
1.1.1 • Public • Published

🎩 Gents

This is a project borne out of some of the limitations I found in the TypeScript types system.

Namely, there are times when I have a map of key-value pairs that I want to use elsewhere in the code with the benefit of type-safety. However, you can't just convert keys of a map into a type. However, trying to maintain a separate list of types to use in the map is cumbersome and annoying. It doesn't scale.

Gents basically helps out here. Files with the .gents file extension will, when this tool is run, be executed using Node. You use console.log to generate the output, which is then saved as the same filename but as the .ts extension instead.

Library Usage

import { assert } from '@fleker/gents'

interface Item {
  label: string

export const ITEM_MAP = {
  potion: assert<Item>({
    label: 'Potion'

export type ItemId = keyof typeof ITEM_MAP



export const ITEM_MAP: Record<string, Item> = {
  potion: {
    label: 'Potion',
    description: 'Heals 50 HP',
    recovery: 50,
  elixir: {
    label: 'Elixir',
    description: 'Heals 100 HP',
    recovery: 100,
  wishdust: {
    label: 'Wish Dust',
    description: 'Heals all HP',
    recovery: Infinity


export function useItem(player: Character, selection: ItemId) {
  const item = ITEM_MAP[selection] // I want to ensure this value is going to be a known item


export function giveRewardAfterBattle() {
  const possibleRewards: ItemId[] = [
    // 'wishdust', // No this is too powerful for a normal reward

Here in this example I want to ensure that every reward and item being used is going to be a known type. If it hasn't been registered, I should be alerted. This will also help me catch potential typos.

Over time, the number of items may grow too high to justify maintaining a manual ItemId type. Rather, I'd like to go the other way, where the map then creates the type automatically.


const {ITEM_MAP} = require('./all-items') // Need JS transpilation of 'all-item.ts'

const validItems = Object.keys(ITEM_MAP)

console.log(`export type ItemId =`)
console.log(' ', validItems.map(item => `'${item}'`).join(' |\n  '))

To execute:

$ ./node_modules/.bin/tsc *.ts # Compile files to first!
$ node gents.js /path/to/folder

The output becomes:

$ gents ./example
Generate example/type-item.gents as example/type-item.ts


export type ItemId =
  'potion' |
  'elixir' |

As you control the contents of the .gents file, you have a lot of flexibility over what the generated file looks like.

The benefit is that, after running this process, you can then simply just:

import {ItemId} from './type-item'


yarn build

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    • fleker