Follows GIT Guidelines & Conventional Commit Guidelines
- Release Notes creation
- Tagging release with Calendar Versioning Scheme or Semantic Versioning scheme
- Release Creation in SCM (GitHub) along with release notes creation
- Writes list of contributors worked on a release as json
- NodeJS >= 16.x
- local checked out branch name should match the github upstream branch name
npm i -g @elliemae/scmutil
Following are required environment variables for comands that nees to connect to github,
- GH_USERNAME - github username that has write permissions to the Github repo
- GITHUB_TOKEN - OAuth token of a user account that has write permissions to the Github repos
- BRANCH_NAME - Github repo branch that needs to be released
following are optional and
- MODULE_NAME - override the module name displyed in the slack markdown. default: git repo name
- GIT_REMOTE - name of the git remote. if not provided, 'origin' will be used
- GITHUB_URL - base url of the GitHub server. if not provided, base url will be gathered from git remote url
- GITHUB_REPO_OWNER - name of the GitHub repo owner. if not provided, owner information in the git remote url will be used
- GITHUB_REPO - name of the GitHub repo. if not provided, repo information in the git remote url will be used
- LOG_LEVEL - override default log level of this tool. choices: "debug", "info", "warn", "error" default: "info"
- LOCAL_REPO_PATH - absolute path to the local repo folder
scmutil [command]
scmutil get <command> Get details from SCM
scmutil merge <src> <target> Auto merges source branch with target branch and
creates Pull Request in Github
scmutil release Prepares Release Notes, Tags releaes, Creates
Github Release and Uploads assets to the release
--help Show help [boolean]
scmutil get outdated
scmutil get contributors
scmutil get releases
scmutil get slack-release-notes
scmutil release --version 20.0.1 --format calver --assets
scmutil merge develop release/21.1.0
scmutil release
Prepares Release Notes, Tags releaes, Creates Github Release and Uploads assets
to the release tag
--help Show help [boolean]
--version, -v release version. format: YY.QUARTER.PATCH e.g: 20.1.0
[string] [required]
--format, -f choose a versioning format
[choices: "calver", "semver"] [default: "calver"]
--assets Assets to be attached to the Github release. e.g: [array] [default: ""]
--prerelease, --pre identify the release as a prerelease
[boolean] [default: "false"]
--logLevel log level
[choices: "debug", "info", "warn", "error"] [default: "info"]
scmutil release --version 20.0.1 --format calver --assets
scmutil get contributors
Collect list of authors and committers worked on the latest release and writes to
a JSON file
--help Show help [boolean]
--logLevel log level
[choices: "debug", "info", "warn", "error"] [default: "info"]
scmutil get releases
get releases of a scm repository
--help Show help [boolean]
--last get last release name [boolean]
--logLevel log level
[choices: "debug", "info", "warn", "error"] [default: "info"]
scmutil get slack-release-notes
get release note of last GitHub release and format for slack
--help Show help [boolean]
--name release name [string] [default: ""]
--logLevel log level
[choices: "debug", "info", "warn", "error"] [default: "info"]
scmutil merge <src> <target>
Auto merges source branch with target branch and creates Pull Request in Github
src source branch name [string] [required]
target target branch name [string] [required]
--help Show help [boolean]
--dryrun skips creating Pull Request in Github [boolean] [default: true]
--logLevel log level
[choices: "debug", "info", "warn", "error"] [default: "info"]
- clone the repo
npm run setup
npm run test
Can I ignore files from merge?
Yes. create a .gitpathspec file in your repo root and list file(s) that you want to ignore during merge. Separate each line using LF. You can use glob patterns to select multiple files.
sample .gitpathsepc file given below. This file ignores merge for all markdown files in the repo, package.json in the root of the repo and ci_cd/jenkinsfile.
**/*.md ci_cd/jenkinsfile package.json
Can I specify merge strategy when there are merge conflicts?
Yes. Add the file(s) to .gitattributes (in root of your repo) and specify one of the below strategies. Glob patterns are allowed
- merge=ours choose current branch changes during conflict
- merge=theirs choose incoming branch changes during conflict
sample .gitattributes file contnet below
**/ merge=ours **/package.json merge=theirs merge=ours ci_cd/jenkinsfile merge=ours