
5.3.5 • Public • Published

o-fonts MIT licensed

Use o-fonts to include Origami provided fonts, or register supported custom fonts.


Check out how to include Origami components in your project to get started with o-fonts.

Origami components use a limited set of recommended font faces which vary per brand. We recommend Sass users include only these recommended fonts and carefully consider performance implications before including another font. However a wider selection of fonts are included by default so they are available to Build Service users. Sass users may choose to include only recommended fonts, or any of the available fonts.

Weight FinancierDisplayWeb MetricWeb
  • : normal style available
  • i: italic style available (if not, faux-italic will be displayed)
Weight MetricWeb
  • : normal style available
  • i: italic style available (if not, faux-italic will be displayed)

(None). Origami components make no font assumptions for whitelabel brands and default to a system font.

Fonts Included By Default

A selection wider than recommended fonts are included by default so they are available to Build Service users. Font faces included by default, if using the Origami Build Service or including default fonts with SASS, depend on your products chosen brand:

Brand Fonts included by default (all weights and styles available)
core FinancierDisplayWeb, MetricWeb
internal MetricWeb
whitelabel (none)

All Available Fonts

Any of the below fonts may be included with o-fonts using SASS, this is useful for brands such as specialist titles who may use additional fonts. Build Service users are limited to fonts included by default.

Weight FinancierDisplayWeb FinancierTextWeb MetricWeb
light ✓ i ✓ i
regular ✓ i ✓ i ✓ i
medium ✓ i
semibold ✓ i
bold ✓ i
  • : normal style available
  • i: italic style available (if not, faux-italic will be displayed)


Include Default Fonts

To include all fonts for your brand, call oFonts.

@import '@financial-times/o-fonts/main';
@include oFonts();

To improve site performance, Origami components use a more limited set of font faces. To included only the recommended set of font faces, set recommended: true in the options $opts map.

@import '@financial-times/o-fonts/main';
@include oFonts($opts: ('recommended': true));

You may also include specific fonts granularly using an options $opts map. The map has a key for each font metric, financier-display, or financier-text, which accepts a list of weight and styles to include.

For example to include recommended fonts used by Origami components and an extra font, MetricWeb in a medium weight, and regular FinancierDisplayWeb:

@include oFonts($opts: (
	'recommended': true,
	'metric': (
		('weight': 'medium', 'style': 'normal')
	'financier-display': (
		('weight': 'regular', 'style': 'normal')

Note: If your project has multiple Sass entry points call oFontsVariantsIncluded with the same options as oFonts, to tell o-fonts which font faces have been output.

Font Loading

By default font-display is set to swap. In supporting browsers a system font is shown until fonts are loaded. To update your font loading method set $o-fonts-display at the top of your Sass, before including any other component.

// Customise font loading.
$o-fonts-display: 'optional';
@import '@financial-times/o-fonts/main';

@include oFonts();

Use a custom font family

To register a custom font and supported variants, use the mixin oFontsDefineCustomFont.

In this example we register a custom font "MyFont" with sans fallback MyFont, sans. We configure this font to allow two variants (a normal style of either bold or regular weight). In the mixin content we include the @font-face declaration to load these fonts from our own source.

@include oFontsDefineCustomFont('MyFont, sans', (
	(weight: regular, style: normal),
	(weight: bold, style: normal)
)) {
	@font-face {
		src: url('MyFont-Thin.woff2') format('woff2'), url('MyFont-Thin.woff') format('woff');
		font-family: MyFont;
		font-weight: 100;
		font-style: normal;
	@font-face {
		src: url('MyFont-Bold.woff2') format('woff2'), url('MyFont-Bold.woff') format('woff');
		font-family: MyFont;
		font-weight: 700;
		font-style: normal;

Get a font family for a font name

To get a font-family with web safe fallbacks for a font, use the oFontsGetFontFamilyWithFallbacks function.

$family: oFontsGetFontFamilyWithFallbacks(FinancierDisplayWeb); // FinancierDisplayWeb, sans-serif

Get a font name from a font family

To get a font without fallbacks, use oFontsGetFontFamilyWithoutFallbacks:

$font: oFontsGetFontFamilyWithoutFallbacks('FinancierDisplayWeb, sans-serif'); // FinancierDisplayWeb

Check a font of weight or style exists

To check if a font supports a weight/style use oFontsVariantExists.

$allowed: oFontsVariantExists('MetricWeb', 'bold', 'normal'); // true
$allowed: oFontsVariantExists('MetricWeb', 'black', 'italic'); // false

Check a font of weight or style has been included

To check if a font weight/style has been output in your project use oFontsVariantIncluded.

// including fonts in project
@include oFonts($opts: (
	'metric': (
		('weight': 'medium', 'style': 'normal')

$included: oFontsVariantIncluded('MetricWeb', 'medium', 'normal'); // true
$included: oFontsVariantIncluded('MetricWeb', 'bold', 'normal'); // false

Note: If your project has multiple Sass entry points call oFontsVariantsIncluded with the same options as oFonts, to tell o-fonts which font faces have been output.


Add a new font or font variant

Note: font files are contained in a separate, private repository (o-fonts-assets).

  1. Open src/scss/_variables.scss and update the $o-fonts-build-service-path variable to the release of o-fonts-assets which includes your new font.

  2. Add the font family name (if it's an entirely new family) and the variant styles to the private $_o-fonts-families map.

  3. If adding an entirely new font, add a new option to the oFonts mixin. To include the new font by default or with recommended fonts (see $_o-fonts-default and $_o-fonts-recommended).

  4. Finally, update the demos (see origami.json).

Migration Guide

State Major Version Last Minor Release Migration guide
✨ active 5 N/A migrate to v5
⚠ maintained 4 4.5 migrate to v4
╳ deprecated 3 3.3 migrate to v3
╳ deprecated 2 2.3 -
╳ deprecated 1 1.5 -


If you have any questions or comments about this component, or need help using it, please either raise an issue, visit #origami-support or email Origami Support.


This software is published by the Financial Times under the MIT licence.


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