
3.46.4 • Public • Published

ds-codemods API Documentation (up to version 3.31.X)

Migrating from <1.37.X to >1.37.X

This scripts will recursively check the files matching the globPattern and using an opinionated substitution map will "search and replace" some legacy imports

This was created for adressing dimsum 1.37.X legacy way of improting components and is only addressing the specific substitution map for moving from < 1.37.X to > 1.37.X


npx @elliemae/ds-codemods fix-legacy-imports


  • globPattern

A comma separated list of globPatterns catching the file in which to fix the imports

default: './**/*.js,./**/*.jsx,./**/*.ts,./**/*.tsx'

  • globPatternIgnore

A comma separated list of ignored files that are matched by the globPattern and should not be "fixed"

default: '**/node_modules/**/*'


  • CLI
  npx @elliemae/ds-codemods fix-legacy-imports --globPattern='./**/*.js,./**/*.jsx,./**/*.ts,./**/*.tsx' --globPatternIgnore='**/node_modules/**/*'
  • Guided CLI
  npx @elliemae/ds-codemods fix-legacy-imports

Reverting >1.37.X Migration

This scripts will recursively check the files matching the globPattern and using an opinionated substitution map will undo the changes from the fix-legacy-imports.

This was created "for good measure" and "just in case", but in a git based project it would be much better to just undo pending changes if possible.


npx @elliemae/ds-codemods fix-legacy-imports:revert


  • Same as migrating from <1.37.X to >1.37.X.


  • CLI
  npx @elliemae/ds-codemods fix-legacy-imports:revert --globPattern='./**/*.js,./**/*.jsx,./**/*.ts,./**/*.tsx' --globPatternIgnore='**/node_modules/**/*'
  • Guided CLI
  npx @elliemae/ds-codemods fix-legacy-imports:revert

Deprecated Components Check (Dismissed)

Based on the execution of npm ls command, analyse the output vs "deprecated dimsum packages",

Executing this script will result in a markdown compliant log in the terminal of the currently found deprecated components

This script is somewhate not mantained and is instead substituted by the much more powerful deprecated-components-usage-report script, information from this scripts WILL be partial


npx @elliemae/ds-codemods check-deprecated-packages


  • cwd

The project root directory (where node_modules folder lives)

default: './'


  • CLI
  npx @elliemae/ds-codemods check-deprecated-packages --cwd='./'
  • Guided CLI
  npx @elliemae/ds-codemods check-deprecated-packages

Ensuring package.json Compliance

A script meant to be used to ensure the dependencies listed in a given package.json file matches the dimsum's versioning assumption to be considered "healthy"

The assumption are

  • all the @elliemae/ds-* packages MUST point to the same version
  • the "pointed" version should be within 6 minor version from highest release

uses third-party pacote to detect latest publish version.


npx @elliemae/ds-codemods check-packages-inconsistencies


  • globPattern

A comma separated list of globPatterns catching the file in which to fix the imports

default: './package.json'

  • globPatternIgnore

A comma separated list of ignored files that are matched by the globPattern and should not be "fixed"

default: '**/node_modules/**/*'


  • CLI
  npx @elliemae/ds-codemods check-packages-inconsistencies --globPattern='./package.json' --globPatternIgnore='**/node_modules/**/*'
  • Guided CLI
  npx @elliemae/ds-codemods check-packages-inconsistencies

Missing Dependencies Detection

A script that using the third-party package pacote checks if the project package.json is not correctly depending on the "expected" packages.

This is a simple overloaded way to invoke pacote, so it's affected 1-1 with any limitation/problem the pacote package may have.


npx @elliemae/ds-codemods check-missing-packages


  • projectFolderPath

path to the project folder containing the package.json file

default: './'

  • ignorePackagesGlobPattern

A comma separated list of "false positive" packages to be passed to pacote, if any.

default: ''

  • ignoreFilesGlobPattern

A comma separated list of globPatterns for ignored files, if any.

default: '**/*.eslintrc.js'


  • CLI
  npx @elliemae/ds-codemods check-missing-packages --projectFolderPath='./' --ignorePackagesGlobPattern='' --ignoreFilesGlobPattern='**/*.eslintrc.js'
  • Guided CLI
  npx @elliemae/ds-codemods check-missing-packages

Migrating from <3.X.X to >3.X.X

similar to fix-legacy-imports this script was created to facilitate projects transition from dimsum < 3.x.x to > 3.x.x.

This mainly search for imports from @elliema/ds-basic/{something} and switch the ESM module import syntax to the one that dimsum 3.x.x requires ( which is usually pointing to the specific dedicated package, instead of the aggregated ds-basic package which in dimsum 3.x.x dropped all the components exports )


npx @elliemae/ds-codemods help-migrate-to-v3


  • globPattern

A comma separated list of globPatterns catching the file in which to fix the imports

default: './**/*.js,./**/*.jsx,./**/*.ts,./**/*.tsx'

  • globPatternIgnore

A comma separated list of ignored files that are matched by the globPattern and should not be "fixed"

default: '**/node_modules/**/*'


  • CLI
  npx @elliemae/ds-codemods help-migrate-to-v3 --globPattern='./**/*.js,./**/*.jsx,./**/*.ts,./**/*.tsx' --globPatternIgnore='**/node_modules/**/*'
  • Guided CLI
  npx @elliemae/ds-codemods help-migrate-to-v3

Generating Reports on Deprecated Component Usage

The latest script attempting to tackle "housekeeping" with the dimsum deprecated packages,

Will create a file in the outputPath that will contain a report in a csv format, The file that will be checked for will depend on sensible defaults and the opinionated sensible default is making use of gitIgnore if present, scan all js/ts jsx/tsx files.

This is manually mantained some minor miss-aligment MAY happen, but dimsum teams tries it's best to keep this up to date.


npx @elliemae/ds-codemods deprecated-components-usage-report


  • outputPath

path to the .csv file to write the report to

default: './dimsum-deprecated-components-usage-report.csv'

  • startingDirPath

Please provide the project root directory (where node_modules folder lives)

default: './'

  • gitIgnorePath

Please provide the path to the .gitignore file (if a non-matching path is provided, node_modules, dist and build will be ignored)

default: './.gitignore'

  • debug (CLI Only)

A flag to display some debugging information in case an execution bug arises

default: false

  • append (CLI Only)

A flag to specify that if the outputPath csv already exists, the script should try to append the csv rows to that file instead of overwriting the content

default: false

  • org (CLI Only)

A string that when provided will add a dedicated column to the csv report. Mainly used to be able to analyze multiple code-base and being able to recognize them in the report

default: undefined

  • repo (CLI Only)

A string that when provided will add a dedicated column to the csv report. Mainly used to be able to analyze multiple code-base and being able to recognize them in the report

default: undefined


  • CLI:
  npx @elliemae/ds-codemods deprecated-components-usage-report --outputPath='./dimsum-deprecated-components-usage-report.csv' --startingDirPath='./' --gitIgnorePath='./.gitignore' --debug --append --org='ICE' --repo='Dimsum'
  • Guided CLI:
npx @elliemae/ds-codemods deprecated-components-usage-report
npx @elliemae/ds-codemods deprecated-components-usage-report --append --org='ICE' --repo='Dimsum'

Generating .CSV Reports on Component Usage

A script that will create a csv report as per defined in the output path and will fill it with a detailed report of every istance of ESM import statement that involves a @elliemae/ds-* package

This report also reports wheter "default" imports, "named import with alias" or "global import" pattern has been used. Dimsum strongly suggest and kind-of would like t


npx @elliemae/ds-codemods components-usage-report


  • outputPath

path to the .csv file to write the report to

default: './dimsum-components-usage-report.csv'

  • startingDirPath

Please provide the project root directory (where node_modules folder lives)

default: './'

  • gitIgnorePath

Please provide the path to the .gitignore file (if a non-matching path is provided, node_modules, dist and build will be ignored)

default: './.gitignore'

  • debug (CLI Only)

A flag to display some debugging information in case an execution bug arises

default: false

  • append (CLI Only)

A flag to specify that if the outputPath csv already exists, the script should try to append the csv rows to that file instead of overwriting the content

default: false

  • org (CLI Only)

A string that when provided will add a dedicated column to the csv report. Mainly used to be able to analyze multiple code-base and being able to recognize them in the report

default: undefined

  • repo (CLI Only)

A string that when provided will add a dedicated column to the csv report. Mainly used to be able to analyze multiple code-base and being able to recognize them in the report

default: undefined


  • CLI:
  npx @elliemae/ds-codemods components-usage-report --outputPath='./dimsum-components-usage-report.csv' --startingDirPath='./' --gitIgnorePath='./.gitignore' --debug --append --org='ICE' --repo='Dimsum'
  • Guided CLI:
npx @elliemae/ds-codemods components-usage-report
npx @elliemae/ds-codemods components-usage-report --append --org='ICE' --repo='Dimsum'




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