
    process: {
        thread: { limit: 8 }
    permission: {
        disk_read: ["**/*"],
        disk_write: ["/tmp/**"]

NOTE: @e-mc/core is mostly a collection of abstract base classes which cannot be instantiated. Host is more commonly called through @e-mc/file-manager.



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