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1.0.0 • Public • Published

Utilities for working with API resources

Flow of Fetching inforamtion

  • Repository: Generates queries only, produces: Collection, Model, Primitive (count, etc)
  • Service: Computes, combines, and manipulates data from or into the Repository
    • Response<Serializable>
    • Response<Collection<Serializable>>
    • Response
  • Controller

ResourceCollection implements Scoped, Paginated

Scoped -> applyVerifiedScopes() Filterable -> applyFilter() Paginated -> paginate() -> paginationSummary() Response -> -> data() -> meta() -> error() Serializable -> toAPI(): ApiResponse<T|T[]> Request -> Authentication -> Authorization -> Payload -> Arguments CreateRequest extends Request -> Validation -> toModel() CreateResponse -> 201 Created -> Entity

Engine -> Driver

Example: -> upload a file -> POST to Controller -> // do stuff with binary file -> driver(drive).store() => // path -> service.createFile(req: CreateRequest): CreateResponse -> repository.insertFile({ file }) <- Response.toAPI()


  • show me files uploaded by me
  • show me files uploaded to the primary space
  • show me files with an extracted workbook
  • show me files that have been uploaded to this workbook

Access in a collection must be a queryable constraint - ID piles are an ANTIPATTERN

  • the service must know the different ways it may be considered in an access matrix

  • the following types of constraints must be supported by all


    • JWT MUST have verified access to an owning [Scopable] entity (access level never narrows)
      • workbook: owned by environment, owned by space, authored by user
    • JWT MAY be granted explicit access to a resource in a way that supercedes all scopes
      • file: you have been granted write access to this file

    • you must have a verified permission grant on a hierarchal scope
      • you must always verify your identity and your permissions on at least one hierarchal scope in order to access the data
      • permissions may not narrow, this ensures that any permission granted on a parent is true of all its children

    • in order to explicitly assign any item as a scope to an entity you must have a verified read grant of that entity
    • when assigning a scope to any entity, all of that entities parents are implicitly assigned
      • this requires a tree-traversal query on scopes
scope file_id
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drill us0_wb_892hsl


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    • sarocu
    • dboskovic
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    • bangarang
    • carlbrugger
    • flatfileinfra
    • flatderek
    • bigcountrycrane
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    • meritmalling
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    • hjordan1990
    • nlazaris