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1.0.2 • Public • Published

Small and fast CSS matcher

The goal for this project is to quickly find edges of selector or property in CSS/LESS/SCSS source code:

import match from '@emmetio/css-matcher';

const content = '.foo { padding: 10px } .bar { margin: 20px }';

// Finds matched CSS selector at character position 2
const data = match(content, 2);

console.log(data.type); // Type of match: 'selector'
console.log(tag.start); // Location of match start: 0
console.log(tag.end); // Location of match end: 22

Matcher searches content for a context match closest to given location and, if found, returns object with the following properties:

  • type: type of matched section, either selector or property;
  • start: character location where match starts;
  • end: character location where match end, for selector it will be right after }, for property it will be right after ; or property value;
  • bodyStart: location there body of the match starts. For selector it will be right after {, for property it will be a beginning of the property value.
  • bodyEnd: location there body of the match ends. For selector it will be right before }, for property it will be an end of the property value.


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