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0.4.13 • Public • Published

Effect SQL

A SQL toolkit for Effect.

Basic example

import { Config, Effect, Struct, pipe } from "effect"
import * as Sql from "@effect/sql"
import * as Pg from "@effect/sql-pg"

const SqlLive = Pg.client.layer({
  database: Config.succeed("effect_pg_dev")

const program = Effect.gen(function* (_) {
  const sql = yield* _(Sql.client.Client)

  const people = yield* _(
      readonly id: number
      readonly name: string
    }>`SELECT id, name FROM people`

  yield* _(Effect.log(`Got ${people.length} results!`))

pipe(program, Effect.provide(SqlLive), Effect.runPromise)

Migrating from sqlfx

If you are coming from the sqlfx package, here are some differences that should be noted:

All the modules are now re-exported from the top level for easy access

For example, to create the client Layer, instead of:

import { Config } from "effect"
import * as Pg from "@sqlfx/pg"

const SqlLive = Pg.makeLayer({
  database: Config.succeed("effect_pg_dev")

You now do:

import { Config } from "effect"
import * as Pg from "@effect/sql-pg"

const SqlLive = Pg.client.layer({
  database: Config.succeed("effect_pg_dev")

The default table name for migrations has changed

To continue using your sqlfx migrations table, you can setup your migrator Layer as below:

import { Config } from "effect"
import * as Pg from "@effect/sql-pg"

const MigratorLive = Layer.provide(
    loader: Pg.migrator.fromFileSystem(
      fileURLToPath(new URL("migrations", import.meta.url))
    table: "sqlfx_migrations"

Or you can rename the sqlfx_migrations table to effect_sql_migrations.

The resolver & schema apis have moved

  • sql.resolver -> Sql.resolver.ordered
  • sql.resolverVoid -> Sql.resolver.void
  • sql.resolverId -> Sql.resolver.findById
  • sql.resolverIdMany -> Sql.resolver.grouped
  • sql.resolverSingle* has been removed in favour of using the effect/Cache module with the schema apis
  • sql.schema -> Sql.schema.findAll
  • sql.schemaSingle -> Sql.schema.single
  • sql.schemaSingleOption -> Sql.schema.findOne
  • sql.schemaVoid -> Sql.schema.void

The array helper has moved

In sqlfx you could pass an array to the sql(array) function to pass an list of items to a SQL IN clause. Now you have to use sql.in(array).

INSERT resolver

import { Effect, pipe } from "effect"
import * as Schema from "@effect/schema/Schema"
import * as Sql from "@effect/sql"

class Person extends Schema.Class<Person>("Person")({
  id: Schema.Number,
  name: Schema.Strin/*  */g,
  createdAt: Schema.DateFromSelf,
  updatedAt: Schema.DateFromSelf
}) {}

const InsertPersonSchema = Schema.Struct(
  Struct.omit(Person.fields, "id", "createdAt", "updatedAt")

export const makePersonService = Effect.gen(function* (_) {
  const sql = yield* _(Sql.client.Client)

  const InsertPerson = yield* _(
    Sql.resolver.ordered("InsertPerson", {
      Request: InsertPersonSchema,
      Result: Person,
      execute: (requests) =>
        INSERT INTO people
        RETURNING people.*
  const insert = InsertPerson.execute

  return { insert }

SELECT resolver

import { Effect, pipe } from "effect"
import * as Schema from "@effect/schema/Schema"
import * as Sql from "@effect/sql"

class Person extends Schema.Class<Person>("Person")({
  id: Schema.Number,
  name: Schema.String,
  createdAt: Schema.DateFromSelf,
  updatedAt: Schema.DateFromSelf
}) {}

export const makePersonService = Effect.gen(function* (_) {
  const sql = yield* _(Sql.client.Client)

  const GetById = yield* _(
    Sql.resolver.findById("GetPersonById", {
      Id: Schema.Number,
      Result: Person,
      ResultId: (_) => _.id,
      execute: (ids) => sql`SELECT * FROM people WHERE ${sql.in("id", ids)}`

  const getById = (id: number) =>

  return { getById }

Building queries

Safe interpolation

import { Effect } from "effect"
import * as Sql from "@effect/sql"

export const make = (limit: number) =>
  Effect.gen(function* (_) {
    const sql = yield* _(Sql.client.Client)

    const statement = sql`SELECT * FROM people LIMIT ${limit}`
    // e.g. SELECT * FROM people LIMIT ?


import { Effect } from "effect"
import * as Sql from "@effect/sql"

const table = "people"

export const make = (limit: number) =>
  Effect.gen(function* (_) {
    const sql = yield* _(Sql.client.Client)

    const statement = sql`SELECT * FROM ${sql(table)} LIMIT ${limit}`
    // e.g. SELECT * FROM "people" LIMIT ?

Unsafe interpolation

import * as Effect from "effect/Effect"
import * as Sql from "@effect/sql"

type OrderBy = "id" | "created_at" | "updated_at"
type SortOrder = "ASC" | "DESC"

export const make = (orderBy: OrderBy, sortOrder: SortOrder) =>
  Effect.gen(function* (_) {
    const sql = yield* _(Sql.client.Client)

    const statement = sql`SELECT * FROM people ORDER BY ${sql(orderBy)} ${sql.unsafe(sortOrder)}`
    // e.g. SELECT * FROM people ORDER BY `id` ASC

Where clause combinators


import { Effect } from "effect"
import * as Sql from "@effect/sql"

export const make = (names: string[], cursor: string) =>
  Effect.gen(function* (_) {
    const sql = yield* _(Sql.client.Client)

    const statement = sql`SELECT * FROM people WHERE ${sql.and([
      sql.in("name", names),
      sql`created_at < ${cursor}`
    // SELECT * FROM people WHERE ("name" IN (?,?,?) AND created_at < ?)


import { Effect } from "effect"
import * as Sql from "@effect/sql"

export const make = (names: string[], cursor: Date) =>
  Effect.gen(function* (_) {
    const sql = yield* _(Sql.client.Client)

    const statement = sql`SELECT * FROM people WHERE ${sql.or([
      sql.in("name", names),
      sql`created_at < ${cursor}`
    // SELECT * FROM people WHERE ("name" IN (?,?,?) OR created_at < ?)


import { Effect } from "effect"
import * as Sql from "@effect/sql"

export const make = (names: string[], afterCursor: Date, beforeCursor: Date) =>
  Effect.gen(function* (_) {
    const sql = yield* _(Sql.client.Client)

    const statement = sql`SELECT * FROM people WHERE ${sql.or([
      sql.in("name", names),
      sql.and([`created_at > ${afterCursor}`, `created_at < ${beforeCursor}`])
    // SELECT * FROM people WHERE ("name" IN (?,?,?) OR (created_at > ? AND created_at < ?))


A Migrator module is provided, for running migrations.

Migrations are forward-only, and are written in Typescript as Effect's.

Here is an example migration:

// src/migrations/0001_add_users.ts

import { Effect } from "effect"
import * as Sql from "@effect/sql"

export default Effect.flatMap(
  (sql) => sql`
    CREATE TABLE users (
      id serial PRIMARY KEY,
      name varchar(255) NOT NULL,

To run your migrations:

// src/main.ts

import { Config, Effect, Layer, pipe } from "effect"
import { NodeContext, NodeRuntime } from "@effect/platform-node"
import * as Sql from "@effect/sql"
import * as Pg from "@effect/sql-pg"
import { fileURLToPath } from "node:url"

const program = Effect.gen(function* (_) {
  // ...

const SqlLive = Pg.client.layer({
  database: Config.succeed("example_database")

const MigratorLive = Pg.migrator
    loader: Sql.migrator.fromFileSystem(
      fileURLToPath(new URL("migrations", import.meta.url))
    // Where to put the `_schema.sql` file
    schemaDirectory: "src/migrations"

const EnvLive = Layer.mergeAll(SqlLive, MigratorLive).pipe(

pipe(program, Effect.provide(EnvLive), NodeRuntime.runMain)


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